Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Today we go forward to a society of certainly vigorous, pleasant, beautiful people which, however, constantly urges on from within: "Become better!". Therefore in a role of the destroyer the car, and imperfection of the person which is not able to co-ordinate the car will act not. The person is guilty, in effect, always. The cleverest, without finding the suitable environment, move and impoverish that environment which leave even more. The viable young man first of all should know that all love it, all search, it is necessary to all, but only for use and consumption of its potential. The adult searches for it as the servant for the power instead of to help it to build the future which distinct from the present is surrounding it.

Peace arrangement. Life plans.

Our solar system consists of material, physical objects and non-material, thin, invisible to an eye of the person, spheres (plans). Number 7 (seven) is that proportional number according to which all is created in this world, this number of GOD. If to conduct the report from a dense body of our planet the Earth it is the first, physical plan which includes dense, liquid and gaseous visible substances in itself and, for the present not recognised as the orthodox science, four radio layers round the dense Earth. The aether is that universal substance – a matter which fills all space and which is a conductor necessary for a life энергий and forces. The plan (sphere) is an area filled with a matter different in density in which basis the atoms which are homogeneous units, recovered by spirit of our Planetary Logosa lie a certain sort. That is the sphere is an area of a spiritual matter of different density. All substances of the physical plan are filled by a life. And in earth minerals there is a work by the way of evolution of the life. Process of fatigue of metal and its responses to irritation, speaks about a life in its atom making. The main appointment of a radio cover of each physical body – to be a conductor of vital streams энергий and forces of going from higher, thin spheres of our Sun to firm particles of each physical body. Following the physical there is less dense astral (emotional) plan, illusions and delusions. In this sphere, a life much more деятельнее, than in physical, as the forms filling this plan more plastic. The primary physical atom consisting of atoms of a radio matter, is in turn concluded in uncountable atoms of a thin, astral matter. It is possible to present it more visually, as passage everywhere an astral matter through radio which in turn gets through the dense physical. It проникание one matter through another is possible owing to different frequency of vibration of each atom of a different matter. Than more thin matter – that vibrating structure of its atom above.

Spiritual growth

In process of spiritual growth at the person the way of life varies also. At it the consciousness of heart extends. Growth of mental consciousness, generally speaking, is not connected with spiritual growth, however the big scissors between mental and warm consciousness for the person are painful. When the person knows, but does not love, its knowledge is not spiritual. Therefore the limited person is not simply limited, he tests strong irritation when mind sees that at someone other other, very different, alien and not clear to it system of values: its heart does not understand and does not accept that sees its mind, and objects. Then the person tries or to ignore absolutely the fact unpleasant for it, or it to pervert: excludes not clear to it of other of sphere of the contacts or considers that that simply plays the hypocrite, and actually same, as well as all (that is I!) . In process of the further spiritual growth the phenomenon described above is realised. Then the person starts to have, on the contrary, instinctive respect for people which have comprehended heart about what at it only superficial mental idea is had. During this moment the apprenticeship way opens. The consciousness of heart includes those objects which the person loves, but does not perceive as a personal property, seeing in them God, but at the same time feeling for them the maximum responsibility, that is feeling with them karmic communication.


The first what it is necessary to practise, is a fixing of thoughts on any subject or idea, without supposing a thought deviation aside. It is extremely difficult problem, but it needs though to some extent to be executed, before there is possible a further progress. The thinking is an ability which we use for creation of images, pictures, мыслеформ, corresponding to our internal ideas. It is our main ability, and we should learn completely it to supervise that that at us turns out, was not the wild illusion imposed by external conditions, and the correct imagination generated by Spirit in us. Sceptics will tell that all this imagination, but as it has been told earlier if inventors were not capable to imagine mentally phone and other, we and would not have today all it. The imagination of inventors, as a rule, does not happen in the beginning completely correct and exact, differently inventors would make success from the very beginning, without set of failures and experiments which almost always precede creation practical and able to be used the tool or the car. In the same way the imagination of the beginning clairvoyant first is inexact. A unique way to make its exact is a continuous practice, day after day, with use of will for thought deduction on one subject or idea, with a complete elimination of all of the rest. Thought – huge force which we have got used to spend in vain. To it allow to flow aimlessly as water flows, until then while the person, having constructed a dam, will not force it to rotate a wheel. The solar beams disseminated over all surface of the Earth, give only moderate heat but even if some beams to concentrate by means of a lens, they are capable to light fire in a focus point.

Consciousness development.

At the elementary organisms, and also plants ability to "answer" environment influence was generated, this form of reflexion is called as irritability. Irritability is characterised by certain selectivity — the elementary organism, a plant, animal adapts to environment. It is possible to name this stage of mentality touch. Through many millions years organisms have got ability of sensation, with which help the already more highly organised live being on the basis of the generated sense organs (hearing, sight, touch, etc.) Has got ability to reflect separate properties of objects — colour, form, temperature, etc. It has become possible because animals had a nervous system which has given the chance to make active relations with environment. It персептивная a development stage. The highest form of reflexion in fauna is the perception which allows to present object entirely. The mentality as result of interaction of a brain with an external world and mental activity have given the chance to animals not only to adapt to environment, but also in a certain measure to show internal activity in relation to it and even to change environment. The higher mammals already have an elementary thinking. So, for example, mental activity more difficult, than at other animals is inherent in monkeys. This stage of mentality name an intelligence stage. Having united all listed stages of mentality the person "has added" feelings, will, and on the basis of mechanical memory of animals at it logic, semantic memory develops, thus, all forms of mental reflexion at it have united in a single whole. This uniform, difficult, higher form of reflexion in evolution of the nature also is the consciousness.

Consciousness phenomenon.

 In what the secret of a phenomenon of consciousness consists? The consciousness of the modern person is a product of history of all mankind, a result of development of an infinite train of generations of people. Before to understand its essence, it is necessary to find out, how it has arisen. The consciousness developed together with evolution of mentality of animals. Throughout millions years there were conditions for occurrence of the reasonable person, without it occurrence of human consciousness would become hardly possible. In the beginning live organisms had an initial basis of mentality — reflexion. Reflexion reproduces signs, properties and relations of reflected object. The live organism has irritability and the sensitivity, specific properties of reflexion. Reflexion is the information interaction, one keeps about itself memory in other. The information for a live organism is everything with what this organism interacts. All in the world is in the mediated interaction of all direct or leaving in infinity with all — all bears the information on all. It assumes a universal information field of a universe which is the general form of communication by the form of universal interaction and by that unities of the world: after all all in the world "remembers" about all! It follows from a reflexion principle as general property of a matter.


From an extreme antiquity philosophers and thinkers tensely searched for a consciousness solution. Throughout many centuries disputes round essence of consciousness and possibilities of its knowledge are led. For world around knowledge its comprehension is necessary, with this position hardly who begins to argue now. Without consciousness — having written these words, I have presented at once myself in a similar condition when I faint from closeness, and, having regained consciousness after that, not at once I can understand in occurred and surrounding. Without consciousness there can be no attention, memories, thinking, the life proceeds, but it is a life purely physical. It is a life about which it is possible to tell that it is not present without delay, than it is. All mental processes, conditions and properties of the person are involved in consciousness, the consciousness is a unity of all forms of knowledge and experiences of the person and its relation to realised. Attention consideration in когнитивной disregarding the consciousness influencing mental processes is simply impossible for psychology.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

For beginners

NLP nejro-linguistic programming is the field of knowledge studying structure of subjective experience of people, engaged in working out of language of its description, disclosing of mechanisms and ways of modelling of experience for the purpose of perfection and transfer of the revealed models to other people. "Metaknowledge", that is a science of how our knowledge and experience are arranged was the very first name NLP. In the name «NLP» the part "Nejro" specifies that for the description of experience of the person it is necessary to know and understand «brain languages» - those нейрологические processes which are responsible for storage, processing and an information transfer. "Linguistic" underlines great value of language in the description of features of mechanisms of thinking and behaviour, and also in the organisation of processes of communications. "Programming" defines системность cogitative and behavioural processes: "program" in a translation from Greek means «accurate sequence of the steps directed on achievement of any result». NLP it is possible to consider and as a scientific field of knowledge, and as art as it can be presented as at level of practical tools and technologies, and at spirituality level. NLPis based on the complete approach to consideration of experience of the person proceeding from the concept of unity of reason, a body and spirit.

Society: What is it?

Society: What is it? I often use this word (society) from sense clearly that this such, nevertheless, I wish to explain what sense contains this concept. It is possible to assume that when we speak about the power of Society we mean the certain environment consisting of hundreds millions of people which influences all and on each person separately. As it is possible to understand corrective action it appears on the concrete individual in general purposes. All is final so, but what means this concept for each concrete person who is direct on it renders corrective action? Probably, you are surprised as the society for each of people is limited to circle plus a minus of 20 persons, and close contactors no more than ten. As you understand your society is limited by people with which you constantly contact. It are contactors of the first type: Parents, children, the wife (those people with which you support closely related daily contacts); - contactors of the second type: relatives, close friends (people well know you, contacts off and on as it is necessary); - contactors of the third type: your fellow workers familiar (contact somehow often, but mutual relations are subject to certain regulations). I will not describe in detail direct influence of each of types of contactors, can think of how you depend on each of them. And they rendered what effect and render on yours карму. However I can notice that without them you карма does not exist - concentrate are a key moment of our narration; only ponder: КАРМА DISAPPEARS, IF there are no SOCIAL CONTACTORS.