Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Inge Bardor, seeing through the palms and feet.

Inge Bardor, seeing through the palms and feet.

(adapted from Drunvalo Melhisedeka "Live in the Heart").

We met with Inge in Mexico City on my training, learning meditation Mer-Ka-Ba. It was a four-day seminar, and on the third day, I once surprised himself began a story about children from China, which could see the different parts of the body.

Suddenly, the girl climbed eighteen years old and said: - Drunvalo, I also know how to do it. Nakrepko If I was blindfolded, I can see through the hands and feet. If you want to see, as I have?

The proposal was very surprising, of course, I asked her to demonstrate its unique ability of the group, which was then about a hundred people.

Inge, a very beautiful girl, all in white, came to me. Turning to the group, she asked whether there was present among the skeptics who do not believe that it is not able to see through the eyes. Two young men rose from their seats.

Inge asked them to come closer, the two took a headscarf, make their eyes tied on top and large scarf. Both guys have confirmed that they were not so obvious dark. Then the "experts" have withdrawn their bandages, Inge has done the same manipulations with their eyes, and young people confirmed that everything was fair.

So everyone was happy, Inge had not been able to see. It's time to start.

She sat on a chair with a flat back - straightened her back, feet firmly pressed to the floor - and asked whether someone from the present picture in the wallet or purse, which she could "see." One woman достала photographs and extended its Inge.

Inge quickly turned her face upwards. Ran fingertips for a smooth surface for about three seconds, she started out to describe all that they "saw". The photo shows a sitting room, where on the couch sat three people. On the wall hung a large sofa in the picture, nothing special, normal home photos.

The girl asked: - Do you want to, so I told anything about these people or the house?

Here, we just did not expect. Hostess photos accepted, and the girl start to describe those who were captured on the image, called their names and seem to age.

The most surprised woman who has a photo for the experiment: how to Inge might know such things, and asked her to "walk" at home - I go down the hall and veering off on the right. C The first door is left of me - it is your bedroom.

Inge "entered" into the bedroom and accurately describe all that was in the room, drawing attention even on subjects lying on the mirror. Then she "went" down the hall to the bathroom and back to the last detail told that there is in the room. The hostess was struck, and only confirmed that all identified correctly.

Suddenly one of our two skeptics jumped from their seats with cries that this tune and he would immediately reveal the focus. A young man from out a rear trouser pocket wallet, pulled out his driver's license and gave Inge, turning his face down: - Well, now that you say?

She immediately turned to paper, face-to myself: This is your driver's license. What would you like to know more?

What is it number?

Inge read the number, the address of the owner and everything that was written in the human. But the owner still was not satisfied. He said: - Tell me that something is, what can not know anybody, except me, then I'll believe. "

Inge responded with an easy smile: - You have arrived here with his girlfriend, but at home there is another girl, her name is ... (Inge say the name aloud), you meet with them both at the same time, trying to none guessed the existence of rival.

The young man drew his driver's license and pobrel back to his place, sitting beside his upset girlfriend. More he did not say a word.

Inge continued to demonstrate their abilities.

It became apparent that it is not simply see the picture in the photos with the help of hands. She gave the names of those who it was depicted, described their clothing, their thoughts at the moment the shutter clicked fotoobektiva. We were in complete loss, no charlatanry, but all this is possible?

(Then Inge told me that not far from Mexico City, there are two schools which teach children "see" through different parts of the body, as well as develop their other supernatural abilities. The girl said she knows of at least a thousand Mexican children who are able to do what it is.) Inge with his mother Emma for a few days come to us in Arizona. We decided to hold some special psychological tests, and received great pleasure in exploring the potential of man. I, my wife and two children - Mia and Marley - seven and eight years - and saw with my own eyes have seen the truth of the fact that other people just to artful tricks.

Mia stared silently at how Inge read blindfolded for several hours in succession. In the end, she said: - I also want to do as you teach me, please.

Inge has looked at my daughter and said: - Mia, it can make anyone understand? I will show thee.

Mia jumped for joy: - Hurray, show, of course!

The girl took his bandage, and two more a headscarf and carefully blindfolded his student, gradually prolonging node until either Mia said she does not see. Then Inge came to a shelf with journals. Perelistav few of them have found a suitable photograph, which depicts rhinoceroses, passing through a river. It seems that the snapshot was taken in Africa. Approaching the girl sitting on the magazine put her on his knees, and hands Mia - the edge of the magazine, is to understand what it is. And ordered "to look into the darkness."

A few minutes later, Mia Inge asked, whether she saw anything.

No, nothing. Just dark.

Go watch, - said Inge.

Soon she came to Mia closer and put his hand on the shoulder of the girl. Suddenly, my daughter exclaimed: - Inge, I see. It photographed some big animals with horns on the nose, they pass through the big blue river!

The girl did not know how these animals are called, but we realized that it was able to "read" the picture.

Now Mia can see how Inge. I asked a girl, maybe she touched the back of my daughter in any particular location. Yes, it turned out that way, it was a dish for Mya, and the girl was able to see the image on the image.

- Okay, I understand that this will seem strange to you, that is why I did not want to talk in detail. But what I see, it seems to me to a special screen, like on TV, and around it are many small ekranchikov. These small screens show me something that should appear on a large central screen.