Tuesday, June 30, 2009

9. Nothing is irrelevant.

9. Nothing is irrelevant.

Nothing is irrelevant. Good or bad for you, you are rich or poor, wise or stupid, healthy or sick - all this is not entirely irrelevant. Do you strive for something and boreshsya with their destiny, or put up and taken all the way there - all this is absolutely not important.
It does not matter either your age or social status, nor sex, nor nationality, nor the language in which you are saying and thinking. Nothing that you dearly and wanted, and that you disgusting and awful - none of this significant and also has no meaning.
It does not matter either that it was with you in the past, nor what is happening with you now, not what awaits you in the future. Does not matter what you see in front of you. Is there anything in the world that it would be important and have meaning and importance to you? No, nothing like this exists.
Does all this mean that you should be cool and like a stone? No. Shalt thou strong and bezzhiznen or, conversely, susceptible to all the joys and sorrows of life - either it does not matter. No matter what you, as you live, remainest whether alone or be with people. There is no difference - whether you are immersed in violent activities or, conversely, do nothing.
It does not matter whether you believe in God or a higher reality, whether you are searching for spiritual or recklessly burn their lives in search of bliss. Do you see what's happening in the occult sense, or, alternatively, to all you mindless nonsense - none of this, too, is irrelevant. It does not matter or what you think or what you feel or what you believe.
Who would you or was - a man or woman, old man or child - is not important, funny or sad to you, you know something or not, or do you say silence mchishsya Do you somewhere or sitting in one spot, and ultimately, you are alive or dead. Has no meaning absolutely nothing.
In addition to strength of love.