Tuesday, June 30, 2009

10. Leave everything as is.

10. Leave everything as is.

All is one single entity, which does not exist apart from us. We are fully merged with it, as well as everything else. In this sense, our individual existence is not and can not be. All that is - one indivisible being. We are aware or not - it does not matter, because neither the unity of consciousness, nor its absence can not add anything either, nor reduced to the fact that there is. There is only this one, sparkling before us in endless forms and shades.
Looking at the picture, we see the image and forget that this image exists only in our minds, but, in fact, the picture - just a piece of canvas and mixed with each ink. Just viewing the universe and ourselves in it, we believe in the reality of both, not realizing that all the existing weaving from one subtlest substance, which we call consciousness.
Seeing is an exactly the same consciousness, from which weaving them all visible world. Thus, consciousness is looking at consciousness, hear, feel and smell consciousness, that is, in fact, plays with itself. In fact, nothing happens. All of this is like water poured into the water. We are phantoms, the characters of the dream in the eternal game of consciousness with itself.
As the characters sleeping space, we are free to do anything or do anything it can not change anything in what's happening. Free or not the character of the dream? The question obviously has no sense, because the very existence of the character's only apparent. His freedom and slavery - the same phantoms, as he himself. Therefore, the question of freedom of the will has no meaning. Freedom comes with the awakening of the UTO sleep.
There is a strong hypnotic power, forcing us to believe in the reality of the world and their own individual existence. In India, this force is called Maya [The word "Maya" is derived from the Sanskrit verb root "m", which means "measure." The point here is that we measure, we divide into parts, limiting the Infinite. - Approx. auth.]. The strength of Mai enormous. It works every second, finished us off with each step down the stairs sadhana. To do this, it has innumerable gimmicks and features. But there are countervailing force that helps us to wake up. Wake, wake up from hypnosis is to see the world and yourself such as they are, and find freedom.
The release of the character impossible dream. He could wake up until the next dream, then in the next, and so endlessly. For the final awakening character should be dissolved, irretrievably lost to establish its power impersonally consciousness.
In this sense of enlightenment, like death: yet we have, it is not. When it comes, we have not. That is why the individual consciousness of all the forces of liberation offs, trying to extend its maximum though not very happy, but totally individual existence.
Whether the authorities in our wake, as long as we are - just phantoms in the sense of absolute reality? Obviously the answer is no. In this sense, we can completely relax and to stop immediately any searches. But can we calm down and stop to look? No, and that we are also not given. We are doomed to search.
But what to do with themselves and with their lives?
Just keep yourself and everything else such as it is. No matter how we can improve the quality of their sleep, he does not cease to be a dream. There is no need to change the content of dreams, you need to wake him. It means stop trying to change themselves.
Cease to strive to become wiser, more beautiful, slender, richer, better than we are. Stop the unsuccessful attempts to become an advanced, powerful, enlightened and free. Just leave yourself alone - to relax completely on his own about it. Accept yourself such as they are, and remain in that acceptance. Demand the immediate release of its mean distance. Accept your destiny and fulfill their mission - the shortest way to freedom.
We need to completely stop the twitch of about what you will. Do not remember the past. Do not attach importance to the present. Permanently discarding concern their health, personal relationships, lack of money, lack of understanding and love of neighbor. Finally, and completely - a really deep down.
Calm down so that no more than even the shadow of concern on any issue. Right now, at this very moment to begin the process of total relaxation and release of all that we have only - relax the body and psyche, to dissolve the anxiety and concern of an infinite one million items.
Relaxed about the fact that this relaxation, we can not, and maybe never will. You know what that means? Twitch to stop any over at all! Implement this knowledge, contented, liberated the mind of people live happily ever after, just observing the observed, listening to audible, feeling chuvstvuemoe, nyuhaya smelling and feeling just a taste of food.
In order to calm down so, you need to truly clean and spit on, spit on all their problems and concerns to all the circumstances and the impossibility. However, if we start this process of relaxation, you will soon see that will not be able to do so, if you do not stop short.
We will catch all - the people for the fact that we seem to be favorable for thought for the feelings. Strange as it may seem, we just nakrepko tied to our fear, unrest and anxiety. We are in suspense. It seems to us that if we grapple for something and will be hard-grip, it will remain with us. But it is not.
Demolishes all the time, nothing remains. The hand can not hold any air, nor water, nor fire. However, we fear the emptiness, and all of her time trying to somehow fill. We do not want to lose everything and left with nothing. We are afraid of freedom.