Friday, June 12, 2009

Two vital ways /Jill Edvardz/

Jill Edvardz:

So, to all of us be sure there are two vital ways: First, learn to live happily and, secondly, to consciously create success. This means constantly overestimated for ourselves what we mean by "fun" and "successful", and taught to create these experiences in our lives reprocessing of negative beliefs, issues and underlying problems, as well as programming that we want. In addition, Lazaris offers us to choose five individual life paths that, in general, is "the magic number" seven.

Life path: emotions

And Pauline and Charlie are unlikely to choose the specific emotions in this life. Learning to release or express one or more of the emotions that we often deny or Gasim ( "positive" emotions such as happiness, joy, delight and enthusiasm, as well as the "negative" emotions such as anger, resentment, guilt and fear ) - this is another common way of life.

Focusing on the emotions usually means that we constantly invite situations, scenes from our lives that give us the opportunity to experience and cope with these emotions. If you want, for example, know the guilt, then you will create opportunities for the manifestation of feelings of guilt, indecent choosing friends or relatives, or violating the law, so that you can turn your guilt into anger and release it.

If you have difficult relationships, past or present, then ask yourself, what emotions are those relationships with you. It seems that you want to explore these feelings in this life. And their participants - a voluntary actors in your play.

Life path: ego

Others choose the Ego as the center of attention, perhaps, to deal with their pity, martyrdom, arrogance or braggadocio. In this case, the past experience of your family or child will likely encourage you to feel "more" or "good" of other people that you met the challenge and overcame it. Or, choose a preferred parent, or an outstanding talent, or intelligence, or life, beginning with the deprivation, or physical weakness. Or choose a company or family member covered by racial or religious "better than" ( "white better than black", "more Catholics than Protestants", "no more Jews than Jews"), and so forth, that you are under the influence such bias. Or choose a great career, manager, judge, director, doctor, journalist, politician, or just as a parent, you learned how to use power wisely.

Lazaris often spoke about the difference between the "management" and "rule", and encourages us to move forward with a force control in our lives. Dominion - Old Age is a force, the force of oppression, control and manipulation, the power of inequality and injustice, the power of force or weakness. When we try to achieve dominance over their lives, we see the world as threatening a terrible place in which we must control or be controlled. We are fighting to reach the top, push other people, confident that all is not enough that the nature of violence that "the good boys and girls" always come last. We use false because of intimidation and threats. Or, more often than not, we try to make people (or God) spare us: "Look, as I suffer," - and to blame the other, hoping to avoid this, we have assigned themselves to a struggle. In any case, or how the offender or a victim, we use the rule of force.

The strength of the management - it is the power of New Age, which includes the notion that our world is a friendly, hearty, support and willingly takes responsibility for our lives. The strength of governance is seen as an opportunity to act rather than as an opportunity to rule over others. It means actively and happily move toward the future. This means, "sponsorship" with the Creator, not vysprashivanie he had compassion for us. The strength of the management - it is the power of love.
