Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How does intuition?

How does intuition?

To understand the intuition, we should refuse to submit, if nothing can be known, if not the ability to describe their knowledge of words. This presentation comes from the hypertrophy of the modern scientific point of view, zavedshey us in some respects too far in the direction of testing the validity of, away from the world of nature and natural events. Bound to a child, we lost a lot of useful and beneficial. People, just owning one another, should not inhibit a development of intuitive skills, while maintaining the necessary contacts with the reality. As Freud said, "all this is highly speculative and completely unsolved problems, but no this boggle." Intuition - it's easy induction without words. If we can express our feelings and intuitive ways to our senses is, it is already verbalizovannaya induction, usually called a science.

An excellent opportunity to study the intuitive processes in action delivered a survey of 25 thousand soldiers on the order of the Government of the United States at a rate of two hundred to five hundred a day. Under such pressure from the individual "mental study," came down to seconds rather than minutes. With such a limited time judgments were based more on intuition than on research. To study the problems were first made two standard questions. Then, an attempt was made to intuitively predict the response of every person on these issues. Predictions were recorded, and then questioned. Intuitive prediction proved correct in a remarkably high number of cases (over 90 per cent). The questions were as follows: "Are you nervous person?" and "Did you ever have a psychiatrist?" After a lengthy examination of the reasons for the predictions in both cases were described verbally, and eventually replace the use of intuition can predict the answers by using some pre-written rules.

When these regulations have been confirmed in many thousands of cases, it was the next step - an attempt to guess the occupation of each person before they speak, just watching as he enters the room and sits down. All the soldiers were dressed alike - in the coffee-colored robes and cloth slippers. Again, inference or intuitive conclusion proved remarkably accurate. In one case had been correctly guessed classes of twenty-six men in succession. Among them were: the farmer, accountant, engineer, professional player, dealer, warehouse worker and truck driver. The reasons for the predictions were in each case studied, and some of them have been able to describe verbally, in the long run for at least two professional groups could predict responses to the high degree of accuracy, using pre-written rules.

Once the rules have been found underlying the predictions, there is an interesting observation. The conscious intention of the second experiment consisted in the diagnosis of occupation. It appeared, however, that a diagnosis was not classes themselves, and ways of behavior in new situations. The two occupational groups, have been most clearly studied, it so happened that people respond to situations of the study one way (passive standby), almost all were farmers, and those who reacted in a different way (cautious curiosity), almost all were engineers. Found in such a way that intuition is not made the diagnosis of occupation, and diagnosis of emotional attitudes, although the conscious intention, and was diagnosed with classes.

This was an important discovery. It meant that while an intuitive sense of it is not known in words, I really do not know what it knows. All that I can do for the media and intuition to others, so try to convey very subtle sense of words, as far as possible, while it is often only close to the truth, but guesses it well. Then (in fact it is another aspect of the previous), intuition can not ask any specific questions: it can only lead to a general direction, it gives us a certain impression, then we must seek the answer in the material are in our possession.

In addition, it turned out that with every new rule written by precision guesswork conscious observations increased, but was always lower than in the intuitive approach. Thus, it became clear that the feeling of "something emerging out of control consciousness", observed in the process of intuition is related to many factors, observed and organize without translation into words something that works below the level of consciousness. Since not all of these factors are able to translate into words, intuitive accuracy is higher accuracy obtained with the aid of written rules.

This allows the definition of psychological intuition. Intuition is subconscious knowledge without words, based on the subconscious observations without words, and when suitable circumstances, this knowledge it is more reliable than knowledge based on a conscious observation.

Intuition is the case for at least two aspects of personality. The first of them - so child emotional relationship between the individual and his environment, such as his parents and relatives, and adults: the emotional attitudes towards different people, important for the individual. These settings are based on unmet loads it. The second aspect - it is inherent in an individual way to experience new situations and to respond. The method of this, though based on the voltages it significantly associated with the installation of I and its reaction to the reality. Roughly speaking, we can intuitively feel the strain it and set Y.

Careful examination of the whole process of experimentation led to the assumption that the intuitive sense of tension It arises mainly from the observation oral agent, whereas the intuitive sense of belonging to the plants, occurring mainly on the observation of his eyes. We decide, therefore, expected to argue that the muscles surrounding the eye, serve primarily to express the units I and muscles around the mouth are mostly stress it. This representation is a remarkable way illustrated classic case anal erotica, we are portrayed under the name of Mr. Crown. In the cold eyes of the people we read it deliberately suspicious approach to the peace and new situations, and his tightly compressed mouth tells us about his constipation, his obstinacy, his miserliness, his orderly and his cruelty - this is classic symptoms derived directly (and suspicion -- indirectly) from his anal interests.

It should be noted that a significant proportion of intuitive knowledge can bring smell. The smell of human breath and sweat may change with the emotional setting. Some people are more sensitive to other odors, and the distance at which the odor can cause emotions just incredible (some moth discovered sexual smells a mile from their source). The fact that we are not aware of a smell does not mean that it does not impact on our emotional setting. Odors can alter the content of dreams, and they are not perceived as odors.

Further study of intuition in terms of transactional analysis indicates that this ability has a child of J. Интуиция operates best if the child is free from the influence of the adult and the parent state J. At a time when an adult with his conscious reasoning or parents with their prejudices and its a priori ideas, intuition slabeet as child departs before the superior forces. Intuition disappears as the child spoil promises rewards or threatened punishments. In other words - is a fragile ability that can easily be broken or distorted external pressure, and here one of the reasons why it should not cause random.