Saturday, March 8, 2014

Outside that deep inside.

 Catastrophic human error - ignore negative thoughts . People constantly generates thought and as a response , and how his creation . People - being mysletvoryaschee . All psychic authors inspire us that our thought is material and that it creates a situation around us . This hypothetical statement parapsychologists and psychics really finds support not only in science , but also in our lives. The forms in which we think , are all around us in the external reality. Inner reality projected on the outer , and vice versa. Regulatory element in this process becomes the man himself , it depends on us whether we want to admit this or that sort of thinking or not. Speaking in general - need to think positively. Because , whatever the thought in your head is not dominated , sooner or later you can expect its manifestations in the external reality. Try to bring to life the culture of thinking - a very useful exercise . People who think positively - all the doors open , they are not afraid to act and are not afraid to take responsibility .
People who think negatively , we have much worse : they are oppressed their own desires , they become anxious and depressed . These people charge us with their negativity . And then many say their jinxed that there is a weakness after communicating with people . In fact, this weakness - a manifestation of the negative outlook on life and , as a consequence , the fear to act on emotion obsession . So when you catch these negative waves, you can avoid this. Namely produces direct habit to think positively throughout. Specifically take the time to set yourself up for any positive outcome , especially in the early afternoon. Then be very difficult to creep into your negative energy signals. Or you can protect yourself on a subconscious , subtle energy level.
To do this in a quiet environment , you need to sit comfortably in a chair or on the floor cross-legged , value plays , and soothe all your thoughts , imagine yourself sitting in a luminous ball. Examine it in your mind - how it is bright , it for any dents or places where the glow is not as bright . Try to make your bowl of regular geometric shape . Then tell yourself: " This luminous shell will protect me from the harmful thoughts of others." Believing this, you can open your eyes .
This shell will protect you from the inside. Sometimes, there may be a couple of times a week, or when you feel that your thoughts become negative , test yourself - how quickly you can make your aura glowing and positive. If you mentally turn in the same scope of their child, he too will be under the protection of your positive energy.
You can also send your positive energy of love and kindness to those who are bad now , just imagine this man's mind and filling it with a shell that light . It certainly feels lighter. If you want to achieve more in their experiments on positivity , then you will for this to become an engineer of his own soul .
Also , being in a comfortable position and at rest , try to look deep into their feelings. Feel if there is a negative thought or desire , ask yourself this . If you feel something negative , try to lighten his inner light , which have learned to generate or change this thought to the positive . So you straighten all vital complexity.
Opening direction of esoteric psychology , we taught our experts to find and change the negative thought forms of those people who are open to this method . After visiting these specialists greatly changed people's lives for the better. Managed to release a huge positive potential forces thirst actions of love.
This can only real engineers of human souls , with lots of practical experience. To you , dear reader, the strength to do it yourself by following the advice above. This is a great opportunity to change yourself and stop attracting negative manifestations of external reality.
We are what we think. Our thinking is also shaping our environment . Restructuring the positive thinking attracts positive wave such in our lives.
(Sergey Jagdish )

Saturday, February 22, 2014



You can think of yourself as a parent , spouse or as a specialist on a certain professional field , but it's all just a part of who you are. Beyond this the question remains , what are your options? You probably have talents and strengths. You have a natural propensity for some subjects , while others do not represent any interest for you . There are actions that bring you pleasure, and others that you despise . In fact, you are quite unique as a person, and this uniqueness can serve as your compass. Trust him and allow him to guide you through life .

Remind yourself that you have a powerful subconscious mind, which will lead you and guide you. Refer to it every day and ask him for answers to important questions.

Make several lists :

• Record your mental assets and strengths, their past and present achievements.

• Write down the choices you would make for yourself if money were not a problem for you , and those areas of careers that seem interesting to you regardless of your own opinion as to whether you have talent or opportunity to devote myself to them .

Open your mind to your different options and possibilities . Have the courage to dream. In fact, there are no limits except those which exist in your mind. How tycoon said in media Rupert Murdoch : "Wealth prefers bold ."

Selecting a method how to earn a living - is perhaps the most important of all our decisions , and yet often just treat him with the greatest negligence. Sometimes we feel that we should take up some work for financial reasons or simply because of need , and sometimes rush in a particular profession , as if in a whirlpool , because it has " excellent prospects" , while in reality our hearts absolutely does not lie to her. Any such decision deplorable and do not necessarily , unless you think about it and realize how many different choices available to you. Of course, in a specific period of duration of several months or even several years you may be faced with the need to do anything so that does not give you pleasure , since it is necessary to make ends meet , pay off debts , or simply start a new business , but in front of you there will always be new opportunities , unless you are open and receptive to them. Never sell yourself cheap. You deserve much more than just a trivial job.

No amount of money regardless of how much it will be great , never give you enough compensation for exposure to such a position that is hard labor for you and robs you of spirituality or the one that lets you achieve the dream . As the old saying says : " In his haste to make a living , do not forget to just live ." Be bold , tear in the direction where you are attracted passion.

That is precisely what Dominic Chang . Golf aficionados , he often felt guilty for what puts this game above the interests of his family, and suspected the presence of very similar feelings among millions of other golfers. As a result of Dominic in 1992 left his job at the famous «Bank of New York» [« The Bank of New York" ] , where he was senior vice president and followed his instinct and passion. He collected money to found «Family Golf Centers Inc» [« Family Golf Center ."] The main thesis of his business plan was: to encourage golfers to lead them to the centers by their wives and children . Have in these centers ^ lounges and rooms for parties, snack bars, restaurants , clubs for playing mini golf, each drawn to come here - men and women , young and old. Mr. Chang is the first center was a big hit , and he soon discovered the following . Now, his company became listed on the stock exchange, and three million dollars invested in your time as Dominique shares are now almost 100 million . Not bad for six years , or better to say - for six years of passion.

Everyone has a life of its own vocation or mission . It can not be replaced by something else , and just like no one else can implement it for you. The goal of each person is to discover their uniqueness and find a way to implement it .

Life is full of a variety of choices and opportunities , so follow your heart, my instinct . Find something that you can be passionate about , and dedicate themselves to this task . Herein lies the opportunity for self- your personal and simultaneously contribute to the larger world .

Well it expressed Joseph Campbell : " All your physical nature knows it [ follow his passion ] - the only way to be , act and live in our world , as well as the main way to give the world the best of what you are able to offer. There is a certain way of life , waiting for each of us, and as soon as we stepped on it once , before we begin to swing open doors that previously did not respond to that and could not open another one . "

"Every calling is great, if only to make great efforts in pursuit of him," - said Oliver Wendell Holmes . Do you sell life insurance, designing buildings and facilities, control whether the company , writing a book , driving marketing of new products or mowing people hair - get this lesson in passion and enthusiasm . If you can do it , you will become prosper the way you never could before. Follow your dream . Trust your instincts . Find something in which you are able to passionately believe and what they will be able to devote his whole being . Do what you love , money will follow.

/ John Kehoe /

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Keep it simple.

Sylvia Browne.

Keep it simple.

Quiet the mind. Know that God, who is inside you, and in outer space, taking care of everything *. Leave the door open for communication, so that we, your spiritual guides, it could enter. We can not enter if you are constantly afraid of something, such as money problems, or love troubles. And because your mind is filled with this, we can not break through the noise barrier in sufficient time to establish contact with you.

* "Jesus said," ... the kingdom is within you and outside of you "" (The Gospel of Thomas, 2).

Can be simple and at the same time very intelligent. This means paying attention to detail as well as the more significant things. It is a holistic process of continuous training of the mind. Log in to your house, close the door and be thankful for what you have four walls, which reflect your personality, whether it is an apartment or a private home. Be thankful for what you have a job that gives sustenance for what you have friends and a wonderful country that allows you to get to the ocean or the mountains for a few hours.

I do not want to broadcast as some so-called gurus who want to make you primitive and therefore destroy your ability to think independently. They call me "pro-Western", which for me is very strange, because my philosophy is "very oriental."

I believe in the activation and passivity: Activation - this is when you do something for yourself and passivity - when you allow life to guide you. Do not swim against the tide, let the river carry you.

Attempts to go against the flow of life is also constrain spiritual growth, because the path becomes more difficult. You put heavy stones, one after another pas trail, which they themselves have chosen. Most boulders also have created yourself. Yes, of course, there is also an external lock with which to deal. There are periods of grief, joy and loneliness, but then as you go through these periods depends on the attitude of your mind. Positive attitude definitely makes your journey easier.

Remember how you were first romantically madly in love with someone. At that moment, in the lofty ecstatic if not start your car, or you lose your job, you are not particularly worried. See what I mean? If you are worried about this, then just a little. But as soon as the mist clears love - you are experiencing bouts of despair because the slightest trouble.

The only novels that last long - it's your love relationship with God, with himself and constant calm deep love for the people around you.

Love in your world is beautiful, but enough for her, so to speak, a lower value systems than for caring partnerships. That's why most people fall in love they are looking for big excitement. And it comes not so often and does not last long.

People who are looking for love excitement, really old too soon because their bodies can not handle it all. Load is very high. Remember, heart-pounding, lost appetite, face breaks out, suffer from insomnia, pressure jumps. Such a condition can not withstand long. This can lead to death.

When we see any of you are in love, we can see that this person is constantly flashes and burns. When love dies, your aura for a while becomes gray. Love comes after a period of gray period. Then your glow becomes green or bright blue. This means that the revival and comforting. For many people, there are shades of green and blue, sometimes maroon, indicating confusion and irritation.

All people have the electrical nature and are able to manage these electricity. You should try to "strengthen" your aura, that it becomes green or greenish blue or acquired and bluish hues. Aura should fit closely to your body and not sprayed in outer space.

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