Friday, June 26, 2009

The space of consciousness. 1. Home Practice

The space of consciousness.

"Satisfied that itself comes without effort."
Rishi Vasishtha

I am playing countless universes,
I invite you to the game. Rules of the game two:
maintained harmony parts
and enjoyment of events

All of the situation - this is one situation. All people - one people. Past, future and present - the same thing. All states of consciousness - one state. Pain and pleasure do not vary. There is no truth or delusion. There is no karma, or destiny, no slavery, no release. There was no difference between life and death. All the variety of internal and external - it is one thing. Absolutely everything is just this one thing. It seems non-existent, but it concluded the potential formation and the loss of all things. No one could understand it. There is nobody who would not have it in its entirety. We can say that this thing is not. We can say that there is nothing, except her. Words have no meaning. Trying to express the untold, we distort its essence. Therefore, we can say, but it is better to remain silent. People born in the world in order to exhaust the life and go into the light. Not understanding this, they wander in the dark labyrinth of life. Natykayas at the corners, they are asked to fire. When the lamp lights up, they otshatyvayutsya from him, and again immersed in gloom. The few that came out of the maze, do not go back. They left signs the decree the way out, but people forgot that these signs mean. Rather than go in that direction, they obstupili signs and worship them. However, there are more and more of those who intuitively feel where you want to go. They are themselves and call for an other. Oslepshie in darkness, people listen to their voices. Upon hearing the call start to go in that direction. When the maze of desolation, it is destroyed. The game will be finished. Aum.

1. Home Practice

Practice begins with a strong desire to change, become different. We want to understand who we are in fact and that the surrounding world. This desire must be strong, it must pursue our relentless, because only such a desire is concluded enough energy to start a major interior work.
If no such desire, and there is only a curiosity with regard to the spiritual path, then it is better to satisfy, reading books or talking with people, pushed this way more of us. Do not take major decisions concerning their lives, if the desire of internal changes will not become urgent and pressing necessity.
Otherwise we can not be there and not here - we can not live neither fully human life, with all its joys and sorrows, or to reach a serious level in the way of internal search, always associated with some degree of renunciation. Fragmentation of land and sky - a great misfortune.
Human life grows out of his faith. Belief in the supreme reality requires courage. The spiritual path - is a full donation to each other and all that we have. Therefore, let us consider how we want to live the remainder of this incarnation. If we make a choice in favor of the practice, we must renounce in life, in its very midst.
Repudiation does not care where else. Care - then run away. The meaning of this abdication are well understood sufii and Kashmiri shivaity, which remain among the people and leading a family life, work and helping others. True renunciation - inside.
At the time of isolation is necessary. Although the space of consciousness is present in any situation at the beginning of the path it is easier to feel when it is not concerned about everyday problems. Deep harmony reigning in Nature, helps to restore the lost harmony inside.
You can leave the forest, go to the mountains, the sea, just to stay in one apartment. There ritritnye centers on where to go and study the practice, but then still need to come back to life. Optimal - alternating periods of retreat from the social activity.
If we understand that freedom - it is the most important goal of life, our vector directed to where needed. Solid solution practice comes only when a strong desire to release. This is - a serious stage of human maturity. Without this willingness to self-impossible, even if the searcher should by specified enlightened teacher. Weak desire for liberation is meaningless. True immersion in practice is when a person realizes that all negligible compared to the liberation of the soul.
We live for this, and points the way to our children. All life is organized in a single direction - making the daily hassles of practice. Then have a family, work, responsibilities, from which we can not escape. But we firmly know the most important, we know why we live.
This tendency produces a force and internal discipline. Most of the people all his life lay on it then. Then comes death.
Thus, the practice should be ripe. A Daoist sage said that the difference between a human and sovershennomudrym is that ordinary people all the time trying to improve themselves, while the wise man accepts himself as he is. But at the end of the road.
Big mistake - to confuse the end of the road with him. Efforts are needed at the beginning. If we try at the very beginning to relax, unwind, accept, accept all that is, to become just an impartial observer is happening, or if we believe in God, rely on the will of God - that we most likely will not work.
For some time, we may be able to deceive ourselves. We can learn to pretend to be calm, in part, seem to themselves and others blagostnymi or humble - but all this will not either. Long deceive themselves and others may never be.
Inside we will continue to live deep dissatisfaction with themselves, their lives, others and unjust world order. Sooner or later, life vstryahnet us and the entire palace psevdoduhovnosti, agglutinate liquid glue of our ambitions, hopes and fantasies, turn into dust.
This will continue until such time as will not be completely cleaned Augean stables subconscious, which tayatsya fear, pride, disbelief and despair.
The device of human consciousness can be likened to a house in a dark basement where gloom eddy subconscious. This evolutionary memory, in orbits which recorded the entire history of evolution for millions of years of our existence. The residential floor of the house - this afternoon consciousness, and finally, the upper floor or attic - is the delicate state of higher consciousness and the acquisition of which is the purpose of internal search.
The purpose of this does not imply, however, moved up with all of our garbage and household. No need to disassemble the floor and ceiling that goes from top to light awareness and filled the room, and basement, and then remove the walls to the light inside our "home" has merged with the light of day.
Then the interior space is aware of a single space with the outside. Both are - an infinite, indivisible in the inner and outer ocean of consciousness. This is our eternal home.
This dismantling of the merits of a strong aspiration, which might be enough to break and redirect the force of inertia, a defining and regulating human life.
This inertia - the power habits, of which, for the most part, and is daily reality for all of us. The purpose of this force - to keep it more or less familiar and comfortable existence to which we are accustomed. But habits do not lead anywhere. They lead to a closed circle, creating a fragile illusion of calm and comfort, while, in the words of the Buddha, "Our house is lit."
Break out of this circle can only be our own will, as a perceived aspiration. Wish to God must be of such force that it burned all the other desires. What is it striving? Over all, it resembles the love, when all the substance of our lives and breathes only one - the desire to be near the beloved man.
Like everything else in comparison with that in love seems null and worthless, and nothing of ordinary life is no longer attracted and not attracted searcher, when they heard the call of eternity. "You're not looking to me, if it is not found." Indeed, the man begins to search for the chief of their lives against their will. How is this search, and his desire to start are the manifestations of grace.
With such a force Others, of course, not all the knocks. Most of us only vaguely and at times feels the presence of something greater, a door, but slam quickly under the onslaught of daily hassles and worries.
Every person on three occasions in the life of an opportunity to consciously embark on the road. One way or another, all are on this path, but if you do not make conscious efforts, the completion of the terms of human evolution and return to the source will require hundreds of thousands of years of natural development. Liberation - the natural process. In the end, it is inevitable for all. We all come there is only a matter of time.
Practice - this is a conscious accelerating its development in every way a man means. If the practice is completed, then eliminated, and empty the meaning of individual human existence. The terms of being completed, and the person does not remain nor desire nor the ability to live as a separate, limited mortal creature. Until released keeps the body, he is free to choose the path of service to others, loneliness, or complete dissolution of the source.