Thursday, September 11, 2008

Consciousness phenomenon.

 In what the secret of a phenomenon of consciousness consists? The consciousness of the modern person is a product of history of all mankind, a result of development of an infinite train of generations of people. Before to understand its essence, it is necessary to find out, how it has arisen. The consciousness developed together with evolution of mentality of animals. Throughout millions years there were conditions for occurrence of the reasonable person, without it occurrence of human consciousness would become hardly possible. In the beginning live organisms had an initial basis of mentality — reflexion. Reflexion reproduces signs, properties and relations of reflected object. The live organism has irritability and the sensitivity, specific properties of reflexion. Reflexion is the information interaction, one keeps about itself memory in other. The information for a live organism is everything with what this organism interacts. All in the world is in the mediated interaction of all direct or leaving in infinity with all — all bears the information on all. It assumes a universal information field of a universe which is the general form of communication by the form of universal interaction and by that unities of the world: after all all in the world "remembers" about all! It follows from a reflexion principle as general property of a matter.