Monday, June 15, 2009

Secrets of Nikola Tesla's experiments.

Secrets of Nikola Tesla's experiments.

At the end of last century, the great Nikola Tesla demonstrated the worldwide transmission of electricity on a non-grounded and no wire. There is so that the essence of this phenomenon remains unclear, and in our days. It is also known that the engineer succeeded Stanislav Avramenko tried to repeat the famous experiment. But the physical essence of the phenomenon, known nowhere mentions ...

Here we try to understand in simple terms as "it" can be arranged.

You can start with the fact that the origins of knowledge about electricity came about the existence of electric fluid which may flow from the body to the body under certain conditions. Being in the surplus and shortage. B. Franklin at one time imposed a picture of the positive and negative electricity. J. C. Maxwell in his theoretical research has benefited from a direct analogy between the movement of fluid motion and electricity.

Now, of course, we know that an electric current - the movement of electrons (in this case in the metal) that are moving when there was a potential difference. How can explain the movement of electrons in a wire?

Let us take an example to all known Watering a garden hose. Terms such: it is located inside the water, and ends around congestion. How to make the liquid in it was moving. Yes or both, unless zavraschat fluid from one end so that its rotation while transmitted to the other end of the hose. So, to make the water "move" in the hose - no need to move it into one, and alternately, the one, the other side, ie to establish alternating current in the fluid hose. But as in this case the water in the hose to move in our not, we are to reflect, to understand that by the end of the hose (tentatively removing plugs) pridelat need for capacity on both sides. Suppose that they will be in the form of cylinders. It is clear to all that the communicating vessels. If we put a tank in one piston, then moving it down, we will force water from the tank flows to the first hose to a distant vessel. If now we will raise the piston up, as a result of wetting (adhesion), the piston and water, we have moved back into the water tank with pump for the hose from a remote volume.

If the manipulation to continue, the hose would alternating current in the direction of the liquid. If we managed to put in the hose, in any of its place (even if it is we will be transparent) with a vane blades (screw), then it will start spinning in one direction, then another. Confirming that a moving fluid carries an energy. With this understood, but as the same with the wire, perhaps ask someone? Answer: All the same.

Let us recall that the electroscope? Let's remember - this is simple device for detecting the charge. In its simplest form this glass jars with plastic lids (insulator). The cover closes the bank. Through the door in the middle of its pass through a metal rod on top of the lid is the ball of the same material as the rod, on the other side of the rod at the bottom of a bank hang opposite each other slightly from the petals of the foil, they can move freely from one another and back. Recall that if a piece of wool poteret Ebonite stick, so it is charged, and then bring it to the top of the electroscope - the ball, the electroscope leaves in the bank then will depart at some angle, reaffirming that the electroscope charged.

Following this procedure, we put at a distance of three meters from the first second uncharged (with obvisshimi petals) electroscope. Join both electroscope bare wire, holding his fingers in an isolated part of its secondary. At the moment, when the wire touched the top of both balls electroscope, we see that the second uncharged electroscope immediately come to life - leaves it will depart at an angle less than was originally the first, as in the original electroscope slightly opadut. Now electroscope showed that in both there are charges, they peretekli from the first ball-tank on the balloon-capacity second electroscope. Charges both electroscope became equal to each other. Here it becomes clear to us that the electrons peretekli - there was momentary current in a wire. If we organize the exercise, and then defusing the first electroscope with one end in continuous operation, it is clear between the electroscope by wire will be a leak in the direction of alternating electric current. To this we add that the first electroscope should be charged a sign, and discharged by another.

If you raise any detailed physics course, then we will see that everything is described. Except for the fact that such a process can be made permanent and there is also mention of its applicability. Oddly enough, as the task puts many of us to a standstill.

Continuing this theme, let us say it could be argued that well-known method of electrostatic induction (through the influence of the field) can achieve the same continuous process, ie initiation of alternating electrical current in one wire. If one end of a charged body to act on a nearby ball or sphere such as the rub stick Ebonite variables, and not touching it - something closer to the stick-ball, then remove.

In principle, nothing will change if we rotate, for example, by using motors of two diametrically opposite charge elektretnyh the ball around the surrounding areas and the ball. Talk will run on our globe by wire to a remote ball-size and vice versa.

You can use elektrofornuyu car (if it can divide and accumulate charges opposite sign), or operating a network of electrostatic generator, playing the same role. If we alternately apply to the electrostatic generator is positive, then negative on the nearest ball (you can switch to using 2 relays or semiconductor switches), then when you connect the plus electrons from the remote will turn the ball-capacity on the wires, and when connected to the minus the same capacity-ball electrons flee ago. Here it is necessary to remember that when there is a difference in the capacity of the conductor, the electric field is in our process of constant size. Now that is where the electrons flow - (tank-balls), then we can apply the method of electromagnetic induction to proceed with an alternating current. That is, if in any place of the conductor spiral formation from the same, the effect of dynamically alternately at her magnet to get the same results. Hence, it is clear that for this purpose can be used and the transformer. Talk may also arise from the influence of rotation on the opposite balls-tank - that is, from both ends. To create a large potential ball-capacity, through its direct loading or by electrostatic induction, we can apply the known principle of the Van de Graaf generator. With this generator you can create the potential for millions of volts - hence the relatively high voltage.

In addition to the above, let us remember that sometimes lightning strikes from the clouds (above) and sometimes from the ground up, sometimes lightning between the clouds. This again indirectly confirms that the transmission of alternating current in the conductor is possible.

It should be noted that of the AC is always possible to make a constant in the direction of current.

Now, if you set the appropriate (new) generators in power plants, the old power lines will transmit more power than they do now, because the same power will be send to the smaller number of conductors - the others released.

Referred to the method of electrostatic induction, you can transfer energy in the form of perturbations of the electric field with "our" side to the opposite point of the planet as Earth - is conductive and is also charged a large ball, and the charges can be divided - to polarize (at opposite). Taking appropriate receiver antipodnoy point source signal, we generally got a way not only for energy but also information. Because at one point we moduliruem signal to another - demoduliruem. By the way the principle of modulation-demodulation applied to single connection. It should be noted that the transfer of energy and information in the "other" of the world can be achieved if the influence on the induction of the planet's magnetic field is "our" point.

The "torsion" principle of electricity in one wire (rotated by the electric field, and with it the electrons from one side, so that rotation is transferred to another region in the wire) we will not stop.

With respect to the maximum length of wire, then it depends on building on the ball-tank. The very same capacity depends on its own radius.

Now let's talk about what the N. Tesla was not possible. Here the author intends to make a hypothesis that may be working, which is consistent with reality.

Once the author has done the following experiment: on the thread was suspended cylindrical permanent magnet. When he calmed down, it was presented at another such magnet - the opposite pole so that a deviation occurred first. To suspended (first) magnet is not turned on the filament, it imposed two flat to his sides, so that it (the first) to move strictly along the arc (depending on the radius of suspension) in the same plane. So when all this was done, the experimenter has struck a third magnetic field on the second field - the intermediate and stationary magnet (all magnets were oriented to each other opposite poles). After a sharp blow on the third field of the first intermediate magnet on the other hand fixed to an intermediate fly off sharply to the side. This is likely to be that the momentum transferred by the magnetic field interacting magnets. This as well as in the famous case, when on a smooth horizontal surface on one line are ten identical balls in contact. And if you now hit the ball to one extreme - the nine remain in place, as before, and the last ball on the opposite side of the bounce.

If this is possible with the balls, then why is not possible with a number of oppositely oriented magnets (a special case), which at a distance from each other and rigidly attached to the inside of flexible tube. If on such a new "wire" act prior to the end of one of its dramatic momentum of the magnetic field, missed the energy, it can be taken at the other end of the receiver using a magnetic field. Or, if you take an iron wire and solid magnetize it strictly so that the orientation of field lines were parallel to the axis, then and now we get the same again a new cable, which will also be able to implement the above-mentioned functions, ie to transfer momentum through a magnetic field "wires" with one side to another.

The same can be said about the likely charged balls or more on elektretnyh balls (same), or on elektretnom wire (solid). Only in this case you need to "bump" electric field at one end, so that the momentum transferred to the other.

Implementing this idea would entail the creation of a new generation of technology.

And, concluding the story, it could be argued - the transfer of mechanical energy is not new means of one wire - is real. The case for implementation.