Saturday, October 17, 2009

The overall goal

The overall goal

Did you ever stop and ask ourselves the question: what am I doing on this planet? Why am I here? What is my destiny? The answer is simple ... Development, growth. We are here to grow - all together and individually. We - the living beings, the manifestation of universal energy. Should we stop growing, and we die. Look around you - the flowers and trees, birds and insects, plants and animals of all kinds are in a state of constant growth, and express themselves as living beings. Once their growth stops and they die.

Now you're experiencing the most amazing and precious moment of his life and future depends on what you think or do now. Whatever happened in the past that made you feel unhappy and dissatisfied now, leave it in the past, but let it you learn something. Then - it then and now - this is now.

In each of us laid the seed of divinity, the seed of love and perfection of God Himself. You only need to recognize this seed to provide him with food and the opportunity for growth - and then it begins to radiate beauty, which will not leave indifferent all and everything that surrounds you.

Do you possess a direct link to everything good and pure - an umbilical cord that connects you with the universal source. By that time, when you you reach the end of this book, you'll be to feel familiar and comfortable with his inner God, with its source.

If you are new in the way of internal growth, it may happen that you have to experience some pain, some discomfort at the physical and emotional levels. When will you get rid of old patterns and programs, you may create the impression that the very foundations crumble. But this is only an illusion. You loosed from the shackles of the past - to get rid of unnecessary emotional baggage and preconceived notions. You become free! When you learn to trust the process, when will find faith in him, then get rid of the fear and learn to love.

Regardless of how many seminars you have passed, how many have read "self-helpovskih" books and listened to the course, how much time spent thinking about the process of personal development, you must act! Only a conscious action and repetition will enable you to achieve those goals that you set before him, will enhance the process of purification and growth. Remember, you pereprogrammiruesh your subconscious. The subconscious mind understands only the action!

Imagine, for example, a glass of dirty water, which is gradually added to the net - the glass in the end turns into a glass of clean water. Muddy water is replaced by clean. Reading about how you pour a glass of clean water, or just thinking about it, you do not get clean water. The water in the glass will continue to remain dirty.

Just doing something, you'll get results! When you pour the dirty water clean, you do not let them immediately, but will certainly see the result. Persevere, and it will pay off! If you will constantly remind yourself that you are gradually moving forward, you'll get something that aspired.

Deciding to nurture the seed planted in you, your essence, begin to act. You'll be amazed at how quickly it grows and stretches to the light and liberty outside of soil, in which the seed was thrown. Any pain that you can test out of the way through the thickness of the soil, will be temporary.

If the pain becomes too strong, it means that you resist and refuse to "let go" the old program or get rid of them. You have nothing to lose, but you can find everything. The more you resist, the greater the pain will persist. But soon you will feel the warmth of their love and the brightness of his inner light. Exempt and grow!

Here is an example from everyday life. Imagine that you have on the body appeared abscess. By applying peroxide go some other ointment, you know, that can be painful. But you also know that this pain - a sign of the healing process. The same things and the processes of inner healing.

Remember that nothing can find there, if you yourself are not presented, has not dreamed or thought about it. Creativity - the greatest power of human beings. Among all animals, plants or minerals, we - the only species that can consciously create our own reality.

When you begin to grow and you will persevere in this process, you should always remember and understand that the only existing reality - this is the reality that exists in the domestic realm. Everything else - an illusion. Before becoming visible, all created in the invisible. Keep all the time to realize this truth, and you become master of its destiny.

Should you take responsibility for their own growth, you will act in concert with the Divine Law, and it will speed up the process. Until now you could not achieve what you wanted, for one reason only - do not believe in that possibility. You lacked faith.

One of the greatest mistakes that we commit as human beings - is the inability to take the power of faith. Remember, thought is energy! When your thoughts are distinct, you can manifest and create anything you wish. This is an immutable law of physics. The energy created with a clear mind, it becomes real, physical energy, which should result in the result.

Of paramount importance is the understanding that the subconscious mind responds to all your thoughts. Therefore, if your mental process is dirty and confused, unconscious, too, will be frightened and can not serve the realization of your desires.

Clearly define and visualize their desires. Fed them and let them grow up strong! How discouraged the idea that everything that happens to you, due to external influence. Just imagine: if you think the other responsible for all of your troubles, you should wait until they have something to do with that so that you become happy!

If you are ill, and blame for that someone or something outside of yourself (no matter what: heredity, weather, or something else), you must have patience and wait until these external influences will not change and does not allow you to once again become healthy! Willing or do you want to wait so long? Is it not wiser to build your very own health and their own lives?

Take responsibility for your life now - know that at this point you can change your life ... Edit yourself! You can learn to see the glass half-full instead of seeing it half empty! When you learn to be guided not by his head and heart, then you begin to watch the eyes of love and you'll see around the beauty and goodness. Can you imagine the feeling of constant love in life!

The reality is what you see it. The fact that you feel like the truth becomes your truth. Be selective in what you feed your mind. Spend a moment to visualize a party to the joyous event, and your body will feel the happiness.

Now imagine yourself all abandoned, and your body will experience sadness. In a moment you changed my life. Learn to see the beauty of ugliness, for criticism of love. Had a spiritual - is seeing the love (of God), and beauty everywhere, in everything and all ...

When you re-acquainted with his true self, the shell of your identity (or ego) will disappear and you do not have to be the way others see you. If you use the more familiar concepts, you have to "find himself" ... their true selves. External side, which was once your ego has to change. It will no longer be an obstacle in your life, and you will be able to freely be myself!

Take a sheet of paper and write down what you will be able to remember from what you did last week, highlighting the following categories:

1. What did you do just for myself, such that caused your well-being or bring you happiness?

2. What have you done for others? I do you do it? What are you guided in each case?

3. List all those who said or did something that made you feel as if you criticize or condemn. Then compile a list of situations where you have caught myself on the fact that criticize or condemn others. What do it feel? Do you see the connection between the two?

4. Repeat the following affirmation every time you find yourself alone with your thoughts until you feel that you have received and let the above-mentioned situation.

How many leaves in your hand?

How many leaves in your hand?

Once, when the Buddha was sitting under a tree, came to him a great philosopher. Buddha was then already very old, and within a few months he had to leave.

The great philosopher asked Buddha: "They said if you have everything they knew?"

Buddha picked up a few dry leaves, and asked the philosopher: "What do you think, how many leaves in my hand? Do More of them than of dry leaves in the forest? "

The whole forest was full of dry leaves the wind was blowing everywhere, and dry leaves created a lot of noise and a lot of music. The philosopher looked up and said: "What kind of question you ask? How can you have more leaves in your hand? you have several, very large - a dozen, and in the woods them - millions. And the Buddha replied: "What I said, this is only a few leaves in my hand. And the fact that I did not say it all the dry leaves in the forest. "

The philosopher said: "Then another question! Why did not you say all this? "The Buddha replied:" Because it does not help you. Even if I wanted to say it, it can not be said. You have to go through and then you will know it. It comes through experience, through the existence of ".

Trust your first impression

Trust your first impression

When you receive an intuitive impression about yourself And whether the man, whose field you are reading, pay attention to any emerging image. Most people are looking for soothing images, rather than health and reassuring signs, rather than real, because they usually want to see a safe path to the future, into the unknown. So you may be tempted to get rid of the disturbing image that you have received, or on the wrong way by your own desires or wishes of the person with whom you work. Many people who come to me for evaluation, themselves already felt, that something is wrong, but they hope that I come to this feeling a different meaning, like "you just have a natural change in the body, but physically you are not is okay. It is important to tell people the truth and not what they want to hear. Skov again and I had to confirm the negative intuitive sense of people seeking my assistance. Their abilities are as accurate as mine, these people know that they are sick. But, since I do not share their fear, my intuition can interpret their data better than themselves.

People need to face your fears. For example, in the case of a man "with a bullet in heart", at first glance it seemed that it is safer to avoid confrontation with the wrong wife and suspicions that she was deceiving him. Instead of acting, relying on intuition, he turned his pain and anger in the subconscious mind into the body, which gave itself felt, ultimately, pain in the chest. His body and the spirit of trying to awaken in him the need to resolve the issue with his wife's betrayal, but like many people, he hoped that if not confronted with the problem face to face, then she is gone. His body, however, revealed that the true cost of such a "robust" approach was a challenge to their own health. The history of this man illustrates how powerful can be intuition, and how it can break the most stable installation of the brain that lead us to health.

Life at times is painful, and, from the standpoint of spirituality, it is assumed that we must face the pain with which life confronts us. Development of intuitive ability to help us learn the lessons inherent in our experience.

Read the information field

Read the information field

Sometimes, in addition to the knowledge of the dramatic experiences of childhood, a person with a developed intuition can even get information about superstitions, habits, behavior patterns, moral beliefs and preferences in music and literature. In other cases, the energy impressions more symbolic.

For example, when dealing with one of my patient, suffering from respiratory difficulties, I have always the impression that he was shot and the bullet hits him in the heart. Naturally, this does not happen to him in a literal sense, but he passed a thorough medical examination, which was unable to determine the physical cause of his condition. After I shared with him their impressions, and he told me that his wife cheated on him several times with other men, and he felt himself shot dead in the heart of it when he felt those actions of his wife. Assuming these emotions, which he had previously tried to ignore, he was able to address both the issue of marriage and the issue of his health.

Our emotional energy is converted into biological matter through a very complex process. As well as radio broadcasts and receives information using the energy of a certain wavelength, every organ system in the body, and calibrated on the uptake and processing of certain emotional and physiological energy. That is, each part of the body transmits energy on specific, a characteristic frequency, and when we are healthy, everything - in the mood. " Body area, which does not transmit at its normal frequency indicates the existence of the problem. Changing the intensity of the carrier frequency reflecting the changing nature and severity of the disease and detect areas of tension that caused the leakage of energy on the development of the disease. This way of interpreting the body's energy is sometimes called "vibrational medicine". This is similar to the most ancient medical practices and beliefs, from Chinese medicine and shamanistic practices of the natives, to virtually every folk or alternative therapy. If a person is able to intuitively feel that it loses energy because of the stressful situation - and then act so as to compensate for this loss - in this case, the likelihood that stress will grow into a crisis on the physical plane is reduced, if not disappear entirely. Medical intuition is cooperating with the intent to improve the health of the body and the life that is, our energy will always be aimed at maintaining health, what would you do with them physically. For example, if we speak the truth, our energy field will inform the other person, that energy fact that we lie. Energy is not lying and can not do.

Learning to be and because of fear. This pathological motivation, especially as the high level of fear reduces the learning outcomes; especially with respect to the complex and new situations. But the study of simple material and the fear can help. Apparently, therefore, so long existed for the school, where instruction was based on fear.

The process of teaching is related to the level of claims. This is a subjective assessment of the possibilities in relation to the achievements. Useful if the level exceeds the level of aspiration has been achieved, but only slightly. In other words, the process of teaching important relationship between what you have achieved, so what do you think you can achieve, and that which would like to achieve.

The most mature and useful for the development of a cognitive motivation to learn. In

this case, we are learning for knowledge acquisition. Discovering new concepts,

assimilation of information, the acquisition of skills is our reward. Knowledge becomes an end in itself, allowing us to "take over the world." But here we are free from coercion, a sense of responsibility, the need to prove something to yourself or someone

else ...

And here we again sends greetings to "our old friend", from which, as it turns out, so much depends in our lives: our sense of self-worth. We can learn with joy, passion and energy, reaching the highest results, but we can and under the lash, in fear, sometimes in order to create an impression and to fulfill the role of a mature and independent person.


O woman of fifty, with higher professional qualifications, does not cease to learn. It is usually the oldest in courses and seminars. She believes that her knowledge is still insufficient to the complete dedication and willingness to work in the specialty. She believes that there should continue to learn.

E young graduate psychology department is taken for any job, considering his knowledge not only sufficient but also optimal for all types and levels of professional activity. He believes that has already learned everything.

Man with two diplomas, working for one of two specialties received is recorded on the foreign language courses, while learning to manage the yacht. Subsequently, he plans to master radiodelo. He brings the joy of learning and gives satisfaction, it - his way of life.

And what do you think about this? Which of the examples you closer? And what do you consider ideal? What model of teaching acting in your own family? And what would you like to implement in their own - a married family?

"People who once gotten a taste of what they have achieved their own and only their own efforts, are becoming more consistent form themselves, finding in it a source of self-esteem and joy." So wrote one of the psychologists.

In our socio-cultural contexts we go more often than students in the school

class, student groups and at different rates, ie, being in a formal group. The relationship between attention to learning and maintaining relationships with peers

uneven. You know how many of your classmates on average

school went to class just to meet with friends. Conversely,

many found themselves in trouble in school because of relationships with peers. Complex role

student: it covers the intra-relationships and interactions in a group set up to obtain the knowledge and skills (do not forget about education, although

In this lesson, this side we have deliberately ignored).

Students punished and encourage each other, moreover - each other learn. Sometimes the schools are trying to use the influence of school groups to achieve certain goals. For example, participation in sports, excursions and other activities not related to learning, is dependent on the school ratings.

Sometimes the intervention and the use of group interaction facilitate comparison of students and the emergence of rivalry between them.

Fortunately, experts in the field of pedagogy found detrimental effects of intra-group competition, bringing a lot of problems.

Could you talk with several people about their experiences in this area? Ask them if they won, competing in their studies, or suffered defeat? As

impact on their lives? Whether the increased level of assignments as a result of rivalry, and if so, in connection with what - the influence of fear or a more complete disclosure of internal reserves?

They love these people to compete now? Do they feel when they compare with others? The only useful form of competition - a competition with itself - yesterday!

OPTIONS solve financial problems

OPTIONS solve financial problems

It is important to clearly define what prosperity is needed to feel confident in life and not too distracted by the prose of life. Can be built a few strategies.

You can select the most modest work that bears a small salary, which allows him and his family (if he is) to support its existence at the level of basic needs. In this case, he will be able to save for the spiritual work much more energy and time. I know several people who have chosen this difficult path, and worthy of bearing his cross, and respect their choice with great respect.

You can choose to work that brings higher income and allowing to meet their needs much more freely than in the first case. If, for his service, he serves as educator, ennobling society preaching lofty ideas, then he can feel happy, despite the fact that his income compared with middle-income countries, even very small businesses. I can only say that instances of this happy combination of favorite works, bringing a lot of money and distribution of high spiritual ideas are rare. Far more common are completely different mutually exclusive options: either good wages in the service, not having any relation to the spiritual realm, or the pulpit of moral and spiritual ideas on a voluntary basis, paid ephemeral penny salary. Incidentally, the first option for the spiritual seeker is not so bad. I have known cases where people are seriously immersed in esoteric knowledge, in his worldly activities were good professionals and highly paid masters of their craft, who did not have to spread spirituality irrelevant. They received money for the repair of apartments and qualified photographic services for foreign language teaching and translation work, with lecturing on marketing and business psychology. Their only problem was the chronic lack of time - because in order to be in demand as a highly paid specialists and to maintain their reputation, they had all too often offer their services in the labor market.

And finally, another version of the spiritual relationship with the student's energy and finance world. It can act as a teacher, living on donations from students and rich people who make their sponsorship contributions, or as a public figure, which implements large, perhaps even international humanitarian and cultural projects with global planetary significance and supported by the Grand Masters. If the first went through in the XX century, a variety of esoteric and spiritual heroes of the world such as Aurobindo Ghosh and Jiddu Krishnamurti, the second way represent figures such as the NK Roerich and his famous mission Pact and Banner of Peace Culture. And in fact, and in another case, in virtue of their spiritual mission, although students were not very rich, but poverty did not know. But, of course, these cases relate to the students a very high level and in relation to the ordinary people to serve in the rank of Teachers.

The problem of material support for pupils on the spiritual path is not a simple one. The student must learn how to solve it yourself. If, by a serious effort, resourcefulness and ability to write their professional skills in a plan of planetary evolution, he could solve the problem of money without burdening his karma, the great teachers may find that the student passed the exam and passed to a higher level. With such a student, subject to the karmic readiness, they communicate much more readily than with the man who, on the one hand, and had not won a complex money-grubbing, and on the other - never learned to make money.


Feel the power of money and the thin substance of financial flows, which flow through you and past you. Feel that the money that you earn - it is part of your more subtle energy during the life of the energy is converted into energy finance. Realize that the money power, it is necessary for survival in the modern world, its composition is much more coarse than the psychic energy of man. Therefore, if you are interested in the spiritual ascent, you should take in relation to the cash flows of the correct position: on the one hand, to bring them to him for their high quality professional work, and the other to cultivate in yourself the freedom and independence of the money when it comes of higher spiritual values. Tune in to this position the master of life, which has money and knows how to attract financial flows, but inwardly free from their oppression and negative features.

Law get attached

Law get attached

In detachment lies the wisdom of uncertainty ... in the wisdom of uncertainty lies freedom from our past, from the known, which is the prison of past conditioning.
In its willingness to step into the unknown, in the field of all possibilities, we provide a creative mind, which creates the choreography of the dance universe.

The sixth spiritual law of success is the Law get attached. The law states get attached: in order to achieve anything in the physical universe, you have to give up his attachment to what you want to achieve. This does not mean that you abandon its intention to realize their desire. You do not refuse any of the intention nor the desire. You waive its attachment to the result.

This has a very strong effect. At that moment, when you abandon its attachment to the result of combining precisely directed with the intention of detachment, you get what you want. All that whatever you wish, can be achieved through detachment, because detachment is based on the absolute confidence in the power of your true Self

On the other hand, the attachment is based on fear and insecurity - and the need to have confidence stems from ignorance of his true Self
Source of wealth, abundance, and the rest of the physical world - your I, is the consciousness that knows how to satisfy your every need. Everything else - only the characters: cars, homes, money, clothes, airplanes. Symbols are transient: they come and go. Pursuit of symbols like the settling of cards instead of real territory. This creates anxiety and ultimately leads to bankruptcy, because you change your characters I'm on my Ya

Attachment born paucity of consciousness, because attachment - it is always attachment to the characters. Detachment - a synonym for a wealthy consciousness, because detachment creates freedom for creativity. "
Joy and laughter are possible only in the absence of attachment to the predicament. Then the symbols of wealth are created spontaneously and without effort.
If there is no non-attachment, we become prisoners of helplessness, hopelessness, earthly needs, small worries, full of desperation and extreme seriousness - all that is characteristic of ordinary existence and the wretched consciousness.
The truly rich in the consciousness - the ability to get everything you want, at any time now, whenever you wish, and with the least expenditure of effort.
To understand the basis of this experience, we need to comprehend the wisdom of uncertainty. In this wisdom, you will find the freedom to create anything you want ..

People are constantly looking for confidence, but you will understand that this confidence - very rare. Even attachment to money - a sign of insecurity. You can say: "When I have X million dollars, I will feel safe. I will be financially independent and able to retire. Then I will be able to do what I really want to." But it never happens - never happens.

Anyone who is looking for certainty will be chasing her all my life, but did not find it. It will remain elusive and ephemeral, because money alone will never give confidence. Attachment to money will always bring forth a feeling of uncertainty, regardless of how much money you have in the bank. In fact, many of those who have the most money, have the greatest uncertainty.

Ali Apsheron On the meaning of life and destiny of man

Ali Apsheron
On the meaning of life and destiny of man

Life - a precious gift of heaven, in which there is nothing better than herself. You just have the right to dispose of this gift. Understand it should be, as provided everyone a chance to succeed in the execution of purpose, for which we must first develop, learn, grow, and that after using our ability to comprehend the essence of things, gaining valuable experience and achievements are important to us and humanity goals. This must be done to his movement forward toward realizing peace, development, intelligence and achievement of new scientific, cultural, and spiritual levels, combining a simple human happiness based on the daily life of the pillars of rational beings, just what human beings.

The basis of human existence - is the knowledge of the world, without which there can be meaningful and meaningful life. In an effort to comprehend the inner essence of things, as well as their relationship to the universe, man finds his existence. Only in this way he can fulfill his destiny - to be human in the fullest sense of the word. Order and given him life. The meaning of life is that man was able to reach, understand and feel good, and that he was able to leave valuable to others after him. That's because a happy man who lived a century for a bargain, having to do all that was going to make a good, rewarding yourself and others. This is the essence and meaning of human life. No matter how far a person from any philosophy, he still has a theory or doctrine, which explains why he lives this way and not otherwise.

I measure the value of life not quantity of years lived, for around plenty of people who live, not knowing life without understanding the purpose and duties of man, for many years, have not committed anything worthy. Measure the achieved degree of spiritual, moral, scientific and intellectual development, a number of useful, good deeds, as well as to how important and significant was this work for the society.

People living under the hood vain, petty life easily find justification for their spiritual laziness, to continue to lead an aimless existence. They run through life as a closed circle, no one knows where, and why spend lots of time to achieve the objectives, negligible in front of her breadth, whereas real life, saturated interesting content, passes them.

Ecclesiastes was wrong about the fact that life is only a "vanity of vanities." Perhaps because it looks from the windows of the royal palace, but that gives meaning to people's own life has been known for thousands of years before he came into this world. Ecclesiastes simply should look at life a little wider, deeper, to examine it and realize that if this man's wisdom and impressive features was not so could be hard task.

There is a statement stating that: "Man is what he eats." It is wrong, because in fact man is what he lives. Life must be lived not for the sake of gaining wealth and power, or otherwise, to such nonsense, but for the sake of happiness full, meaningful life, seeking treasures of the mind, deep feelings and impressions.

The meaning of life can not be that does not depend on the efforts of man, and revealed to him as a given, and that disappears with his death. The meaning of life consists of senior and everyday. People can not live only for the sake of higher, but limited to the daily also did not have to. We must strive to succeed in both respects. The highest good is the possibility of a meaningful life and attaining happiness to man, coupled with the successful execution of its higher purpose and prosperity in their chosen inheritance.

The purpose of life is full and interesting life, which it will be only if you try to live it so that it has brought undoubted benefits not only to its owner, relatives and contemporaries, but also to meet the expectations of all previous and future generations.

Life - this is what it is spent, which makes the most terrible thing that we can be - it is an empty and meaningless life, at which a person is not able to look back created by him, because he spent it on the vanity. Life gives us one who originally was the creator of the necessary conditions for its existence. What people smarter and more noble, so all the more important and sublime, he sees the meaning of its existence. The supreme purpose of man can be just what meets the intention of its Creator. People are created not for a simple consumer goods, but for a useful and lofty goals, and therefore should live and work in accordance with the grandiose plans of the One who created, as well as the people themselves, and nourishes us in nature. What in the name of which people come into this world, he carries with him after death. Life without meaning is like aimless swimming. Could happen to a reasonable life, - man, was meaningless in such an ordered world, where the presence of any insects performed clear any sense?

Do not be confused with the means to life itself. Distinguish them easily: the means of life - all that is capable of supporting life, and she herself - something for which it should be supported.

You do not fulfill their purpose, if you do not fulfill what constitutes the highest and the ordinary, everyday meaning of your life. First to be done in order to fulfill the plan of the Creator of man, the meaning of the second - to confirm that it was done by man. Reason requires people to follow the path of meaningful existence. The meaning of our life is to fill it to them, consistent understanding of each, to whom it is given. That is why such a thing as my life's work to others not to shift.

Do not strain your mind to find answers to the eternal questions of life, not to let his longing for the freedom of the spirit of creative space, so all my life to live without raising the head, wander through it bent over, as if under a heavy load, a useless burden of daily hassles. Life - is a creative art, not an event.

Not tomis stagnation, choose a better life! The main issue for people is what to spend their lives. Who thought that life was given to them to have fun idle pastimes, he confused with the main secondary. Take away the life of the spiritual and sublime meaning, and the human being presented to you a mechanical accident, complete nonsense, which, of course, can not be, because God did not create meaningless things. Nonsense is inapplicable to the essence of the Almighty Allah, because He is free from any defects and hierarchies. On the contrary, in the acts and thoughts to the Creator of all the edges filled with deep sense of sublimity, and, as an explicit and hidden for a time. The life of each of us is an integral part of this grand sense, as our Lord, always coming fairest way, there is an infinite, immortal principle, only in conjugation with which human life becomes meaningful.

Wrong turn his life into a continuous experiment, because they risk sharing the fate of experimental mice. However, alas, most people wasting their lives in vain. Life of most people today - the race for the petty and transient. There is no such that someone's life has exhausted its meaning. People are able to meet even the most impersonal and primitive forms of existence, bringing life to the limit of worthlessness.

/ Ali Absheron /



In all that lives, pulsating energy, and all this energy contains information. Our physical body is surrounded by an energy field whose boundaries are at arm's length and are determined by the total length of the body. It is both an information center, and a highly sensitive perceptual system. We are constantly "talk" with all that surrounds us through this system, which is a kind of electricity, able to realize that sends a message to other human bodies and takes messages from them.

These messages inside the energy field is what people perceive intuitively developed. Doctors practicing energy medicine believe that the human energy field contains and reflects the energy of every individual. It surrounds us and is the emotional energy created by our internal and external experiences - both positive and negative. This emotional force influences the physical tissue of our bodies. Thus, our biography - that is, constitute our life experience - becomes our biology.

Experiences that bring emotional energy in our energy systems include, past and present relationships, both personal and professional, profound or traumatic experiences and memories, the nature of philosophy, including all spiritual and superstitious beliefs. Emotions that accompany these experiences are encoded in our biological systems and contribute to the formation of our cell tissue, which then produces a certain amount of energy, showing these emotions. These impressions form an energy language, containing the literal and symbolic information that can be read by a doctor-intuitivist.

Consider the example type of message, which can transmit energy field. Let's say you have had problems with math in elementary school. The fact that 12 and a dozen - are one and the same, do not usually bear the emotional burden, which could change the state of cellular tissues. On the other hand, if you are a teacher humiliated by the fact that you did not know it, the experience would have carried an emotional burden, which would have done harm at the cellular level, especially if you need to be mindful of that in adult life, or to use as a criterion for determining how to respond to criticism, authoritarian figure, education or failure. The man with insight could catch a literal vision of your interaction with the teacher or any other negative character associated with the experience.

Positive images and the energy of positive experiences, too, has its energy field. Think about when someone praised you for a job well done, a gesture, or for assistance you have provided. You feel the positive energy - the wave of personal power within your body. Positive and negative experiences are stored in the cell tissue in the same way as in the energy field. As demonstrated neurobiologist Dr. Kendeys Perth, neuropeptides, chemicals, caused by emotions - are thoughts converted into matter. Our thoughts are physically in our bodies and interact with our cells and tissues. In fact, Dr. Pert does not share your mind and body, because the same cells that produce and receive emotional chemicals in the brain, are present throughout the body. Sometimes the body responds to the emotional level and begins to make matter even before the brain has registered a problem. Remember, though, how quickly your body reacts to a loud sound before you have time for something to think about.

What does it mean to be "responsible"?

What does it mean to be "responsible"?

Being responsible means being able to bear the consequences of their decisions, their actions, words and reactions. I specifically say "their", not the decisions, actions, words and reactions of other people! This means that we are not responsible for external events that directly affect us, for example, what others do or say to us. Maybe we should not be responsible for car accident or a fire in our house, but we are definitely responsible for his reaction to these events! That's the difference. Our reaction to an event entails a series of actions - they can be very different depending on what kind of reaction we have shown. Everything that happens to us, is done in order to help us take responsibility for their own lives, that is responsible for the consequences of every choice we made.

How to be himself, while not disturbing others?

The next time when you have such doubts, ask yourself: "Do I really hurt this person or I think I offended him?" Often we feel responsible for emotion or hurt someone else, even without checking whether the offense was applied. However, even if it was the intention to do something bad, who can say that the other one was really hurt? Sometimes we hurt people, unwittingly, as it also happens that we want him to hurt, but we can not do that. It is impossible to be confident in the reactions of others to our actions. It is important to be sincere, be yourself. Suppose you want someone to say something. If, based on its past experience, do you think that by staying honest, you are risking to injure the person, then I advise you: before you say anything, start the conversation this way: "I want something to tell you but I'm afraid to hurt you. I assure you that I have no such intention. I need to tell you about this, because I prefer to be honest with you. "

I am very spontaneous person. I work in a team and often express my opinion. I think it is important to be sincere. Then I learned that some felt that I was attacking them. Moreover, my boss asked me to be more cautious in their statements. How do I behave?

When several people work together, we must find a middle ground. Of course, the perfect person to be spontaneous, but it should not lose the measure. If you can not think before speaking, it is important to notify the team, saying, for example, the following sentence: "I want to warn you that I am a very spontaneous person, and may speak very quickly." It's just a matter of human compassion. When we know beforehand that can cause pain, you need to ask ourselves whether that be what we both want to say. I have already said that we must be sincere. This does not mean that we should say it. Just when we need to talk to someone, our words must be sincere. If people have the impression that you are attacking them, and this happens regularly, it might be really in your behavior is an element of the attack. Ask them to tell you about it as how they see it, so that you can immediately check whether you had the intention to offend anyone. Knowing that there is no smoke without fire, without haste, check your motivation. This does not mean that you must suppress their spontaneity. It can be very useful in some cases, but others preferred to think before they express their thoughts. You are not responsible for the emotions of other people, but I still recommend you to be more cautious and learn to curb their spontaneity.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Barsa-Kelmes, anomalous Island

Barsa-Kelmes, anomalous Island

Errant travelers visiting the deserted island of Barsa-Kelmes witnessed abnormal phenomena but today there is enough anomalies.

The appearance of the island leaves a sad impression. It differs little from that located between the Caspian and Aral Seas Ustyurtsk desert. It is about her conductor-Kazakh, responding to a question the Chief of one of the first scientific expeditions to the Ustyurt: "What is it nature?" - Honestly replied: "There is no nature, no!"

Лет 15 назад мне довелось побывать на Барса-Кельмесе. I flew there on a little Laborers-AN-2 and found that the words of the Kazakh Ustiurt fully fit and appearance of the island. There is nothing or almost nothing. Instead of grass - biyurgun withered and sickly gray sagebrush. Instead of trees - shrubs Haloxylon, under which it is impossible even to hide from the sun. Instead of animals - snakes, scorpions phalanx yes.

But it is precisely this deserted and gloomy island linked more legends and incredible stories, what with all the Caspian-Aral region. There is always something mysterious and inexplicable.

For example, the history of the old fisherman N. Baydzhanova already disappeared from the village of Muinak, told the visitor metropolitan reporter. Father and grandfather, a fisherman often sailed to the Barca-Kelmes and repeatedly met here ... Shaytaan. Height was a calf, had great wings like a sail, the beak - a long, and with his teeth. As proof of his words startled fisherman showed the journalist a huge tooth "Satan", who once gave him a father. According to the journalist, the tooth was a brilliant, very fresh and absolutely no resemblance to the fossils of ancient animals, is sometimes found on sandy slopes along the shores of the Aral Sea. Give a tooth even for a time a fisherman refused, but allowed to photograph him. When a meticulous journalist said from the snapshot in the Paleontological Institute, and showed it to scientists, it was surprised to learn that the tooth belonged to the flying lizards, lived in these parts many millions of years ago.

There were rumors, however, among Moscow ufologists that Barca-Kelmes in 30-ies of XX century at some time lost the entire topographical expedition. Three months of unsuccessfully looking for. Then it just suddenly appeared, and all of its members as one asserted that absent only three days, during which the topographical survey was carried out north of the island. Then he remembered ufologists about the strange name of the island - "Will you go - do not come back!". Perhaps such disappearances have occurred in the past? Most famous Barca-Kelmes arrivals to the island of "geese" from outer space. This is absolutely incredible fact told Victor Zuev, author of the 1991 book "The Aral impasse.

UFO that appeared over the island for several years, saw all the inhabitants existed at that time in Barca-Kelmes Reserve - 18 people. We met with them and the newcomers - Associate Professor of Botany Leningrad Pedagogical Institute, Lev Kuznetsov and a team of student interns. But most of all the "lucky" huntsman reserve Valentine Skuratskomu. He even went inside the aircraft. Here are some excerpts from his memoirs on the morning of November 17, 1985, when he was temporarily abducted by aliens from outer space.

It was still dark. Only beginning to turn gray. I watched from next door to me, like a frog leaping strange creature. When we became friends, I fear, apparently, grabbed him.

It slipped from the hands, with painful injections in my left leg, leaving me and stayed as he was, in a half-bent position: do not bend, do not relax. I felt like I immobilize like an animal, pre-shipment. Essentially ran across the yard, waving his wings.

Suddenly the state of tetanus passed. I rushed over and being caught up with him near the fence surrounding the estate. It took to beat off the wings, but I would not let go and was able, finally, a good look at it: big dark eyes, long eyelashes, a black tuft of hair on his head, ears and no mouth, big nose, like a bird. Clothing - black jumpsuit.

What can NLP

What can NLP

When I first became acquainted with neuro-linguistic programming, I was fascinated, but at the same time, set very skeptical. At that time, I firmly believe that personal development is slow, difficult and painful. I could hardly believe that I can cure the phobia, and other such violations of the psyche, in a short time - less than an hour, despite the fact that I did this several times and was convinced that the results were sustainable. All that you will find in this book, set out clear and simple and can easily be verified on your own experience. There are no tricks, and you are not required to move to the new faith. From you want one - put aside their own beliefs, put them on the time needed to verify the concept and procedures of NLP in their own experience of perception.

NLP - is a clear and effective model of the human inner experience and communication. Using the principles of NLP can be described as any human activity in great detail, that allows you to easily and quickly deep and sustained change in this activity.

Here are some of the things that you can learn to do:

1. Healing phobia and other unpleasant sensations in less than an hour.

2. Help nizkoobuchaemym children and adults to overcome the corresponding restrictions - often, too, less than an hour.

3. Eliminate unwanted habits - smoking, drinking, overeating, insomnia - for several sessions.

4. Produce changes in the interactions that occur in couples, families and organizations that they function more productively.

5. Healing somatic disease (and not just those considered to be "psychosomatic") for several sessions.

Thus, NLP claims a lot, but experienced practitioners use this method, implement these claims, seeking tangible results. NLP in its present state can do much faster, but not all. ... If you want to learn all that we have listed, you can devote this time. There are many things that we can not do. If you can program yourself so that in this book to find something useful for themselves, instead look for cases where our method has no use, you are sure to meet such cases. If you will honestly use this method, you will find many cases where it does not work. In these cases, I advise you to use something else.

The ability of NLP is much broader than we have listed in our five points. The same principles can be used to study people, however gifted or exceptional ability to identify these abilities. Knowing this structure can operate as effectively as those people with outstanding ability. This kind of intervention leads to creative change through which people learn to create new talents and new behavior.

In a sense, the achievement of NLP is not new, there have always been "spontaneous remission", "inexplicable cure", and there have always been people who have an outstanding use of their abilities. English thrush had immunity to smallpox, long before Jenner invented his vaccine, currently smallpox, claimed thousands of lives each year, has disappeared from the face of the earth. Just as NLP can eliminate many of the difficulties and dangers of modern life and make learning and behavior modification easier, more productive and exciting process. Thus, we are in anticipation of a qualitative leap in the development of experience and abilities.

Really new to NLP - is that it provides an opportunity to know exactly what to do and an idea of how to do it.

Intention - this is the real force behind the desire. It has great power's intention, because intention - a desire, in which there is no attachment to the result. One of only a desire not to have power, because for most people desire - this attention, coupled with affection. Namerenie - this desire with strict observance of all other laws, but especially the Law detachment, Sixth Spiritual Laws of Success.

The intention, combined with detachment leads to understanding of the present moment, focus on the most important. And when the action is carried out in the realization of this moment, it is most effective. Your intention is directed to the future, but your attention is in the present.

Until your attention to this, your intention regarding the future, is carried out, because your future is created in the present. You must take this for what it is. Take namerevat present and future. Future - is that you can always create with the help of an impartial intentions, but you will never have to fight this.
Past, present and future - all the properties of consciousness. The past - are memories, memories, the future - the anticipation, the present - awareness. Consequently, the time - this movement of thought. Both past and future are born in your imagination, only now, which is an awareness, is real and eternal. It is. It - it is the potential for space and time, matter and energy. This is an eternal field of possibilities, which are expressed in the form of abstract forces, whether light, heat, electricity, magnetism, or gravity. These forces are not in the past and not in the future. They just are.

Our perception of the specific event or form - this is our interpretation of these abstract forces. We recall our interpretation of abstract forces create the experience of the past, anticipate the interpretation of the same abstract forces create the future. This quality of attention in our minds. When these qualities are exempt from the burden of the past, the present action constitutes a fertile ground for the establishment of the future.
The intention was thrown to the ground that an impartial freedom present, serves as a catalyst through which the corresponding mixture of matter, energy and space-time events will create anything you want.

If you have knowledge of the present moment, focus on the most important, all the imaginary obstacles - what are in fact more than ninety percent of perceived obstacles - are destroyed and disappear. The remaining five to ten per cent of the obstacles with the help of precisely directed intentions can be turned into opportunities.

Precisely directed intention - is the quality of relentless attention fixated on the target. Precisely directed intention means so unflagging attention to the retention of the intended result, that you completely refuse to allow obstacles to destroy and disperse the concentration of your attention. This is a complete and absolute exclusion of all obstacles from your consciousness. You can maintain an unshakable calm, with all the passion of devoting himself to his goal. It is the power of simultaneous action unattached awareness and precisely directed, focused intent.
Learn to harnessing the power of intention, and you can create anything they wish. You can | also get results through the efforts and attempts, but this comes to pay, and the payment are stress, heart attacks and dysfunction of the immune system. Where better to perform the following five requirements of the Act's intentions and desires.

When you have to satisfy their desires follow these requirements, the intention of creating their own force.

1. Slowly enter the "pause". This means the focus in this silent space between thoughts, enter into silence - that level of Being, which is your basic state.

2. Strengthened this state of being aware of his intentions and desires. When you really are in a "pause", there are no thoughts, no intentions, but when you get out of pause - at the time the connection breaks and thoughts - you enter the intention. If you have a number of objectives, you can burn them and focus on their intention before entering the pause. For example, if you want success in your career, you enter a pause with this intention and the intention is already there in a glimmer in your awareness. Understand their intentions and desires, while in the pause means to implement them in fertile ground of pure potentiality, and wait for them to bloom at the right time. You do not have to dig up the seeds sown by the desire to see how the sprouts appear, or to adopt a strong attachment to the way they should be revealed. You just have to give them freedom.

3. Stay in the state of correlation with each other. This means that you should firmly hold the awareness of your true Self - his spirit, his connection with the field of pure potentiality. It also means not to look at themselves through the eyes of the external world, not to let on you was influenced by the opinions and criticism from the outside. In order to maintain this state of correlation with each other, very useful to keep your desires in your heart, do not share them with anyone else, if these people will not share exactly the same desire and will not be closely associated with you.

4. Give up your attachment to the result. It means to abandon rigid attachment to concrete results and stay in the wisdom of uncertainty. It means enjoying every minute journey, which is your life, even if you do not know the result.

5. Provide details to dispose of the universe. Your intentions and desires, when you realize them in the "pause", have infinite organizing power. Rely on this infinite organizing power of intention, and it organizes all the small details.
Remember that your true nature - is the nature of pure spirit. Why would you take it, take the consciousness of his spirit, its easy to keep your desire, and the universe itself to cope with the details.

Application of the Law of Intention and Desire

I want to make it work Law of Intention and Desire, pledging to take the following steps:

1. I have compiled a list of all their desires. Wherever I go, I'll wear this list with you. Before we enter into silence and meditation, I will look into this list. I'll look into it in the evening, going to sleep. I'll look into it in the morning, as soon as I wake up.

2. I will let all your wishes and those providing their source of creation, knowing that if something goes wrong, as I think it should happen, this is the cause, and that the space plans are grander than those that built the I .

3. I will remind myself of the need to maintain awareness of the present moment in all its actions. I will stop to allow obstacles to destroy and scatter the quality of my attention at the present moment. I'll take now such as it is, and show the future through the deepest, most cherished intentions and desires.

Unique human being

Unique human being

Since time immemorial, the planet Earth is experiencing great suffering, chaos, war and destruction for the simple reason that many of the creatures living on it, have forgotten who they are by their very nature - hidden under a mask of your ego. This forgetfulness means that many have ceased to read, understand and accept the individuality and uniqueness of every living organism.

Our uniqueness comes from the fact that no two such beings, which would have the same genetic program and the impact of the environment, plus the experience of past lives. All three factors shape who we are today. The third factor is particularly important because it explains why identical twins, for example, which have the same genetic program and live in similar conditions, yet completely react differently to situations. The missing factor is the fact that they were not twins all its previous life, and therefore each of them has a unique cellular memory.

Private individuals and mankind as a whole want this change to his planet. Many dream of finding sources and reveal the true unity and brotherhood of all people on Earth. This desire of the new society, where we will live in peace, respecting all nations, beliefs and culture, where we understand and keep in touch with the supreme will and the greatest plan. This is a good incentive for people who start or continue their inner journey.

Many people do not want to be victims of fear, ignorance and limitations, the results of which we feel in abundance on the physical plane - they have already realized that in order to change the planet, people should clean their own lives. The masses are composed of individuals, and to change the consciousness of the masses, it is necessary to change the consciousness of everyone. To transform their consciousness and understanding, we will see who we are, why here and what we intended to play a role in the formation of a new era.

This is our planet and we ourselves shall make the desired changes, turning inward and extending into our unique Divine Project. This unique project not only provides answers to our personal issues, but also includes a higher plane, which humanity is intended to embody in life, playing a role in this "joint venture". When we know what is the meaning of our existence, then realize that before each person is a unique challenge that he must zhenvypolnit. Then people can treat each other with unconditional love, taking a personal choice of each.

Life on this planet can compare with the enormous theatrical, enchanting and unifying and spectators and participants, the force which is due to its complexity. Not only the script covers all aspects of experience - from fun and light to an alarming and dramatic. - But also the process of setting quite striking.

Once in a state of deep meditation, I had a vision, explain it, that is "the game of life" - and that is what I saw. There were actors, group support, criticism and even the audience. However, their actions were not ordered and synchronized: the actors acted as sound technicians, musicians, interfered with work lights, and so on. Participants are not focused on their roles. As the vision continued, and continued internal comment, is from the Lord Ca-Nanda, who said that if we want to participate in this collective game of life, we can do this while still only revealed as humanity intuitively prompted internal knowledge of the potential perfection of everything that can be manifested on all planes.

First, he said that we could focus on finding our role in this game of life. We have found that it is easier to implement if each person will focus on what makes someone else, and redirect their energies and attention on it to open its domestic governing voice and develop personal insight, this would give us the opportunity to learn pleasure and recognize their role. Joy - it is the Spirit, manifesting themselves in life, so the degree of joy we feel, is always a good indicator of how we are in tune with the Spirit and the way we intended.

Secondly, after we learned of our intended role, as well as the fact. that we are part of the whole, it would be good to define their path, or "spheres", and allow the data to us natural talents and / or the ability to develop and manifest itself in all perfection.

Third, we should understand that we visit the school of life since time immemorial, and trained to develop skills and gained great experience (often stored in cell memory), which can be used to more effectively carry out his role. We must act in harmony and concord with other players, knowing that they are also trained to perform their role. Therefore, the third sentence is. that we accept it and respect the choices of others, as they must also learn how to play a role in harmony with us.

When we act according to the above, our personal reality and the state of consciousness, respectively, are changing, especially when the vibration frequency of the planet and its inhabitants is set to the higher octaves of light, and the coefficient of light in our current increases.

It's a state of consciousness when the energy field of the heart is fully open, when we can recognize the uniqueness of all and come into contact with the master in all things, where the game becomes magical. This state of consciousness, when the creature releases its "I", striving beyond the limits of separation and limitation in search of opportunities to serve only a great plan for the common good, not just their own. This will be discussed in the chapter on purpose and ministry.

When we understand the laws of energy and how we create the reality of our thoughts, we know that, although not always able to immediately change the existing circumstances, we can always change its position and, consequently, their life experience.

Lessons harmonious life:

? Recognition - the ability to know our next step.

? Accept the uniqueness of the individual - is to learn to perform the dance without touching the partner. You can choose a waltz, and someone - samba.

? The uniqueness of being - the ability to understand what dance you want to perform. Learn steps. Share with other space "ballroom"!

/ Dzhasmuhin /



Spiritual seeker and the more students, regardless of the tradition to which he is closer, to make a few steps.

First, take an unbending intention to do everything possible to learn to control his mind, which includes:

- The ability to closely monitor and bezotsenochno flow of thoughts;

- The ability to stop them and hold them as much as possible for a long time in the still, calm and silent state;

- The ability to focus thoughts and mind on any object, and even merge with them;

- The ability to easily and freely switch attention.

You must learn to do this in order, at any cost.

An important method of mastery, mind - tying him to any natural processes, such as walking, movement, breathing. Attach the attention of the mind to the process of breathing, carefully watching as you rhythmically expanded and narrowed thorax, inflated and relaxes the stomach, enters and leaves the nostrils of air. This will help you save energy, as consciousness, focusing on breathing, which in itself is a powerful energy process that begins to extract from the air hidden in it energy - prana. Energetically charged mind easily and without stress can be kept in a state of tranquility. Unnecessary thoughts weathered from the mental space.

Another effective way to master the mind: moving it from the head space in any area of the body - in the stomach with the center of the tribute-tien, or breast area with the center of Anahata. In the narrow space of the mind of the head is always crowded and largely uncomfortable. Moreover, he does not get there enough momentum of life-giving energy. In other energy centers and areas of energy is much greater, and it is somewhat different quality. Because useful to combine, for example, mental energy with emotional or, as suggested Taoists, to let the heavy mental note of the head at the center of vitality in the center of the lower abdomen. If they manage to wrest attention or a feeling of "I" from the scope of the head, then gradually begins to take people to freedom. This will help stop the mind and improve the psycho-energetic potential.

Some traditions, such as some schools of Buddhism and Krishnamurti, offer a method based on an understanding of deep instabilities illusory nature of mind. It is based on steadfast scrutinizing the space of the mind and try to see the birth of ideas at the moment of their birth and to understand why they are born. If the student learns to do this exercise and will use it as often as possible, he will understand that the mind with thoughts - it is an illusion, and all his movements and jumps as illusory as they are placed in a huge continuum of freedom and emptiness. Then the mind stops and consciousness merges with the emptiness.

Methods stopping the mind very much. Some of them are going back to the Sufi and Zen traditions, based on paradoxes, a sudden encounter with that jolt the mind of its usual sleepy stir in the space of the head and causing a state of near shock. It was a brief moment of mental rigidity, emerged under the influence of powerful forces of surprise, a man may descend insight - numb the mind will cease to interfere with the passage of higher energies.

Few know the correct methods of stopping the mind - it is important to learn how to properly apply. My experience has shown that when working with the mind spiritual seeker will usually make two common mistakes. He's either not doing enough on himself, leaving the mind is stronger than its fragile attention, or processes, investing in private practice to stop the mind so hard that it starts to harm the spiritual development of man who simply wean think. Sometimes students begin to identify with any one method, resulting in its development becomes lopsided. I knew one of raja yoga, which is so heavily pressed on his thoughts, trying to stop the mind that eventually dulled the sharpness of the mental perception of the world and now can not read more than three pages of text.

The man lived with his chaotic mind for many years and is now trying to rein it in a few months and sees an offense that good results yet, because all it takes time. Blavatsky argued that with rare exceptions only prove the rule, rapid results in such cases are impossible, as impossible to make fragrant barrel, which for many years was oil from the herring, the smell of nectar poured an hour ago. Some people have no opportunity to engage in long sitting meditation and so they immediately put an end to their attempts to still learn how to stop the mind. But beyond static meditation is dynamic, in which, too, can effectively learn this essential practice. The main thing that a man had been striving to master himself and his mind. Everything else will follow.


Supervised the waves of a troubled mind. Take your observing "I" fixed, self-comfort point in the psychological space. Try to observe the breath, and thereby strengthen the position of the observer. Then, try to stop tossing easy mind, by an effort of the thin lining game chaotic waves. Obtain complete immobility of his thoughts and mental state of pure transparency of the screen. Slow down the breath, leaving it at a very thin, hardly noticeable vibrations. Support is a stationary state of mind within a few minutes in one and the same point without movement, and then release it. Feel that with serious effort, you eventually will be able to not only stop the mind, but also successfully to switch it from object to object, and thus will be able to freely control the mental processes.

Application of the Law of Least Efforts

Application of the Law of Least Efforts

I want to make work the law of least effort, pledging to take the following steps:

1. I will stick to acceptance. From today I will accept people, situations, circumstances and events such as they are.

I know that this moment is the way it should be, because the whole universe so it should be.

I'm not going to fight with the entire universe, struggling with the present moment. My acceptance of general and complete. I accept everything the way it is at this moment, and not as I would like to see him.

2. Taking things as they are, I take responsibility for choices and for all those events in which I see the problem.

I know that to take responsibility - means, stop blaming anyone in this situation whatsoever (including myself).

I also know that any problem - is a hidden opportunity, and this willingness to always see opportunity allows me to take advantage of this moment.

3. As of today, my understanding would keep open. I refuse to need to defend their point of view.

I do not need to convince others of my point of view. I will be open to all points of view, rather than firmly hold on to any of them.

In every intention and desire to contain a mechanism to meet them ... intention and desire in July of pure potentiality have infinite organizing power. And when we introduce the intention in the fertile ground of pure potentiality, we make this infinite organizing power to work for us.

The fifth spiritual law of success - is the Law of Intention and Desire.

This law is based on the fact that energy and information exist everywhere. In fact, the level of quantum field - this is nothing like the energy and information. Quantum field - it is just another name for the field of pure consciousness and pure potentiality. And this quantum field affect the intention and desire.
Let's look at this process more. A flower, a rainbow, a tree, a stalk of grass, the human body - if you break them into components - are the energy and information. The entire universe is in its essence is the movement of energy and information. The only difference between you and the tree - in the information and energy, which contain your body.

At the material level, and you, and the tree consists of re-circulate the same elements: mostly carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and small amounts of other elements. All these substances you can buy in a hardware store for a couple of dollars. Consequently, the difference between you and the tree is not hydrogen, carbon or oxygen. In essence, you are constantly exchanging with the tree to its carbon and oxygen. In fact, the difference between you - this is the difference in energy and information.

According to the concept of nature we are with you - a privileged view. We have a nervous system that can realize the energy and the information content of the localized field, which ensures the growth of our physical body. We know this is a subjective field of experience as their thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires, memories, instincts, intentions and beliefs. Objectively, this same field is seen ... .... same. That is why the ancient sages stated: "I have it, you have it all there is, and this is all that exists."

Your body is not separated from the body of the universe, because quantum-mechanical level, there is no clearly defined boundaries. You are like the waves, rocking, fluctuations, spiral, swirl, a local perturbation of the quantum field of large sizes. The quantum field is large - the universe - a continuation of your body.

Human nervous system able not only to understand the energy and information of our own quantum field. This amazing nervous system allows human consciousness to the infinite flexibility, whereby you can consciously change the informational content, which is the source of your physical body. You can consciously change the energy and information content of its own quantum mechanical body, and thus influence the energy and information content of the continuation of his body - his surroundings, his world - and make things appear in it.

The reason for this deliberate change are two qualities inherent in consciousness: attention and intention. Attention provides the energy, the intention transforms. All that you direct your attention, your life becomes a great power. All that you are depriving your attention fades, collapses and disappears. On the other hand, the intention is the trigger for the transformation of energy and information. Intention organizes its own implementation.

The quality of intent aimed at the object of attention, organizes the infinity of space-time events that lead to the desired result, provided that you follow all the other spiritual laws of success. This is because the intention fallen into fertile soil of attention is infinite organizing power. Infinite organizing power - a force capable of holding an infinite number of space-time events, all at the same time. The expression of this infinite organizing power, we see every blade of grass, every flower of apple in every cell of our body. We see it all, what is life.

According to the concept of nature, everything in it is interconnected. Groundhog get out of the ground - and you know that it will happen in the spring. Bird in a certain time of the year begins its flight in a certain direction. Nature - a symphony. And this symphony was silently orchestrated at the very beginning of creation.
The human body - is another great example of this symphony. One cell of the human body makes about six trillion actions per second, and she should know what they are doing at the same time all the other cells. The human body can perform music, kill germs, to nurture the child, recite poems, and monitor the movement of stars at the same time, because the field of infinite correlation is part of its information field.

Remarkable in the human nervous system is that it can manage this infinite organizing power through conscious intention. Human intention is not fixed, not enclosed in a rigid grid of energy and information. It has infinite flexibility. In other words, until you do not violate other laws of nature, with the help of his intentions, you can literally control the laws of nature, causing them to satisfy your dreams and desires.

You can make the space your computer with its infinite organizing power to work for themselves. You can refer to this basis of creation and put it in his mind and just activate namerevaniem field of infinite correlation. Intention lays the foundation does not require effort, spontaneous, devoid of friction of the flow of pure potentiality, are seeking expressions unmanifest in the manifest. The only precaution is that its intention, you should use for the benefit of mankind. This happens spontaneously, when you focus on the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.

There are three components of the law of least effort - three things that you need to do to this principle - "do less and make more" - began to work.

The first component - is acceptance.

Acceptance simply means that you are taking on a commitment: "Today I will accept people, situations, circumstances and events such as they are." This means that I know that this moment is the way it should be, because the whole universe is so only as it should be.

This moment - the one that you are experiencing right now - the culmination of all the moments you have experienced in the past. This moment is what it is, because the whole universe is what it is.

When you are fighting with the present moment, you really, struggles with the whole universe. Instead, you must decide today to stop fighting with the entire universe, resisting the present moment.

This means that your acceptance of this moment of complete and absolute. You take things as they really are, not as what you would like to see them at this moment.

It is important to understand that. You may want that something has changed in the future, but at this moment, you have to take everything as it is.

When you are disappointed or upset by some person or situation, remember that you're reacting not to a person or situation, but on those feelings that cause you have this person or situation.

It's your choice, your feelings, and your choice may be to blame somebody else. When you are fully aware of and understand, you're ready to take responsibility for their feelings and change them.

And if you can accept things as they are, you'll be ready to assume responsibility for the emerging situation in your life and all events in which you see any problems.

This brings us to the second component of the law of least effort: responsibility.

What is responsible? Be responsible - means not to blame for any situation, nothing and nobody, including himself.

When you accept this fact, this event, this issue, the responsibility is the ability of a creative response to this situation, for such as it is now.

Every problem contains the seeds of opportunity, and awareness of this allows you to take the time such as it is, and convert it into something better.

When you do this, any so-called, sad situation turns into an opportunity to create something new and beautiful, and every so-called tormentor or tyrant, it becomes your teacher.

Reality - is an interpretation. And if you choose to interpret reality in such a way around you get a lot of teachers and many opportunities for development.

Whenever you are faced with a torturer, a despot, a teacher, friend or foe (they all the same thing) remind yourself: "This moment is the way it should be."

Whatever relationship you may have attracted in your life at the moment, they are exactly in what you currently need. For all the events is a hidden meaning and that meaning is your own development.

The third component of the law of least effort - openness, which means that your awareness takes openness and you waive any need to convince or persuade others to their point of view.

If you observe those around you, you'll see that people are spending ninety-nine percent of their time defending their point of view.

If you simply need to refuse to defend their point of view, you get access to huge amounts of energy, which used to be wasted in vain.

When you defend, blame others, do not accept and go on assignment time, your life meets resistance. Try to understand that whenever you met resistance, forsiruete situation, resistance only grows.

You should remain firm, as a strong oak that cracks and killed during a storm. You must be flexible, like a reed that bends with the wind and survives.

Completely refrain from defending their point of view. When there would be nothing to defend, you do not allow any dispute arise. If you act consistently - if you stop the struggle and resistance - you will find yourself completely in the present, and this priceless gift.

Someone once told me: "The past belongs to history, the future - is a mystery, but this moment - a gift. That is why this moment is called "real".

If you apprehend the present and become one piece with it, if you merge with it, you feel the excitement, enthusiasm, glimpses of ecstasy inherent in any substance endowed with consciousness.

If you start to feel a triumph of spirit in all living things, if you feel a closeness with him, you will fill in the joy and you drop the heavy burden and the burden of upholding their point of view, anger and resentment. Only then can you get a light-heartedness, joy and freedom.

And experiencing this joyful, simple freedom, you'll know exactly what you can do anything what ever you wish, because your desire arose at the level of happiness, but not at the level of anxiety and fear.

You do not need, you simply declare himself of his intention, and you feel satisfaction, delight, joy, freedom and independence in every moment of his life.

Make a commitment to follow the path, no resistance. This is the way in which the mind of nature is revealed spontaneously, without friction and effort. When you have the perfect combination of acceptance, responsibility and openness, life flows easily and effortlessly.

When you are open to all points of view - rather than to adhere rigidly to one - your dreams and desires always coincide with the desires of nature.

Then you can release your intentions, without attachment, and simply wait for the opportune time, when your desires become reality.
You can be sure that when the time is appropriate, your desires come to life. This is the law of least effort.

Treatment failures in the success

Treatment failures in the success

Almost everyone can recall an unpleasant incident that occurred in childhood and long remembered. Some try to drive away these thoughts, but sometimes find themselves immersed in the unpleasant memories. Others find it useful to penetrate deeper into these feelings and "adjust" emotional state. The reality of what happened is not so critical, what is your reaction to it. Science fiction writers often portray the remaking of the past. Also you can do with your "skeleton in the closet."

After a deep breath, meaning immersion in the state of relaxation, let your thoughts go into the past, until you find the event on which you would like to work.

Until you learn to re-explore memories, it is better not to choose a very traumatic incident. You can stay at the event, which includes such your action or word, which led people to reject you one way or another. Perhaps this memory often returns. (Many people are easily arises the recollection, which is associated with inadequate feelings.) Now take the decision to remake it in their favor - so that it will no longer be harmful to you in any way, but instead will create an association of healing, will help to dispel its power.

Go back to your senses, first conjure a place where there is an unpleasant event. You might remember the color sensation of touching something, smell and even taste, if you there is something tasted. Now re-create in his imagination the whole scene, including movements, conversations, actions that seemed so far so depressing.

Stop the action in the most embarrassing moment and consider what further developments you would like. Take everything to ensure that what happened. Remember: in a world of his imagination you have the power to make it happen. Loosen the negative effect this new event action, this reaction that removes the negative associations and allows you to be a good opinion about his personality

Let those who most condemn you then come forward and say something of encouragement. Listen carefully, as this man from your past utters the words, allowing you to think well of themselves.

If you want someone living there hugged you and said you loved, - let him come forward, and do, and say it.

If you feed the hostility to this man, now get ready to get rid of it. If you find it hard to imagine this - to realize how devastating is a feeling of hatred entrenched in your mind, and now have the opportunity to get rid of it. If the soul does not turn "to forgive that person, try to imagine if it happened only one time. Feel that you have forgiven him, and realize how soothing and healing was this forgiveness. Now re-consider their options for action: Do you feel better about themselves, forgiving the man for good, or prefer to return to burn the heart of hatred? The choice is yours.

Vampire Invisible

Vampire Invisible

Stop him, O Lord, whoever he was! Will there be in Russia's nightmare of American farmers, the killer-invisible, elusive maniac, disfigured in the U.S., Mexico and Brazil, hundreds of animals? The first mention of "mysterious vivisektore, crazy aliens can be found in American newspapers' for 1967.

Uproar after the strange death of a mare named Lady in San Luis Wally (Colorado). Someone alive ripped off a miserable skin. And a horse with no resistance - mpasa around was not crushed. Even traces of the hoof itself Lady nipped over 30 meters from the place where she lay. Like someone moved it there in the air ...

Almost simultaneously in the same state, but on another farm in a similar way dead calf. The owner found it in an open field with signs of terrible torture.

Insides completely absent, the skin was neatly turned inside out and folded close to the spine without ribs, the skin were numerous wounds with burnt edges, as if the offender used a knife instead of a laser. But most of all police struck absence of traces of blood. Its as if sucked or pumped from the animal ...

The facts agree, terrible. And if there was some "World register of secrets and mysteries, these stories would take it one of the first places. But so it happened that the official authorities did not want to be interested in them.

Perhaps because in each of these cases, eyewitnesses reported: shortly before the death of the animals in the sky appeared strange lights. Well, where appear all UFO researchers routinely wash their hands, protecting its reputation. Like, where is the guarantee that this is not figment of imagination newspaperman?

We were able to verify the reality of the above event. In the archives of the FBI is open to all interested in the section "unusual phenomena" and in it a few thousand photos, including those relating to and mysterious cases of animals. By viewing these documents, we found that the popular television series "The X-Files," where FBI special agents Mulder and Scully chase after rampaging ghosts and aliens did not come out of nowhere.

There is no point lead available to us copies of the extensive correspondence between the Federal Bureau of and unnerved by the authorities of the states in which cases were discovered mysterious death of cows, rabbits and other animals. The result, alas, uncomfortable.

Numerous versions (worship Satanists, the gang of maniacs and so forth) or to no avail. The investigation was stymied. Meanwhile, the tragic incident followed one after another. Here are just a part of the extensive list:

February 6, 1992. Oklahoma. At the ranch, Robert Jacobs found dead a young bull. The animal is cut tongue in a corpse not a drop of blood. That evening over the field there was a bright glow and random flicker colored lights ...

February 10, 1992. At the same field found dead cow with his tongue cut out. One ear it completely charred. Blood is not ...

March 4, 1992. Arkansas. On the farm near Hivas-ce mysteriously died eight years of a cow. She has a missing left eye, udder and a piece of skin 50 to 70 centimeters ...

March 12, 1992. Missouri. In Webster County crippled soon 11 cows. Some cut off the udder and teats with a neat incisions in the abdomen are taken of the esophagus. Animals from the body completely pumped blood. Witnesses describe a strange luminous objects, hovering in the sky before the accident ...

Gradually, the phenomenon has moved from the U.S. in other countries: the mysterious death of animals recorded in Canada, Mexico, Brazil. One of the recent cases occurred in Israel - on farm spouses Amos and Memuneh DMOM 60 miles north of Tel Aviv.

Mrs. DMOM awakened by the howling of a dog on the porch. A woman came out of the house and ordered her to be silent, but the unfortunate animal, lying on the ground with his eyes closed, continued to howl. Raising her eyelids, Mrs. DMOM was horrified to find that the soba-ki no eyes. They were carved, and completely bloodless. A minute later the dog died.

In a pen for farm animal owners waited more spooky surprise. In the dead sheep in the bones of the skull were drilled round holes. From killing chickens, it was generally unclear. An interesting detail - the carcasses of dead birds and animals, thrown in a landfill owners, have lain there for four months: their nT touched nor beasts, nor birds, nor microbes. Even fly larvae in the meat did not appear. In the end, it is not even spoiled, but just mummified ...

Sometimes this occurs after the defeat of "heavenly electricity. Perhaps the answer lies in the ball lightning? That would explain a lot - and the mysterious glowing objects were noticed witnesses, and strange cuts on the body of animals taken as established laboratory studies, "High-tool ...

But the specialists of the Institute of Geosphere Dynamics, RAS, where he studied ball lightning, and where we turned for advice, said it was "too spirited assumption.

To believe in the same insane aliens, genital bursnok and other animals with the help of everyone there blasteroa, and there is hard. Meanwhile, you need to know the true causes of mysterious accidents. Indeed. as claimed by ufologists, dangerous phenomenon is gradually approaching the territory of Russia.

One theory put forward by unofficial researchers, binds together, and the strange death of animals and fireballs observed over the place of their death, and the mysterious symbols (circles, triangles, more complex patterns) that appear from time to time in the fields (see "The English pinto Program "). All this may indeed be a manifestation of the same forces.

After all, in the Israeli case, local residents also claim that they saw a fiery UFO, allegedly landing near the farm of Mrs. DMOM. At least on the field there remained an incomprehensible circle with a diameter of about 45 meters.

Recently on our web site available to homepage enrolled amateur video clip. Fiery ball flying in circles over the field. And right in front of grass helix bends to the ground, forming the famous circle, whose appearance on the fields of England has long ceased to give rest to scientists. For the time the crop circles appeared in the UK, Japan, USA, Canada, but seemed to have passed it by Russia. Today, however, reported they received more and more frequently.

Thus, in late 1996, residents of the city of Vladivostok a few nights in a row watching over the street Shilkinskaya rotating in the sky, like a propeller, a luminous disk. Hanging in the air, it slowly declined to a forest park, and "screw" into the ground and disappeared in it.

In place of "assimilation" remained foul-smelling. Dog owners, who was walking nearby, reported that the animals reacted to the fiery disc growling and screaming, and when the object disappeared under the ground, rushed to the spot and began to actively dig his paws ...

In the same quarters in 1996 appeared on the fields near the town of Old rdeeski Arsene evom. Soil samples showed that the radioactivity in the center of these circles at 150 per cent above the background, and the grass bore traces of high impact - in расте-tion deformed seeds swelled and bent stems. There are other reports of the appearance of mysterious "drawings on the margins of our country.

Fortunately, this is only the circles. No cases of mysterious sadistic killings of animals have not yet fixed. Will the phenomenon in Russia, which became the nightmare of American farmers, or, God willing, will carry?

Law of least effort

Law of least effort

Reason nature works easily, without any effort ... carefree, harmoniously and lovingly. And when we become servants of the forces of harmony, joy and love, we are making progress and success is easy and without any effort.

Integral being knows without studying,
sees without looking, and achieves, without.


The fourth spiritual law of success - is the Law of Least Effort. This law is based on the fact that the nature of the mind works easily, without effort and without worries. This is the principle of least action, the lack of resistance and, therefore, is the principle of harmony and love.

After learning this lesson, which presents us with nature, we can easily satisfy their desires.

If you observe how nature works, you'll see that she always spends a minimum of effort. Grass is growing, making no attempt to grow - it just grows. Fish do not try to swim - it just floats. Flowers do not try to bloom, they bloom. Birds do not try to fly, they fly.

This is their true nature. The earth does not try to rotate around its axis, is in the nature of the Earth - to spin with dizzying speed, sweeping through space. It is in the nature of the baby - to remain in bliss.

Is in the nature of the sun - shine. It is in the nature of stars - to shine and sparkle. And in human nature - to clothe their dreams in physical form, easily and without effort.

In the Vedic teachings, the philosophy of ancient India, this principle is known as the principle of economy of effort, or "do less and make more." In the end, you reach the point where not doing anything and committing all.

This means that simply weak performances - and the manifestation of this representation is carried out without any effort. What is commonly called a "miracle" - is simply an expression of the Law of Least Effort.

Reason nature works effortlessly, without friction, spontaneously. It is nonlinear, is holistic, it is based on intuition, and he gives us food. And when you live in harmony with nature, when you build up in the knowledge of your true Self, you can use the Law of Least Effort.

The smallest effort is wasted when you're in their actions are motivated by love, because everything in nature combines the energy of love.

When you are looking for power and the ability to manage other people, you are wasting your energy. Even when you are striving for money and power for the sake of his ego, you spend energy chasing the illusion of happiness instead of enjoying the happiness of this moment.

If you are looking for money just for the sake of personal gain, you override the energy flow to itself and prevents the expression of the mind of nature. But when your actions motivated by love, can not be in vain waste of energy.

When your actions motivated by love, your energy multiplies and accumulates - and is the excess energy you have accumulated may be aimed at creating anything you want, including unlimited wealth.

You can look at your physical body as a device for power management: it can generate, store and use it. If you know how to effectively generate, store and expend energy, you can create any wealth.

Caring for his ego requires a tremendous amount of energy. If your internal reference point - your ego, if you're looking for power over other people or their approval, you are wastefully expend energy.

When this energy is released, it can send a completely different direction and used to create anything you want.

When your internal reference point - your spirit when you're immune to what they say about you, and are not afraid of any test, you can master the power of love and use energy creatively to achieve wealth and development.

In "Art of Dreaming" Don Juan tells Carlos Castaneda: "... most of our energy goes into maintaining a sense of self importance ... If we could get rid of at least part of this feeling with us, there would be two amazing things.

First, we would free our energy from trying to maintain an illusion of his own greatness, and, secondly, we would provide a sufficient energy to ... see a glimpse of the true greatness of the universe.