Monday, June 29, 2009

4. Paramananda Puri.

4. Paramananda Puri.

This name means "full of the highest bliss" and belongs to the master, living in Northern India in the locality Padampuri. A small ashram he inherited from his great guru Somvari Maharaja.
Paramananda Puri open privetliv. He spoke a little bit in English and contagious hohochet, especially when the conversation comes to Kriya yoga. In the past, Paramananda was a doctor, and now it belongs to a line of yoga-based immortal Babaji, Yogananda described in his famous book "Autobiography of Yogi."
Ashram Paramanandy is open to all and is at the confluence of two rivers. In India it is known as Sangam and is traditionally considered to be a place of strength.
Paramananda Puri heavy smoker. His mustache yellow from tobacco. He smokes a lot, and as Prasad [Prasad - blessing the food, usually sweets offered parishioners in churches and ashram in India. - Approx. auth.] proposes a cigarette. My question is not whether it is harmful to health, Paramananda laughed and said that it was very bad, but the doctor, he said, said: "Roll - die." Master 117 years.

Paramananda Puri.
Somvari Maharaj.

Paramananda Puri prefers to talk about the practice of yoga, and almost nothing about himself. One of his followers told me the following story about Somvari Maharaj.
One local man was bitten some insect, and he raschesal place bite. Started contamination and a couple of days the whole body covered with crust accident. Doctors could do nothing and dying in the ashram had to be dead next to a great yoginom. Knesl patient at the ropes, since any touch caused him unbearable pain.
Maharaj looked at the accident and ordered to include it in the barn. For three days the patient was required to eat a milk product. Three days later he was able to independently get out of shed and asked for food. At this Somvari replied that if he wants to live, the food will have to bid farewell. The patient soon recovered, but before the end of life drank only milk and remained a pupil Somvari Maharaja.
It is believed that the great teacher of Babaji lived in his physical body in the Himalayas for nearly 1800 years. Babaji has opened the world know the ancient Kriya Yoga, a comprehensive system of physical and mental exercises, leading to human comprehension of the Supreme reality.
Teacher has immortal Babaji Siddha Bogarnath who devoted it to the tradition of Shiva Yoga Siddhanty, which belonged to the Rishi Agastya, Tamil saint-poet Tirumular, founder of Hatha Yoga Goraknath, author of "Ramayana" Valmiki, the creator of Ayurveda Dhanvantari, and author of "Yoga Sutras" Patanjali.
Achieving liberation is not the ultimate goal of this system, it includes the complete transformation of all the rights, including the physical body, which, after reaching Swarup samadhi becomes immortal.
According to legend, Babaji lived in his ashram Gauri Shankar Pitha, located near Badrinatha in the state of Uttaranchal. Without the blessing Babaji Ashram find this impossible.
Bessmertny yogi looks twenty-boys, but sometimes he takes and other images. He svetlokozh, of medium height with dark eyes and shiny hair a bronze color. From his body comes a noticeable glow. Babaji promised to remain in the body before the end of the world cycle.


Here is a shortened form of the text of Babaji "Who is I, 'where he describes his state.

"I have absolute Existence-Knowledge-Eminence. This is my truth, inherent in my nature. I am the eternal truth. There is only one I direct myself to you. There is nothing there besides me who is in all and pervades all that exists.
I am the eternal universal existence. I - constant in all the changes, shapeless in all forms. I am not prone to any disease the flesh. I am full of bliss and infinite joy effulgence.
I will abide in the heart of this illusion, is not affected by it. I have always been the pillars and the midst of confusion and constant change. I have always been constant throughout the transient. I am pure bliss of perfect freedom.
I siyayu in the sun, moon and stars. I - absolute perfection. I vsepronikayusch not restricted by time and not bound by space. I - pure, holy and immutable nature of the unborn and not subject to death. I - the eternal dynamic principle of the universe inaccessible to the imagination, devoid of duality, transcendent unity of all.
I have higher concentration, meditation, yoga, and any practices. My Nature - samosvetyascheesya consciousness. I - ocean of ecstasy, constantly sending waves of light in his world, sinking in the chaos of destructive thoughts and worries.
I - that beats in every breast, see in each Oka, pulsing in every nerve. I smile every flower, a lightning flash and a roar of thunder. I am trembling leaves, whispering winds and the sea. I am the wisdom of the wise, the strength of a strong, heroic character. I have one in all and all in one. I impersonal personality of the universe. What can give me?
I do not care about the laws of nature. Death to me - a joke. I - the death of death. I - infinite, eternal and immortal J. Fire can not burn me, the water solution, air dried up, the sword pierced. I - the higher samosuschee, before the grandeur of which the sun, moon and stars seem to be dust, Taya, turns into a space of nothing, and disappeared into nothingness takes time.
Surpasses all names and forms, freely penetrate into the forest thickets, mountains and rivers, clouds and stars, men and women, animals and angels, filling a day and night, I abide as true as I am in each and all.
The truth comes from me, just as light is emitted, and the aroma of sun-flower stream. Sometimes it rushes flow, capturing everything revya and grohocha, sotryasaya and awakening the world to understand the true meaning of life.
I - an absolute sense, the supreme synthesis of mind, radiant in the sanctuary of every heart. I have a single life music, sounding in the depths of the depths. I have a nameless and unchanging Atman, the infinite ocean of eternal celebration. In my presence underworld and the heavens become illusory nothingness, and the whole universe to identify bubble, is about ready to burst. "

Babaji Mantra: Om Nam Om Kriya Babaji!