Monday, June 29, 2009

7. Sadhu

7. Sadhu [Sadhu - literally "good person" (sanskr.), wandering yogin.]

Travel to India, meeting with yogami different schools and trends and simply seekers, going his own way, will inevitably discover a pattern. What is at a higher level of people, the more difficult to find and meet with him. In doing so, he does not have to live in inaccessible places, or hiding from people. The meeting will simply not happen or does not emerge for reasons of your reasons. Some artists prefer to remain incognito, and they do not allow any talk about them, or discover their whereabouts.
Wandering sadhu in India's millions. Most of them were dressed in orange, so they are easy to recognize. No country in the world is not such a great number of consecrated tradition wandering seekers of truth. All of these non-healthy men feeding people. People know that the true saints of this peripatetic army unit, but out of respect for tradition and for the sake of these few are fed all.
Those who manages the huge ashram and whose names are on the ears of many, tended to be dutymi bladder. This does not mean that all the Himalayan hermits, without exception, are holy. In some cases, and curious.
Belgian swami [The representative of one of the monastic orders in India. In this case, orders udasin. - Approx. auth.] Atmananda many years living in Rishikesh, described how one day, high in the mountains, he met a hermit who lived in a cave. Atmananda wears glasses, too, was a hermit in the glasses. Intrigued points Atmanandy, hermit asked where he bought them. "In Delhi," - replied my friend. "And where exactly in New Delhi?" - Not unimalsya peschernik. Since in India the address may be something like "next to the market," Atmanande a long time had to explain hermit, how to find a shop in Delhi, where he bought his glasses.
- How is it! - Exclaimed Atmananda, told me the case. - A man left everything - wife, children, the work of a doctor (for some reason, among many yogis namely former doctors) - and suddenly his interest some points! All around the snow and rocks, I do not know to whom he was going to sport a new frame!
To go to the mountains and live in a cave, we need three conditions: the cave must be dry, needed a source of water nearby and a village within a radius of about five kilometers. In India, Sadhana hold sacred, so the farmers would bring hermit food. It is believed that the yogi who lives nearby, has blessed the village. Therefore, in many villages are kuti [Kutya - dwelling hermit. - Approx. auth.] - come and pray, to be fed.
As I first met Russian sadhu Ranganath Giri: "India - an ideal country for sadhana. But to understand it, you'll need to live here without money." This searcher, a former Moscow businessman, now a famous disciple of Guru Pilot Baba, four years of living the life of the Indian sadhu in Gangotri, one of the holiest places in India.
This is a traditional yogic position at an altitude of 3,500 meters. At night there is very cold, but as the Russian people, Ranganath built its kute stove. At 14 km from Gangotri is Gomukh - the source of the Ganges. Russian yogin is fluent in Hindi. Local sadhu called Ranganatha "Russia baba (baba Russian). "Baba" in Hindi means "father."

Ranganath Geary.

Life sadhu, however, is not always idyllic. Under the orange garb sometimes hidden thieves and bandits. Once I asked a sadhu, he is protected in case of danger, because sleep is often outdoors.
Instead, he zasunul hand under the folds of garments, and to my amazement, pulled her out of the brush wear the steel claws. Then the sadhu had done the same procedure with the second hand. After that, he vozdel both hands to the sky and laughed. I have goose ran in the skin. The Holy Father was like a huge bird of prey, rasprostershuyu wings with steel claws!
Later he told me a story about a team Tantric sadhu, whom he met in the Himalayas. Once the evening he nabrel their fire. Type in tantrikov was pretty wild, but their boss was a particularly fierce form. Sadhu seated at a fire, the guru asked whether he wants to eat. Guest replied in the affirmative, although no food near the fire he had not noticed.
Then the boss pulled out stuck in the ground trident and without looking, threw him somewhere back in the woods. There was a plaintive yelp. Then he ordered his disciple to bring game. It was a wild boar piglet, which immediately izzharili on fire.
Ascetics and holy men in India and to this day such a quantity that can take years to meet and communicate with them. Virtually every ancient holy place or temple inhabited by some sadhu or a woman.
Collecting the saints, however, some shifts or a hobby or a kind of mental disorder. Man drives forward the hope that all those he met - it was "wrong". Anyone who hands beck one change his life - somewhere ahead.
Lifting people out of India is indeed more than any other country. Yogin Tit Maharaj told me that enlightened souls in the land about 2000. And only two hundred of them live in other countries, the rest of India. The truth is, given the long passes over a billion people of this country, a chance to meet them small. Moreover, even if the meeting with the liberated soul is given the stars, this does not mean that he or she can or wants to transfer their knowledge.