Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Techniques of DHE. (Based on Richard Bendlera) -1

Techniques of DHE. (Based on Richard Bendlera)
Engineering concentration.

If I knew how to play the way he (the musician, attending the training), my inner sound installation does not have forever to play rock'n'roll. But, you see, what's wrong, I grew up on rock 'n' roll. When I grew up, nothing else just was not. Some have played jazz, but these were some of the tools. When I was playing the piano, my piano is just not there. I was drawn on board with her keys. I could not afford to buy a piano. But I wanted to learn how to play. So I went to a music store and remember where the notes. Then I came home, looked at his plate with keys drawn, and when I pressed his fingers on this board, I heard the music. So I worked for several years, has not yet bought elektroorgan "Hammond" (Hammond B3). I bought it on the big sale. Our church just got a new property and, therefore, sell the old. Including "Hammond" - for twenty dollars. He was broken and was not very presentable appearance. But because I was going to play on the rock 'n' roll, he would in any case very soon acquired unpresentable view. I am with the help of a stranger hoisted it on a cart (the machine I was not then) and took home. I katil him on a trolley through the streets - "Hammond" and a large, two meters in height, the block effects (amp), "Leslie" rotating thing on top. I took the "Hammond" home, changed its pipes, and it works fine with me. A pipe inside the "Leslie" I put a big round rubber, and it is rotated internally. "Leslie" also works fine. I sat down, pulled the keys, and when I heard the sounds, I was just shocked, because I used to hear the sound before it sounded in reality.

Here then I stopped - forced - playing an imaginary piano. And at that moment I realized that all of the exercises that I have done within ourselves - this is what a musician can come back now to catch those impulses, in which he was previously immune to know what was not previously known. For instance, I was not familiar with very many in classical music. Therefore, many years later, I returned to it and gave me a new childhood. I thought: "But this is interesting - as is already an adult, give me another child." Nothing that does not interfere. Because I know that in a world of your imagination your feelings heard, seen and heard many things from what you do when not done. But if you are now back in the states, you can insert new sensory-motor skills and play all the solo parts, which you've never played before, you have not tried to play, and go through all that you do not give yourself a chance to make because you did not believe in yourself as much as you believe now. When in doubt, Do you believe in yourself, then I can tell you now that - even if I believe in you ... I rarely mistaken. This to me is simply not typical. I tend to know that generally I believe in the people whom I knew well enough, much more than they believe in themselves. But the more you begin to believe in yourself, the more you disclose your capillaries, the more you start to smile, the stronger you feel the pleasant tingling in his body, the more different things you're willing to try to do, the deeper you are immersed in trance and the more the capacity to smile, you give yourself. All is well, believe me. [Makes a deep breath.] It is clear to you is, you can dive deeper (just like that, right), more deeply, more deeply than you ever imagined. Just let it. So, right. Feel that you are well - just as well, without any reason. And the better you feel, the deeper you are immersed, the more you learn, the more you realize that you are doing.

I want you to - for themselves as themselves - doing the best that you can. And if you have something until you can do, it means that something you simply have not yet been obtained, it does not mean that you are, in principle, it is not capable. This means that with a smile on his face and a song in the heart (there, there, there, there), you, I know, do what you previously thought impossible. For example, I know that if you feel as affluent blood to your lower lip, and said: "softer, softer, softer, deeper, deeper - and feel as the goose, running on your skin, begin to penetrate inside, - then you start to do things that can not be any surgery - you start to fill your muscles with light. Remember that light, the light is visible at the end of the tunnel, and all over the tunnel. This light comes from the depths of your heart, and penetrates into everything you do.

Today, I need you to do one very simple thing. What we are going to engage in, directly associated with magic, magic act Techniques of human design (DNE = Design Human Engineering). We learn to concentrate and a little bit to work with hallucinations. I know that we are trying to do with the day, when I explained to you how you can increase what you see. I've said that you begin to do so very slowly, gradually submerging themselves in deeper and deeper. Now Take a deep breath and check how far you can immerse yourself, and leave all your problems behind. I want you to feel like you literally receding back, beyond themselves. Make just one easy step, if you pick over. Take a step up to the point where you'll see his back. You can go a little bit to the right or left (each its own way outside), and begin to recede each time a further step backward down the spiral staircase. You are going back through time. Do you hear how your feet hurt the metal lattice. Take another step and another step, slowly, and start to go down. At this time, would try to do something new for you. As long as you leave back another step and another step, I know - you become younger and softens even more. Because soon, but not right now, I will ask you to open your eyes. And now I want you down even deeper. But before you finger on the floor with their feet, I want you to understand that this route - this is your only means to learn more. I want you started to see things that are not available. If you are in the glasses, I want you removed them, and imagine another pair of glasses, right next to yours. If these imaginary points are not similar to this, enclose with their unconscious of its kind deal. Promise him that this delusion will last only a few minutes, and that you will protect yourself and do not make yourself sick. If you do not score, I want you to hallucinate loupe. You've often seen a magnifying glass, you know, how they operate. You need only submit a circle. Once you do, you will become easier. Because if you can see an imaginary circle, because the circle - this is primary all ...

If you do not succeed, try to imagine something round, look at him, distancing him, and again approaching. It's like a hologram, just a hologram - a "professional" hallucination. Now you might think that you do not gallyutsiniruete, but I know that this is not the case. You look at the table and see that the keys to your car's not there. Then you fifteen times pereryvaete entire apartment upside down and eventually find their keys at the same table. This is called a "negative hallucination". In the state of trance, each able to produce hallucinations. But do not ask from their hallucinations, that they were similar to the objects of the real world - so as not to frighten off them. Holograms is also not similar to reality. Imagine something not quite real, and simultaneously increases. When you look through it, you'll see how it increases. You can reach otherwise. At present we work with the state of trance, to find out you can or can not see one of the following things. This lens, which is actually not, or just a ray of light which shines like a laser, and pierce the room. If you begin to pull out something that is not there, you can create a control panel inside them, which affects your neurology, and then it starts to affect what is outside. You can build your own telescope. You can begin to expand the range of human capabilities. So, perhaps, when you next return to the past and will rotate the wheel of time, slowing it by slowing down-and-a slow-but-but you will hear, as all that surrounds you, starts to move slowly and slower. Perhaps you will learn to deliberately slow down time when you need it. And maybe now you can "wear" on my right ear, another the ear, twice as much of your. And so the ear - another, twice the previous one. If you feel like your ear is constantly growing and growing, your hearing starts to deteriorate suddenly. Because your ability to hear is limited not because of the stress in your body, but because of the stress in your neurology. We are accustomed to use their ears quite some way. If we learn to concentrate, then we just play a bit themselves - for example imagine that we can expand our neurology as far as is possible in principle. If you each time to increase their ear in half, then you will hear more than heard before.

Some believe that only the schizophrenic may hear what is happening in the next room. These skeptics say: "Yes they are just crazy! They can not hear what is happening in the next room." And I, for example, vslushivayus and also hear the sounds from the next room. You know, Nikola Tesla? This is one of the greatest minds in human history. So, in his biography, you read that he was (among other things) a very strange problem: he had heard the reverberation of thunder much earlier than everyone else. For a while he just went mad. It resulted in rabies flies buzzing in the next quarter. As you can see, this is not very good when only know how to develop their ear. After all, you want to learn and develop their listening, and closing it. With the help of physical exercises Tesla was able to restore control over its neurology. Someone helped him vykarabkatsya from the state and learn how to control the muscles of the hands and feet, lift weights, run and do some exercise to control their physical perceptions and feelings. Those sounds are heard Tesla gives him such a horror, that for several years he was in isolation and could not invent those wonderful and incredible things that have to invent it. A recovered, he began to invent more, with much of what he then invented, just incredible! Fucking brilliant man! The more you learn about it, the more you learn about what the human brain is capable of and the human conscience. Tesla invented the fluorescent lamp, electric generator, alternator (alternator). He created the most modern car devices. In fact, he invented the electric lapmochku when working for Edison. But Edison attributed the invention itself, as it has been done with other inventions, belonging to someone from his entourage. It is to me something like GLP-ISTA.

And inside you, as you continue to relax ... After a minute I will ask you to go the same route back, but not to change your status. I want you to do [make a deep breath through the nose.] Nitroksoksid breath again. Once again, try this wonderful feeling. After all, today we are going to soar and have fun and try to see whether you are expanding the range of their feelings and sensations, to feel younger, feel the goose, running through the body, to feel like you're smiling. And then we'll do a drill. I want you (better, I will give you this exercise in a minute) so that you slowly opened his eyes and deepened her trance. Try it. Many say: "But when my eyes are open, I wake up." Try in another way: Close your eyes and wake Close your eyes and then open them. Try to dive deeper as you can and run with a mantra: "soften, soften, soften. I know that when Nessy wakes, she will feel much better. And not just feel it. She would look much better. The more oxygen your skin gets, the healthier you are, the better you will look, the more blood will flow to your lower lip and your upper lip. The more beautiful you are yourself and feel more beautiful than you already feel yourself, so you become more beautiful in reality. This mechanism is besproigryshen. People fade, if not for anyone to be nice. The more energetic and cheerful you will themselves to feel, so be clear to you that you begin to truly live, to live every moment.

And now I will take from twenty to one. And I want this time you are on every account further immersed in a trance. So, twenty. Ok. Submerge deeper. Nineteen. As long as you do, I want you to have begun slowly to open his eyes and took a deep breath. Inhale in a way that all pairs of the universe. Eighteen, seventeen, sixteen, fifteen, fourteen, thirteen, twelve, eleven, ten, nine, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, eleven, ten, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4. I want you to feel good without any reason. Experience goose on the fingers of your feet and smile. Three-and-and two-a-while one. I want you to remember these guidelines. And if you try to forget that you now remember, you remember that one must not forget, but remember, each reference entirely.

Relaxation technique.

Take a deep breath and as long as you do, sit straight, and start to feel better. Take this feeling and it doubles, it doubles again and again. Because, in a deep, deep trance, you may find yourself in the feelings and sensations that you have not previously experienced. And then comes a time when you start to use these feelings. We have been working on a sense of motivation. Now you are worrying condition where you lack something and you are trying to establish through trenazha new skills.

Today I want to work with the following condition. You are immersed inside themselves and begin to clarify all that is happening in you - at every point of your body. If you feel your head, feel how it rises ... Raise it so that it is balanced, more and more, and you feel better and better. Sense starting from the top, as you vocalize the feeling of gravity drip, like this - "Cap-Cap, Cap-Cap." If you move to the right, drops will fall no longer on top, but only one of the head as you move the left - then to other parts of the head. If you tilt the head forward, drops will continue its fall. And if you give the head back, they will still drop it. Only it will be quite a special sense of gravity. As you will learn, this will soften the severity of deep inside you, and on the surface of your skin - everywhere, almost as if it penetrated through your skin inside. I want you to do a deep breath, and breathing, open their pores. Open them wide and feel that you control your neurology, as never before. Because if you feel like softens your forehead, as softens your cheeks, then start to literally distribute, extend your listening ear from the center outwards. And you can hear even the high-frequency sibilant sounds, which publishes is in this room appliances. And if you vslushivatsya long and patiently, you will hear the vibrations of air in his ears. If you tilt the head slightly forward, then hear how fluid flows in your vestibular apparatus. If you "discover" their ears, you would have your ears throughout the room. You will hear the breath of all who are present. [Makes a deep breath.]

Take a deep breath and the same deep breath. And keep repeating the mantra "softer, softer." If you learn to soften, you get and much more. You will learn to relax the neck muscles, learn to feel them from the tips of the shoulders, moving higher and closer to the neck and just soften those muscles. If you set a goal to determine the ground your body stretched and clamped, and will go where you do your body hurts, then you will find these places. But if you start to look at his body parts where you are well, to spill the feeling throughout the body ... Simply select any point on the left knee or the outer finger of the right foot, which you have. No matter what kind of point. It is important that at this point you are well in every area of your body. You can get this nice feeling and give it spills all over his body. Because the more you transfuse these pleasant feelings from the left half of the body - to the right, from the right - to the left of the front - in the back ...

Take a deep breath, and let those feelings overflows inside you, and going from the inside out, becoming even softer. And you understand that now is the time to go to a distant past and begin to soften its presentation of the possible. I do hope that much of what you saw this week, it seemed impossible to you at first. And suddenly something magical begins to happen to your face. And with all the other people who said: "soften, soften, soften, soften. At this point, your capillaries and blood vessels begin to open. I have to attend the surgery with the use of hypnosis. The surgeon told a patient: "I want you to stop your bleeding." Indeed, the patient is suspended bleeding, and surgeons no longer have to translate as many tampons of gauze and cotton wool. The man literally at the filing of the blood capillaries suspended in a portion of his body. And then I thought: "That was cool, if people can stop the bleeding in one part of his body, then why would he not do the reverse - to bring more blood to the area of his body, where it is most needed treatment?" This is what allows people to look younger. That is why people, when beginning to get old and go through because of this, start - and you will also start - to absorb the words that I say to you, and understand their meaning. That's all the same word "magic."

When people begin to study NLP and learn about the deep structures, they are beginning to understand that such yakorenie and that sometimes people forget that all this would be a magic, even if we did not know that the deep structures exist. When I am working with the unprepared audience, I get a stunning result: all reveal the mouths of surprise and trying to understand whether it is possible to do what is happening in their own eyes. But the more they understand what it means for humans to live, the better they realize that the softer they become softer everywhere. And something inside you starts to change. And the more you smiling from the tips of your toes and higher, the stronger you feel like your lower lip is filled with blood, the more you reveal your ears and hear what is happening in the room, the wider you spread good feelings to the entire surface of the skin . You feel as if everything that happens within a radius of two - four feet around you, or even more. You can begin to expand the range of their feelings and become hypersensitive, superchuvstvitelnym. And you can do and vice versa - you can make yourself some kind of anesthesia. You can make your hand do not feel it. Imagine that you are completely protknuli someone hand a pin or needle, but the man did not even vzdrognul.

I do not want to intrude in the field of medicine. I just want to bring to this process and make sure that your nervous system has become more lively and responsive, more sensitive. It feels like at this point your hands are in contact with any object. And rather than move on to other subjects, they stop at these, and you feel like the sensitivity of your hands is growing and growing. You feel like the blood flowing in your body, opening the artery. And instead of that age, you start young. I know that this is possible. I was told that the blood of my brain was blocked by 75% due to atherosclerosis. And then I said to myself: "I am strict and harsh with all, but not with my arteries. I want to make them more soft and flexible, and to expand their narrow, expand and diminish, until it is reduced corked." When I last passed examination revealed that the blood of my brain is blocked, now only 30%. Because the change occurred within me. Many of you have told me: "And you do not look at the fifty." And I answered: "Yes. But I assure you, to me fifty." I have a feeling that I had a hundred and fifty. Because I create a lot of special situations. Because a certain situation, I wish that they were special and that you do so at the softer, because the more you'll do it, the more you'll discover for yourself.

You feel like you are inside a growing smile, as the affluent blood to your lips, you feel a pleasant tingling in the toes, you hear inside your quivering begins ringing. The more you know this, which did not know before, it becomes clear to you that there are many things about what you will not even be suspected. You think this is strange and incomprehensible? And remember, early in the week I told you that it will begin gradually to take your meaning? You do not even have to fight with them. Ваши уши открыты, вы слышите резонанс моего голоса. And you should be aware that changes the tone of my voice is in no way are you a surprise. This was a surprise for you on the first day of your presence here. But now, when we set up and increased your ear, you can hear what I am "doing" with you for years and what are you all this time not even guessed. We want to rebuild not only what is in your minds, but also your physical perception and feeling of the world. Imagine that your consciousness is located inside the meter that shows the distance between objects - rangefinder. I want you to soften now, not only within themselves, to a truly zasiyat and carry it shine through all your future. To start, do a little warm-up: soften every muscle in each section of his body and generously supplying oxygen to those areas that need it. Expand your capillaries and use this, remove from the capital. Or as I like to say here all pull artillery, and then your arteries expand and will pump more blood. Download more blood and Download it to a large, deep, sharp and powerful shocks, to prevent your blood pressure to normal.