Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Louise Hay:


     When you say the first affirmation, you can not believe it. But remember that affirmations are like the seed thrown into the ground. The plant does not grow out of it one day. We must patiently wait for a while. Continue to say affirmations and be willing to let go of all the trouble. Affirmations will be a reality for you and open new perspectives. Maybe you will visit unexpectedly brilliant idea, and maybe you'll call a friend and ask: "What did you try?" Life will tell you what to do.

     Keep your affirmations always ready. You can have them sing like a song, or just repeat myself again and again. Remember that you can not influence the actions of specific people to help with your affirmations. Stating: "John loves me," so we try to take control of another person. It is possible boomerang effect. You will become very unhappy, not having received of the dream. You may say, "I loved a lovely person who ..." and list the qualities you look for in a personal relationship. In that case, you allow the inner strength to find the right person for you that meets all your requirements. Quite possibly, it will be John.

     You do not know where the ways of the spiritual development of another person, and you have no right to interfere in other people's lives. And certainly would not want someone did this on to you. If someone is sick, send him his blessing and love, wish him luck. Do not demand an immediate recovery.

     I like to think that affirmations - this is an order, which we refer to outer kitchen. When you go to a restaurant and order something, you do not run after the waiter or waitress to see how to prepare your order. You sit quietly, sipping water, coffee or tea, or conversing with his friend, or perhaps chewing a bun. You know that the dish is currently in progress and will soon be applied to the table. Now imagine that the same thing applies to the affirmations.

     Ordering something in outer kitchen, we sought help from the great master - my Higher Power. We continue to live their daily lives, knowing that everything taken care of. And so it happens. Incidentally, if you bring in a restaurant is not what you ordered, you are sending the dish back. Of course, if you have a sense of dignity. If not, you eat submitted. Similarly, and with the cosmic kitchen. Let's say you have not what they wanted. You have the right to say, "No, it's not. I want that." Probably, this is the first time not clearly explain what you want.

     The basic idea is the same - the art of letting go. At the end of my studies and meditation, I always say, "so be it."

This is equivalent to the words: "A higher power, and now everything is in your hands. I give it to you."


Paul Ferrini

Get rid of poor thinking

Thinking beggar comes from the idea that you are not worthy of love. If you do not feel worthy of love, you're in this world there will always be something missing. You're going to see the glass as half empty, instead of seeing it as half full.

If you see the glass as half empty, then do not be surprised if soon there would be nothing left. Sense of deprivation - is the result of negative perceptions. Of course, the same principle works in reverse.

Try to see the glass as half full - and soon it will be filled to the brim. Knowing that you are worthy of love, you gain a tendency to see in the words and deeds of others an act of love.

It is difficult to offend you. If someone is rude, you let the possibility that this man turned out to be a bad day. You do not feel like a victim or a victim of injustice.

Attitude depends on you feeling worthy of love, worthy or unworthy.

In any case, the situation around you you formiruesh so that it strengthens your opinion of yourself.

Insatiable desire to stock up for the future tend to someone who is living in the past. Sense of deprivation - it's just the memory of old wounds. These things are very easy to project to the future.

To get rid of poor thinking, you need to let go of the past with the world. Whatever it was, now it does not matter. You gave him leave, and it will no longer have any effect.

You feel slighted? If so, then you will project this deprivation is in their lives. Disadvantaged will be the only one who feels excluded.

To get rid of poor thinking, to realize first that you feel with yourself unfair treatment. Realise that your cause is a deep sense of inferiority. Understand that you do not feel worthy of love right now.

Do not try to change your thoughts. Do not repeat, "I am worthy of love right now" in the hope that it will help to change your situation.

Just realize, "I do not feel worthy of love right now. I feel unworthy. I feel that with me being abused. I fear that bad happens to me in the past will be repeated again. "

Just realize how tense and contracted your heart. Realize how froze all your senses. And ask yourself: Are you more security now?

Did you get the information, and you had a choice to see it as a negative or a positive. You decided to see the glass as half empty. You picked the victim.

Okay. No need to be ashamed of. No need to strain even more. No need to tear himself. Just realize that the chosen and as a result felt. Seeing this, and let go with peace.

"I see, what choice did I see that makes me feel bad. I do not want to be miserable, so I will make a different choice. I see the glass as half full. "

If you can utter such words, keeping the emotional integrity, then let go of the past itself, and with it the pain will go away and the wound. Try it. This account the ops.

You have a lot of practice to be a victim, and learned well the role. Do not think that inflexibility comes without practice. Just realize your choice to be a victim and wish to get rid of. This will be enough.

Thinking rich - this is when you feel loved and worthy right now.

(To be continued)


My friend turned to me with a "big request" to take $ 300, was very apologetic, as if it was about a huge amount, and I'm happy to help out, because I have no problem with money.

My second one is with great disappointment say that the employer failed to pay semi-annual premium and all goes to the fact that there will be a Christmas.

Third, when talking about the holiday told that he could be let go for only 2 weeks, 4 weeks to take not accepted.

How long will you still tolerate a situation where some man (your manager), a protege of another uncle (founder) is for you to decide how much and when you relax and how much you should charge for your work?

It's just shameful situation for adults! Someone smart once very long ago decided that you need to work 8 hours, and grab another for half an hour to show loyalty to his master and get a gift card or a birthday.

Someone smart decided I needed to rest no more than 4 weeks, preferably two weeks in a year, and even better not to rest at all.

It is normal to get to work during the morning and evening hours, in traffic, in the crush of the metro.


How much you will enjoy the small but stable zarplatke, insignificant premium to the New Year and needy birthday present that same uncle picked out by you earned money?

It is time to become more independent, and the first step you need to do it today!

Paul Ferrini


Many of you are studying "prosperity consciousness", but what you are striving for as a result, can hardly be called a success.

Why is this happening?

Because you do not know the true value itself. If you understand their true worth, you do not seem to be in your life something was missing. You should be grateful for all that you have.

The truth is that every thought succeeds. Every thought you have arisen in the current situation brings his energy - positive or negative.

Negative thoughts do well just as positive. Because in your head patchwork of positive and negative thoughts, reflect the situation around you and those others.

However, you do not get rid of the negative thoughts by focusing on the positive. In fact, the more you focus the mind on the positive, the more power you give negative. It is impossible to avoid this paradox.

Therefore, you can forget about all his vows. It's all nonsense. Stop trying to change the negative thoughts, and just be aware of them. Become aware of the associated emotions. Let awareness motivates you.

How then can you learn to get support from the Divine Law, if he is constantly interfered with his work? I say to you: you can not fix yourself. Such attempts only split your mind into even smaller pieces.

It may appear that I am saying things that contradict each other, but it is not. I say that life has only the meaning that you attribute to it, and that you are free to choose what meaning to assign to it - positive or negative.

I would also say any gives it meaning to be limited. Both statements are true.

Watching your thoughts, you begin to realize that one part of you is committed to the same result, and another - to another. You feel that you have to choose between these two poles, and it oppresses you, and create a conflict.

When your mind is uncooperative, you can not remove this contradiction, choosing between the two extremes. This will only aggravate the conflict.

You manage to solve it only by accepting both positions. In other words, you take the positive with the negative thoughts, not counting the one "better" than others. This is an act of love.

Love transcends all duality. She never took sides, but always recognizes the truth of both.

Are you sure you have to choose between right and wrong. Did you or someone else is able to determine what is right and what is wrong? As soon as you think, you know it, you've lost the thread of truth.

Therefore, do not try to choose. You do not know what is true and what is false. Do not stand on one side and despise the other. Take two - or do not take any. Be impartial, and that you fulfill the requirements of life itself.

And while you will not find an impartial position, you will be given to the meaning of what is happening in the fictional life, and it always will be, in one form or another, kept the spirit of inferiority or punishment, because you do not know its value.

You know what I mean? Even if it is in you and it is something you need correction, but I do not think so, would you still do not know how to do it.

If you're broke, how can you fix it yourself? If you're torn apart, or are in conflict, how can create a whole?

Only that which is not broken, can feel their own integrity.

Understand, my brother, that here, in this moment, and with you, and with your life - it's all right. Everything is as it should be. Right now, at this moment, you - totally loved.

Are you suffering or conflict? Valid. But this does not mean that you do not like. The idea that suffering makes it impossible to love - it is only created you of the situation of things.

In fact, nothing separates you from love, but their own views. And you are suffering in the first place, so - because I think and feel, as if cut off from love.

You put everything on its head. Turns the investigation into the cause but the consequence of a cause. This is your fear in action. Understand this, to look at the situation without fear. Let me delve into my awareness. Try to see the whole drama of the self as it really is.

Understand that you create your perception of the world under the influence of fear. But no penalty himself for it. Take what you see and let it change itself.

When you see the world in its absolute neutrality, then you understand that it exists only as a means of your training.

I do not want to confuse you explanations. But you have to understand how your fear distorts the truth. It makes you a victim of the world, that is not true.

Feeling like a victim, you'll never understand what your creative power, your true nature - is Love.

Do not play the victim role. This is a pointless game, the game of mirrors. Those who cause you harm, - only a reflection of your low self esteem. You gave birth to his presence in his mirror.

Do not be afraid to admit their hatred, and let go of the other person. Harboring resentment at him, you're nothing does not help. Punishing him, you will not feel better.

Let those who inflicted harm you. Pray for them and bless them. Do not hold them to himself with thoughts of revenge, but just quietly let the words of love and support. You should know that by releasing them, you are freed myself.

I could read you a sermon about the power of forgiveness, but you'll never know how great this power is not to experience it for yourself. Willingness to forgive yourself and release others from his conviction - the greatest of all forces, which you can know until you live in this lifetime.

There is only one force that it surpasses. This is - the power of love. But without forgiveness, scattering haze of fear, the power of love unarmed.

And yet, my husband, my friend. Forgive you every time destroyest any condition imposed on you, your ability to love. Every time you awaken in an even more profound love and strengthen their ability to reach her world.

Such is the nature of this journey. Go easy, the road certainly lead you home.


Liked? "Be happy, do what you want to do, and you'll get what you want to get."

Louise Hay:


 Consider for a moment that you really want to right now?

What you would like from your life today? Think about it, and then say, "I accept for themselves." (There may be any of the options.)

Here is the place where, in practice, most of us comes to a standstill. We like to draw the line under everything, to set boundaries. This suggests that we can not believe that we deserve fulfillment of their desires. Our inner strength depends because we value your right to be fit for the good of this life. Unbelief comes from my childhood. But we must not think that this will prevent us from change.

I am often people come and say, "Louise, affirmations do not work." In fact, the failures have nothing to do with affirmations: we simply do not believe that we deserve the good. There is a way by which you can test yourself, if you believe in what you deserve good. Say any affirmation and note with what thoughts come to mind. Then write them down: on paper they become more definite. The only thing that stops you from being able to love yourself and recognize their merit - is someone's belief or opinion, which is perceived by you as absolute truth. When we do not believe that we deserve good, pulling away at the ground under his feet. And do it in different ways.

For example, create chaos around, losing things, talking shit yourself or even incur a kind of hair loss or accident. We need to believe that we deserve all the benefits that life has to offer. So, what you must do in order to change their negative and false beliefs? What a thought to visit you in the first place to start your dream materialize? That lies at its core? What you'll be building new beliefs? What you need to know yourself? Believe? Take it?

Very out of place would be the following thoughts: I - rich. I - worthy. I love myself. I allow myself to just get and get everything off.

These statements will become the foundation of your work. Accept them as a base and continue to build. Pronounce own affirmations, perched on top of its buildings, n, you can create anything that your heart desires. Typically, at the end of my lecture to me someone comes or sends a note with the message that healing began right during a lecture or seminar. Sometimes the results are insignificant, and sometimes - downright stunning.

Recently, a woman came up to me and said that she had breast cancer and that during the lecture, she disappeared. She let go of his illness. Here's a perfect example of how we are strong. When we are not willing to part with something and continue for that "something" to hold on, because "it" is somehow our purposes, it does not matter what we do - the method most likely will not work. However, if we are willing to "something" is released, for example, in the above case, I have, it's worth just a little push, and the process will begin.

If you have the habit, which you still can not give up, ask yourself what kind of service it provides to you. What do you get from this? Receiving no answer, ask a different way: "If I did not have this habit, what would happen?" Very often the answer is this: "Life would be better." This brings us back to what we think we are unworthy of a better life.


What interests you in life?

This may be the source of your new salary!

Money for the work: Your new job.

Your sphere of interest can be any! Just look at what I do. If I once said that my interest in the esoteric can bring prosperity, and I can do what he likes, and to pay for it will still be, I probably would have thought it was a fairy tale. But, nevertheless, it is a reality!

I do not depend on the employer, crisis, corporate culture, dress code and chain of command, I do plan to leave, working hours and holidays.

Will you be able to create your own business, based on your hobbies?

I am sure you can! Only need the will and work. Yes, it is difficult, time-consuming, brain, but it's fun! And the result can exceed your expectations!

How long will you still tolerate a situation where some man (your manager), a protege of another uncle (founder) is for you to decide how much and when you relax and how much you should charge for your work?

It's just shameful situation for adults! Someone smart once very long ago decided that you need to work 8 hours, and grab another for half an hour to show loyalty to his master and get a gift card or a birthday.

Someone smart decided I needed to rest no more than 4 weeks, preferably two weeks in a year, and even better not to rest at all.

It is normal to get to work during the morning and evening hours, in traffic, in the crush of the metro.

How much you will enjoy the small but stable zarplatke, insignificant premium to the New Year and needy birthday present that same uncle picked out by you earned money?

It is time to become more independent, and the first step you need to do it today!

Paul Ferrini

Give up the effort

Everything that happens in your life, is neutral - neither positive nor negative. You yourself decide how much your life is positive or negative, spiritual or earthly.

Love, acceptance and forgiveness can inspire in this life. Even deadly disease, rape or murder can be transformed by the power of love.

You feel like you know what was going on in your life events. More confusing hard to imagine. You do not understand the meaning of what is happening - just because imposed on all invented thee same meaning.

If you really want to understand the meaning of what is happening, come on give it a fictional sense. Let me be the situation for what it is. Feel it fully. Let her give you a lesson, for which she came into your life.

If you want to get to the very essence of the situation, ask yourself, "How can she teach me a more universal love? That it requires to pay out of that for which I still hold? "

This question will lead you to the main problem, because it demonstrates your willingness to look at this situation as a gift, not a punishment.

Empowering situation contrived sense, you will always see it as punishment for yourself or someone else. Your fear makes it to any event occurring in your life.

Fear of a verdict and you, and your fellow man. Do not be surprised when it happens. This is to be expected.

Seek not to live without fear. Trying to live without fear - the worst thing that you can imagine. Just admit fear and go through it to the other side.

Do not try to live without judging ourselves or others. You just have to see this is the condemnation, and move through it to forgiveness.

That the choice exists, does not mean that you should choose. Just look at the choice and allow your awareness to hold you through it.

There is nothing that you could do to ensure his salvation. Essentially, all you're doing, just keeping you discover what is already there.

Salvation is here. You have already saved. You do not have to buy salvation for me, my brother, in a church or a synagogue.

You forgive, not in order to buy a rescue, but because it allows you to experience the forgiveness of salvation right here and right now.

You learn to accept what is happening as a gift, not because it brings you points for good deeds before God, but because it reminds you, there is nothing wrong and never has been.

You learn to recognize those moments when you start to close and push people, because you know: be kind, receptive and open - nice.

All your spirituality exists only in this very moment. It has nothing to do with what you thought or felt in the past. This is happening now, under the circumstances in which you were.

Do you feel the darkness and handicap only when unhappy situation prevailing at the time. If you're seeing a particular situation, be grateful for it, you feel only bliss.

Do not try to get out of the darkness. Do not try to enter into bliss. Movement happens by itself. Just be ready for it and let this willingness to carry you.

Much of what you're trying to do for themselves, will not be successful, because you do not know who you really are. A self limited.

You do not know or do not feel, to what extent God loves you. You think that you are in something is seriously broken, or perhaps just something missing. But it is - a lie. Nothing is broken. You're quite right now is holistic.

Louise Hay:


Be willing to take the first step, no matter how small. Focus on what you want to know. And be prepared for miracles.

Affirmations WORK

Now that we know a little about the power of our thoughts and words, it's time to re-learn to talk and think. We want to get good results, so let's focus on the positive implication. You want to replace the internal dialogue into positive affirmations? In that case, remember that, considering the thought and saying the word, you are saying that is "using affirmations." Affirmation - this is a starting point.

It opens the way for change. In essence, you are telling your subconscious that take on the responsibility. "I realize that I can make a difference." When I talk about the pronunciation of affirmations, I mean the deliberate choice of words and sentences. And this in turn will help to eliminate or something out of your life, or to create something new in it. Do it with confidence and focus on the positive aspect of his assertion.

If you say, "I do not want to hurt", the subconscious will catch only "More hurt." You need to speak clearly and specifically what it is you want. For example: "I feel great. My good health." The subconscious mind is too blunt. It is not capable of strategic planning and nurturing ideas. What did he say it does. If you say, "I hate this car," it does not give you a new one, because I do not understand what you need. Moreover, even after receiving a long-awaited new car, you probably will soon hate it. Why not?

Because that's what you said: "I hate the machine." You need to express their desire to clearly and with positive, that is: "I have a wonderful new machine, which is responsible ALL my needs." If your life is something that made you a burning hatred, use my method. I opened the shortest way of parting with his stimulus. Bless him with love: "I bless you with affection. Frees and releases." It helps in all cases. Bless and release possible human situation, the thing and even housing.

You can even try out so let go of the habit itself and see what comes of it. I had a friend who said, "I bless you with love and let go of the life" of each smoked cigarettes. After a few days of his desire to smoke has declined significantly, and in a couple of weeks, he finally quit smoking.

Franz Bardon

(Excerpt from the Gate of Initiation)
Stage II

 Autosuggestion or secret SUBCONSCIOUS

Before I turn to the description of individual exercises of the second stage, I would like to explain the mystery of the unconscious and its practical significance. Just as the ordinary consciousness is placed in the heart and acts in the body in the cerebral hemispheres, the subconscious mind is also a quality of the soul and is located in the cerebellum, which is placed at the back of the head. For practical use of magic shall study the psychological function of the cerebellum, it is subconscious.

Every person who has his five senses, the scope of ordinary consciousness is in good condition, so each person can always use the ordinary consciousness. According to our research, there is no power in the whole universe, and hence it is not in man, which does not have its opposite. Therefore, we can consider the subconscious as opposed to ordinary consciousness. What we normally mean by consciousness mental activity, feeling, desire, memory, intelligence, prudence, refracted in his subconscious back action. From a practical point of view, we can consider the subconscious as his opponent. Motive power or momentum for the things that we do not want, for example, for our suffering, mistakes and weaknesses, comes from this very subconscious sphere. Challenge students to expand the work of introspection is the subconscious with the key elements, or four-pole magnet. It is very rewarding work, so as a result of their own reflection or meditation students become confident.

The subconscious mind is so motivating force of all the things we do not want. We now need to learn what to rebuild this one, so to speak, "hostile" aspect of our "I", so that it not only does not harm us, but, on the contrary, contributed to the execution of our desires. Subconscious, like, and everything for its realization in the material world of space and time are needed, there are two basic principles that should be any phenomenon to pass from the causal world into reality. If we deprive the subconscious space and time, the opposite polarity will cease to exist, it will also stop the effect, and then we will be able to carry out their wishes through the subconscious. So, in this suddenly loses consciousness and is the key to the practical application of autosuggestion. If we, for example, will cause our subconscious mind that we tomorrow or at some other time do not want to smoke or drink, you will fix the subconscious blocks us just before a certain time, but no longer. In most cases, such as when a weak or underdeveloped willpower, unconscious almost always manages to outsmart us and lead to failure.

If we are using your suggestion along with the desire deprive the subconscious notion of space and time, in this case affects us only positive part of the subconscious mind, which also include the upper, or normal consciousness and our suggestion desire to be successful. This knowledge and the opportunity are essential to the development of magic, they must be taken into account in the self-suggestion.

The formula chosen for autosuggestion must always be clothed in the formula of the order date.

You can not, for example, to make it look like this: "I will put an end to smoking, drinking," and should read: "I do not smoke," or "I do not drink," or "I do not want to smoke or drink," - according to the that from which they want to get rid of such a suggestion to the subconscious level. The key to self-suggestion is in the form of the order date. This must be observed at all times, no matter what you want or want to translate using self-hypnosis at the subconscious level.

(To be continued).

Paul Ferrini

Open the door

To draw attention to the person or situation, you need to be present to yourself in the other person and the situation. To attend, you must give up your own program.

If you must assume, the other person or the situation in general, any expectations, you will not be able to devote all his time to the current account.

Your ability to be attentive depends on how open your mind is, how it is free of judgments and expectations.

No less important to have an open heart, which requires compassion for self and others, the ability to forgive what happened in the past.

Have an open heart - then look at the other as equals, seek common ground, to seek intimacy and fellowship with them.

The door that leads to love, opens and closes every time you open and close their minds and hearts. When the door is closed, you need to be patient and merciful, otherwise it may never be opened.

Must be able to detect not only the presence of love, but its absence. Feeling her presence, a man learns to listen and soften your heart. Giving a conscious of the fact that it moves away from the people, it is taught for a notice even the mildest form of condemnation.

Any experience of alienation or condemnation - it is an opportunity to open up to the presence of love. From the point of view of consciousness, it means a departure from the established perception and its justification.

Emotionally same respect, it means the ability to feel the effects of fragmentation - his own pain and the pain of another.

The essence of healing - in the transition from condemnation to acceptance, of separation, of empathy. Failure to make such a transition, creating conditions for a body-spiritual discomfort.

All you need to start learning to move from anxiety to peace, from closed to open, from distrust to trust.

We must learn to remain calm, transforming "defensive" reaction to the reaction of "acceptance", to show the harmony in the relationship, making the "exclusion" of thought and action in the "enveloping".

Being a healer or miracle worker - is to recognize characteristics of each, the ability to be free from conflict of guilt, the condemnation and accusations.

Recognizing in yourself the ability, you yavish miracles in your life, just as I did.

I have said many times that you can do it. Healing is not only possible, it is necessary. Each of you is a healer of their own grievances and injustices endured, each a living testimony to the power of a miracle.

Healing - the only thing you stay here. The sooner you understand this, the better.

Remember, please, that all genuine spiritual practices start with training of self-love and self-acceptance. Do not try to love other people, before you learn to love yourself. It will not work.

When in your life, there is a person acting on your nerves, do not try to love that person. Just do not scold him. Do not blame, do not blame, do not make an enemy of him.

Only, admit that he is acting on your nerves, and choose the time to be alone with your feelings.

Secluded, remind yourself that everything is experienced belongs only to you. The other person does not have anything to do with your feelings. Free yourself from any thoughts that place him responsible for what you feel.

Then, when he was alone with his feelings, saying, "What I feel is showing me some own features, which I condemn. But I want to learn how to make all of its features. I want to learn to give love to the wounded part of my self. "

Now you come to the threshold of genuine change. Now you're ready to let love into your heart.

Practice again and again and be patient. Do not try to heal their fellows and the world before you learn to bring love into your own heart. Such attempts are doomed to failure, and you'll be only further condemn himself.

Learn how to exercise compassion. Progressing slowly. Lecha own thoughts and feelings. Whenever you are cured of condemning thoughts or feelings of disunity, every mind and every heart in the universe feel it. Healing is not just you, but all people.

When you gain peace, he took firm root in the world. And if you have any obligations to others, it is only this: to calm his own heart and mind.

Some may consider such advice selfish and irresponsible. They believe that to gain happiness, must save the world. This is an error of perception. If they do not first find happiness, the world is doomed.

Maybe it's hard for you to hear, but it's true. While you will not feel happy now, you will never find happiness in the future. So if you are not happy now, do not even try to look for happiness in the future, and to direct all attention to the present moment. That's where your happiness.

Open heart and an open mind - it is a door that leads to the abode of love. Even when the door is closed, love invites you to discover it. Even when you judge others and feel detached from them, love is calling to you from the inside.

I have already said, no matter how many times you may be refused to enter the sanctuary, you only knock - and the door opens. And I said, Ask, and it shall be given you, but you refuse to believe me.

Do you think that someone is due to your sins, moments of indecision or unruly, but this - not so. The only one who counts it all - you are.

I tell you, brother: stop counting, stop finding excuses, stop pretending that the door is locked.

I'm here on your doorstep. Reach out and find my own, and we'll open the door and go into it together. I love the seven doors unconditionally. Going into it, you too will become a door.


Attacks by mysterious creatures
In August 2002, the world press reported that in several parts of eastern Uttar Pradesh due to the attacks of some mysterious creatures began a real panic, not reduced for more than a month. The newspaper "Hindustan Times" wrote, for example, that the fears generated great excitement in Hurdmau and other villages of the state.

Mob decided not to go to the authorities and voluntarily made short work of those who, according to the villagers, sends them a mysterious creature called muhnochva. Residents Hurdmau torched stores and shops belonging to those who allegedly secretly been associated with these beings. It did not help that the police arrested nine people. On the contrary, the crowd blocked the road in protest against the detention of their fellow villagers. Police barely managed to disperse the protesters, and then only after numerous reinforcements had arrived even arrange all pickets to keep his raging masses.

What all this outburst of popular indignation? Of unexplained injuries in August 2002, killing at least seven people, and many were injured. Were particularly frequent cases of assault in rural areas near the city of Mirzapur is where night flying creature got its name - muhnochva, meaning "one who breaks claws face."

In the most affected area, 600 km to the southeast of New Delhi, the nation is afraid to sleep outdoors, though the heat is hellish. In Shanve villagers have formed self-defense groups and regular patrols. Walking around the village, beat drums and chanted "Battle stations! Beware of the attacks! "

In some villages people so terrified that after sunset the village look completely deserted. Locals do not face the street, and if there is someone around here, it quickly becomes a victim muhnochvy.

One of the villagers, who decided to still sleep on the roof, on the night of July 21, woke up that he was attacked, "ape-like creature growing five feet." Fortunately, everything worked out just scratches. However, after this incident, the people resumed night patrols on the streets - a group of people walking through the night with lighted torches. Put torches on their verandas and terraces to the streets was lighter: it is known that most of the attacks are under the cover of darkness. As one of the doctors at the public hospital in Basuane, the whole city turned into insomniacs.

The state government is trying to dispel the rumors, asked a group of experts to deal with the problem on the spot. Mandated by the experts of the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur city, and they are determined to find out what is behind all this nightmare?

Invisible claws

August 6, hundreds of people rushed to Birhai, as it became known that there has another victim: 16 year old girl Rajni Sahu was bleeding from a deep scratches caused her invisible muhnochvoy. Rajni left hand was deeply lacerated, which caused great suffering to the girl. Physician Atul Harbanda, assist Rajni could not understand what led to this injury? In special medical literature does not meet the description of such cases. No muhnochvy or hashochvy (another local name being), there is not mentioned. However, she's bleeding. The fact remains.

After this incident, panic increased. Near the family home Sahu gathered many people who came to look at Rajni and ask her how it happened. Rajni said that helping his mother in the kitchen one day, suddenly noticed that out of the many, out of nowhere who took scratches on her arm dripping blood. It was on Monday - August 5.

- First, we thought that maybe Rajni bitten what that insect, - says the girl's father, a merchant site Lal Sahu. - I went and poured kerosene wounds. Bleeding of the scratches stopped, but then there were new. Tuesday morning Rajni noticed with horror in his new elbow injury. Here hand was swollen, and she was taken to the doctor immediately Harbandu. First, the doctor decided that Rajni is engaged in self-harm, but now he is absolutely convinced that there were wounds themselves.

And what can we do all intrigued, so this continuation of the story. On Tuesday afternoon, about five o'clock, Rajni sat with their parents at home. Her left hand was bandaged. Suddenly she noticed that on the outside of his left hand there was blood! Households found that very fresh wounds. By night scratching began to ache. Neither Rajni or her parents can not understand what is happening, who is this invisible, crippling a girl? A day before the incident with Rajni in Mirzapur was attacked 18 year old boy by the name of Chandan. On Sunday evening, August 4, the young man was driving somewhere on the bike, and he was attacked muhnochva. Injuries were so severe that the boy had to be hospitalized. And later, when doctors washed the blood and cleared the wound on his face Chandan quite clearly could see the scratches in the form of letters «LIF»

About the same time a mysterious creature attacked two other Indians - Sudhari of Vhodapura and Shard of Babhni Dubey. Everyone expected that the authorities will take anything. But the administration staff can not understand whom to fight, and even more so - how. Perhaps, at least that is able to find a group of researchers? At least, though certainly know what it looks like this creature?

Who is it?

Doctors mostly about any muhnochve not want to hear. They blamed everything on mass hysteria.

- Most people unconsciously put itself the injuries themselves - says Narrotam Lal, MD Medical College of King George in Lucknow.

The police explained - beetles.

- This winged insect length of about 7 cm, which leaves the skin rash and people supposedly supernatural wound - confidently told reporters the news agency Press Trust of India Senior Police Inspector Kavindra P. Singh.

Why such confidence? It turns out that the residents of a village found extremely large insects, which have never been seen before.

But here's news agency Associated Press, referring to his correspondent, reported August 12, 2002, that the inhabitants of poor peasants district Shanva attacks at night is not an insect, but a sort of circular flying object emitting red and blue lights. Those whom he does not kill, then complain about the very severe burns. And based on those reports, which were obtained in the first few days of investigation by scientists from Kanpur, people saw as "a strange, brightly lit object approaches the victim, and when the flies away on their body found claw marks." According to the same reports, the object sometimes scare away even the police. Some witnesses describe as a mysterious creature like a football, others claim that it resembles a turtle. But all agree that it is brightly lit.

- A mysterious flying object fell on him at night - says Razhuradzh Pal of his neighbor, who died recently in Shanve. - His stomach was ripped. And two days later the poor fellow died.

Many others were scratches and superficial wounds. People claim that the attack was committed while they were sleeping. Recently, in the village of Darra mysterious "something" attacked Kalavati 53 years, after which the injured were blackened forearms blistering burns.

- It was something like a large soccer ball with sparkling lights - says Kalavati. - It burned my skin. And now because of the pain I can not sleep.

And on August 13 in the American press published an article, which was titled: "The Indians were accused of assaulting a UFO." In it, in particular, about the fact that residents accused local authorities of inaction and unwillingness to catch intruders.

Amrit Abhidzhat of Mirzapur district magistrate says that he managed to film the UFO on film, and therefore has no doubt that it is connected with the aliens.

And on August 14, an article appeared with the new version - all the fault of fireballs! This conclusion, it appears, came Professor Ravindra Arora of the Indian Institute of technology, when examined sent him pictures. He believes that during the drought fireballs hit the ground constantly, their brightness - roughly a 100 watt bulb, the size - from a tennis ball to a football. Usually they are harmless and go into the ground, unless encountered the man. When will the monsoon, all this must stop, says the professor. And while standing heat and drought, reduced electrical ground, lightning can "wander". By the way, they come in different colors - blue, green, yellow or red. And no mystical puzzle is not here.

However, after about a year's break again fell short stories about how what the "monkey Man" that is, ape, snaps, bites to the blood, scary scratch their claws. According to the descriptions of eyewitnesses, this figure being human, and the face - a monkey. Panicked at this time the area around the Indian capital, and no soothing explanations victims were provided.

Looking from the outside

And what is the reaction of people to these posts outside India? It's easy to find out by asking the internet. Some who wrote in their reviews that this is like a cheap tabloid stories of little books. But many of those who took someone else's misfortune to heart, having made many sensible suggestions. A similar disease, they say, science is already known. And what happened to the 16 year old Rajni Sahu, whose new wounds on the hand appeared in the presence of witnesses, can be attributed to a viral illness. When the virus is introduced into the skin through an open wound, it begins to multiply rapidly, as if eating away the fabric inside. The affected area of ​​the body and actually swells, and tissue necrosis occurs very quickly, right before your eyes. The disease destroys the tissues of the human body at a rate of three inches per hour, and in some cases death occurs in less than a day, beginning with the first symptoms. The disease is triggered by the bacterium streptococcus group A - the same one that causes scarlet fever, skin infections, rheumatic fever. Catch such a scurvy trick is possible through common goods - spoons, forks, etc. Fortunately, the disease is extremely rare. In the so-called civilized countries a year sick no more than 2-3 people per million.

So really it is a rare disease in the mass strike was the people of India? Where are these stories about flying biting things?

Minister S. Deepti Vilas made August 7, 2002, and said that so far there is no direct evidence to support the version of the attacks being known as muhnochva. Moreover, the test shows that many of these stories invented. He gave the example of a woman in Hardy, who said if the scratches on her face - the result of an attack muhnochvy, and doctors determined that muhnochva nothing to do with, and the woman admitted that she scratched the face in the fall. Minister Vilas also recalled the case of the 11 year old boy who died in Dzhonpure: cause of death is still unknown, an autopsy did not clarify, but people continue to argue that the blame muhnochva. The minister believes that there is no competent person will understand the situation, the rumors will continue.

You have to think he's right. And while there are still many questions that have no answers. If it is a viral disease, why the outward signs often resemble bloody scratches? Where deep burns and blisters? Why do people see strange glowing objects form? Ufologists are inclined to believe that flying "Balls" - is the probes that are sent from the board of UFOs, because they are so brightly lit with colored lights.

But the locals, of course, tend to suspect evil spirits and trying to get rid of it by any means. Minister Vilas confirmed that for the first month, when the "attack", taut and frightened villagers lynched half a dozen people, taking them for muhnochvy accomplices. Indeed, twice as scary terrible if it inexplicably ...

Paul Ferrini

Learn to listen

You're so obsessed with what is happening or not happening in your life that you do not have time to get a taste of their own experiences. You do not feel your own pleasure or pain, anger or sadness. How sad, but true.

You spend too much time to solve external problems. But if you took the time to be alone with him, the answers to the questions would come spontaneously.

Learn to attend to their own experiences. I do not say "try to understand them." "Dwell in them" was not analyzed.

On the contrary, realized that to understand the experience you can not. You can either be with him or to talk about it - and, therefore, not be with him.

Every moment you get tips that can help you turn the ship of life on the right course. But you will not hear these tips, if not an obligation, of time to "be" and "hear."

Ironically, you just try harder to understand and "fix" their problem is in those moments when the most important thing to keep calm and listen.

At first, you do probably do not realize. But you can not fail to notice that the more carefully you try to understand what is going on, so it gets confusing.

Sooner or later you give up trying to "force" the life be what it is, do you think it should be. And then, perhaps, you ask the question, "Why am I going through this transition? Maybe I should change something? "And you learn to listen to the answer.

If you are moving a course fraught with disaster, the answer is likely to be something like: "Do not take your time, look around. Maybe, in fact, you are going not where you think. "

The answer may not be so meaningful, but it is enough to help you take the next step. Stop and look around - this is the beginning adjustments.

So far in your life, everything flows smoothly, there is no need to correct something. But when a storm water makes better stop and check his course.

This timely introspection in itself will make your life in a profound transformation. There are times when the surrounding reality envelops you as an impenetrable fog, which can only move in one direction - inward.

I urge you to meditate for two hours a day. But I do not deny the benefits of daily meditation. Just saying that in life there are times when you need to calm down and listen. Learn to give them their due, you will avoid many disappointments.

The harder you will be to learn to listen to yourself, the more "you will at the same time" with their short-term experience. You have to form partnerships with their own lives, will their willingness to participate in an event, feel and experience it.

When you refuse to find time to spend with your experience, you're, like, become a victim of what is happening to you. This is - the greatest self-deception.

You begin to relate to their own experiences, as something which must be overcome and controlled.

And when the experience refused meet your expectations, imagine that you unjustly punished. But no, this is just the negative effects of your desire to control.

You close on their own experience. You do not set him a permanent relationship. 're Not dialogue with it. Therefore, it is not surprising that you are with him in the love-hate relationship.

You love it when it suits your views, and you hate when it is not. Your experience - black and white. Life is either completely favorable to you, or always punishing.

The truth is that life is not favorable to you or punish. It works on you to help you wake up and realize who you really are.

Life - your teacher. It has always maintained with you feedback, constantly corrects you, but you do not want to listen to it.

Decide to listen - then agree to become his life partner. That is, to dance thoughts, actions and amendments granted to experience all of this as a necessary, but not unpleasant part of the learning process.

Revelation eyewitness
There is an island near Rostov, the sides of the Don River washes. On the island associated with many legends and superstitions. So some people think that on its territory there drifting anomaly. Kind of portal to an unknown destination. Supposedly people caught in it, can not go back and can get lost in space and in time. Detect this anomaly is not easy, and explain it so that it can appear anywhere on the island.

The rumors that the Green Island "is not all clear" in Rostov spread long before the current craze of "flying saucers" and aliens from another world. Sometime in the mid 20's, according to the recollections of old residents, citizens passed from mouth to mouth scary stories about ghosts, drowned, and the living dead, allegedly "entrenched" in the island.

Then stir awake. Yes, and it is time that the mystical passion on the head would not pat. Just before the war, in a hollow voice talking about some mysterious omens, happened again in Green. People talking about it, then, is rumored to be urgently addressed by the NKVD.

Then for many years on the Green Island silent. It was only around the middle of the 70's he went back to emerge in conversation. Here is a brief written by an eyewitness memory of direct relevance to the island:

"... I sailed to the green island in the afternoon, at sunset. Leaving the boat on the shore, not far from the sandy spit, I went into the bushes of brushwood to make a fire.

I walked away from the Don very close and moved all the time right - in the opposite direction of my camp.

Imagine my surprise when, in front of the branches suddenly parted, and I went on shore, straight to the boat. I could not get lost, the forest here - one name! Yet the impression was like, wander to more dense, I made a circle and came back to where you started.

This puzzled me. I went back into the trees, however, in another place, but was back on the beach. And so - five times. The most surprising is that a small compass built into the strap of my watch, all the while showing the correct direction. The last two attempts I made, specifically referring to him ... ".

There is also mention of a UFO. One of Rostov UFO enthusiasts citing eyewitness told an incredible story about the alleged occurred on the island on the eve of the war ... the accident a "flying saucer." Scene of the accident, according to witnesses, was immediately cordoned off enkevedeshnikami as UFO mistaken for a secret Nazi plane. While there was his research, the war broke out. For some reason (fragments may have gone deep into the ground, some of them were scattered over a wide area), the object does not wait too long to evacuate. And that's it, and a group of scientists and built immediately secret laboratory (the ruins of which can still be seen on the island), defended the NKVD regiment fought to the death.

After the war, removed the remains of "plates" may continue to study in one of Beria "sharashek." But they did not all. The science of the time, is very far from the problems of the UFO, and, frankly, does not take into account the possibility of space expansion, closed her eyes to the side effects caused by the remaining parts of the land of "plates".

But this is all just the beginning. The most interesting thing is that this island is home to the dark forces, something like a generator of negative energy, which is exploited by modern magicians. Green island with its dense vegetation, uncrowded and a sufficient distance from home has long been a familiar place for witchcraft and magic rituals.

An unknown number of true magic here, and how many games in it, but even the weakest degree of "advanced" in the field of magic - a thing, believe me, very bad.

Choosing Green Island as a witch's "range" is explained not only his privacy. Legend has it that one time, hundreds of years ago, in a place where there is now an island, it was a pagan temple, where the steppe peoples made gigantic hecatombs with human sacrifices.

In another version of this fierce battle took place between the nomads, which resulted in some ancient tribes were enslaved and displaced others.

Be that as it may, the evil generated by the thousands of violent deaths in the form of some of the amorphous structure of energy-permanently occupied the whole of the surrounding area, causing awe among ancient peoples. Over time phantoms lost its malicious nature, and only that part which, by changing the channel of the Don, were isolated on Green Island (flowing water, as you know, the best barrier to the so-called "evil forces"), is still capable of hostile manifestations. Thus, in the vicinity of Rostov itself formed a natural reservoir of "black" energy that can "recharge" of modern witches and wizards. And here there is an interesting question. At first glance, the location of the churches in Rostov not obey logical understanding. Why this way and not another? And what a goal pursued by their builders? But everything is presented in a different light when you look at the map. The impression is that they seem to protect the city from the negative influence of the island (including the fact that some churches have not survived to the present day). Is this a coincidence or did our ancestors, guided by intuition, have created a powerful system of confrontation harmful effects of "devilish island"?

As for the negative impact of the island and its connection with the evil spirit, this writer experienced. And this information I want to share with you. "The first time I heard of the anomalies of the island, almost immediately I wanted to visit and touch the mystery itself. On my "luck" (or misfortune, who famously passed me), I knew too little about it. Just heard about the mysterious phenomena that always ends well, like the one shown at the beginning. And since I'm interested in the time, decided to do some measurement (rounding the island large flows of water were talking about what would be a positive result).

There were two other like-minded, who have agreed to this expedition. Little did I know that one of them is involved in witchcraft and consider themselves to shamans. Over the years, I think, he is not quite aware of the danger of their manipulations, which even at a stretch is difficult to call a professional. Rather, it was seen at the level of pampering, games. And it is very dangerous when doing magic (I want to note that I myself do parapsychology and extrasensory perception, I have a place to be. Therefore, in what I will describe is subjective feeling). But then he thought no one, especially me. All my thoughts were focused on the future.

Meeting at an agreed time, we met ("Shaman" I did not know it was one of the second participant). And it turned out that a shaman and they have their own program. They had heard about the great loss of life on the island and as a result - a huge number of entities, or ghosts, as you like. That's it, and they want to do. I did not mind. But if I did, with what will face probably would have refused.

We got to the island sometime around 6:00 pm. It was in the late summer, at that time still very light. We first drove to the southern part of the island, or rather, how they could. Then, afraid that the car bogged down and stopped. Perhaps this is not important, but all three of us thought that along the way we saw the same person twice. First time in almost at the entrance to the island, and the second - almost, where we left off (well, nothing he could not overtake us, the more we stayed). The trees were a wall around us, and in the chest was a pressing sense, anxiety. Therefore, we decided not to tempt fate, and went back to where the more crowded and there is no discomfort, as here.

Our second parking lot was more successful. We got out and went into the forest. In your eyes, immediately rushed to the fact that many trees have broken branches, which were burned by breaking it (caught in the same state, and whole trees, but rarely). Perhaps it is the consequences of getting into them lightning. It is noticed that the lightning is literally "tied" to the places with the status of abnormal.

Making his way through the thick vegetation, we were more or less free space. Take some pictures and then I asked the question: what do I feel? I had to describe my feelings. I had to look at yourself and answer the question. Like anything serious, but, although there was no one near to within a hundred meters, clearly felt the presence of something (even though the area was more crowded, but that does not mean that it "is full of" people. For all the time we met four people) . Nothing more.

Then followed the instructions and an introductory course in magic (I do something I do not know :) It was interesting, and I agreed to take part in their "program." What happened then, to the casual observer it might seem insane game. Me and the second participant was assigned the role of "indicators" of paranormal activity. "Shaman" took up his case. Acting on his method, he was trying to provoke the invisible essence of the contact and exposure. I will not describe in detail his methods, that there were not brave, ready to do it again. I can only say that it was a dance (though without a diamond :)), piercing gaze into the void and strange words, sent either to the spirits, or demons. But that was when I was overcome anxiety, or rather, the first of his signs. Generally, I think that this technique is not only dangerous, but also stupid. You never know how to lead the essence, if you enter it into a state of rage, anger. And this is what expected "shaman."

It is known that so-called "peripheral vision" people (not just prepared) can see the hidden things (ghosts, for example). So, at first occasionally, and then increasingly began to appear the "shadow" that could "see" peripheral vision. Cost to send to the other side of the view, everything disappeared. Some of them were standing still, the other "worn" like a meteor. It was visible to their rapid movement and any form. Here anxiety beginning to give way to fear.

Some time after this manipulation, "Shaman" I was clearly "see" your inner eye view of the country, and only them, nothing more. Orange-yellow, almond-shaped, terrifying eyes, burning on a black background. They completely filled my mind, I almost could not see anything but them. However, I do not always see them, but as a flash "visions" with frequency around one vision for 10 minutes.

Naturally, I was told about them. I think if "shaman" was experienced, he stopped, or at least would say who or what they belong to. But in response, I heard that this is normal. That's where I felt his inexperience and hope for a "maybe": just to get something to provoke its manifestations, and the consequences of no one thought. I want to say that I feel a real threat and an instinct she can resist. I can not really describe this process as it occurs, bypassing the mind. In short it is a complete abstraction of the reality of what is happening and dive into the protective cocoon ... This is what happened this time. I was on the sidelines and did not take part in it. In this state, time passes quickly, and I almost do not remember what happened next. Only fragments of memories. I remember that I met people, went to the east side of the island ...

I finally came to, when we left the island. It was getting dark, the sun was setting over the horizon. Driving through the crossing, I report clearly "saw" an inner vision that follows us something black and evil. There was a feeling that the whole underworld followed us. It's like a black impenetrable darkness enveloped us the sky and even the last rays of the setting sun could not get through it. We drove away from this unknown, even my "associates" noted that it is not weak provoke something. And also describe the effect of presence. I wanted to turn around and look back to the island, but none of us dared. Maybe it's right, you never know what could happen.

Is the feeling that someone or something is following us, lasted very long. Only when we were at the center of the city, the negative impact of the island began to weaken. Even when we parted, and I went home, a strange feeling I never left. Despite the crowded streets of Rostov, there was a sense of fear, insecurity, and someone's presence. But like everything in this world has its end, and the feeling of "presence" gradually disappeared ... "

Finally, I would like to add that we should not meddle so recklessly into the unknown, because it almost never ends well. After such an "experiment" in this writer's health has deteriorated, and went into the living rough patch. Only recently it has become to improve. So do not do anything stupid, learn from the mistakes of others!