Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Clairvoyance (part two)

Franz Bardon
Education Magic Soul (VII)
Clairvoyance (part two)
A kind of incantatory clairvoyance, which also belong to this group, is the forcible induction of this ability in using drugs such as opium, hashish, mescaline (peyote), catfish and more. Mage is also unlikely to take an interest in this sort of clairvoyance, as it leads to addiction to these dangerous drugs and, in addition, paralyzing moral and spiritual foundations, the will, and, finally, the nerve force, which, of course, will be detrimental to health and development. In the East known millions of cases, and West as all other civilized country they are abundant.

Of course, the mage you can, as long as he has not reached the necessary maturity, the same or a similar way to verify the existence of clairvoyance and other supernatural phenomena, but usually (and this is, in fact, it hurt), he does not stop on way to be sure and include the use of drugs a habit, and such people gain the same state in which there are all these many victims.

The next type of clairvoyance that which was caused by the weakening or paralysis of the passing of a sense organ, with clairvoyance - the eye. Most of the books that teach clairvoyance by fixing the object, a magic mirror, a crystal ball or a precious stone, though good in themselves, but they are not suitable for everyone. Only in the hand of an experienced magician, these aids are suitable for clairvoyance, but they should not cause a clairvoyant ability to vliniem nervus optikus. They should serve as a tool for the already consciously trained eye.

With a magical perspective, there is no aid, even the most highly regarded and produced with extremely high precision, which would contribute to the emergence of clairvoyant gift. The ability of clairvoyance depends, first, on the nature and, secondly, on the astral and mental development and maturity of the magician.

During training, the magician becomes clear that all the funds listed here are only auxiliary material, and not the factor that gives the desired result, that is true clairvoyance.

Finally, I will mention the latest form of clairvoyance, which appears as a side effect due to the magic of the faithful, and which is caused by a system of disclosure of feelings, in this case, the clairvoyant eye. I decided to put in this work method, which is still nowhere was never mentioned, but which is practically very valuable both in terms of sealing compounds, and from the point of view of the law similar items.

(To be continued)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Mystic Kirov land

Mystic Kirov land
Falcon mountain
Small village Boroviki Kotelnich area is fraught with many secrets. Residents often seen dangling over houses plate. In the fields appear circles that mimic diagram of star constellations. That only is that on the banks of excavations of the ancient reptiles - pareyazavrov that at least 250 million years old. And very near taking the place of worship of ancient man. And in the stone age, these areas were not inhabited, the ancient people brought for sacrifice to their gods, ancient arrowheads, weapons - everything of value that was in fact the ancient world. And now, according to locals, there is a powerful boost of energy that can change lives, to fulfill every desire, and may do harm. It all depends on the intentions of those who came to the place of power. In the summer of 2009 came ashore Borovikov group of students. Whether the practice came to rest either. Both would be happy if ... On the second day the whole camp almost blown off a steep cliff. Suddenly, the wind picked up threw the dog down. And I almost ditched a few people.

That was not pleasant "place of power" in the youth - will remain a mystery. It did not take the children and force them to no avail. But some kirovchane (yes let's be honest, not kirovchane) come to the trowel in order to get energy. Recharge, the battery is. Ask for the ancient gods of healing from illness, strength to overcome the difficulties. And it's a strange place of worship of the ancient, where to this day the fern, which are ancient plants, where at night you can see your reflection in the sky, and often their own destiny, gives that power. But only in one case - if the soul has come to this place clean.

Of the unusual phenomena observed here flowering in December of colors. Failures of electronics. The appearance of unusual voices, pictures. Hovering UFO plates. And many other strange things sometimes.

Kadochnikovsky burial
Ancient burial Meadow Mari (People living in the territory of the Kirov region Urzhum area near the village of Lazarevo about six years ago) began to dig in the 90 th year. Prior to that, there came secretly at night on certain days of the inhabitants, who believed in the old gods. And on the temple, performed their rites. And when a team of archaeologists began to study the place of burial, researchers began to surround the strange and sometimes terrifying events.

- I was a member of the archaeological expedition - eyewitness Albert Khlyupin. - Near the site of the excavation was perfectly circular diameter grove of deciduous trees. And the trees and it was weird - the branches they grow perpendicular to the trunk. Not a single bird. Not a single animal was not in this glade. There was a strange silence, I would even say the dead. In this grove came to make their secret rites of the inhabitants, descendants of the ancient Mari.

When the expedition started - find women, men and children's burial ground. To the scientists began to appear ghosts, to warn that it will not end good. Those who come to ravage the ancient burial place, it casts. The camp is not just someone went wild, destroying things and food. And fear not clear covers in place. But not for all this place has become a place of fear. Those who worship the ancient gods Mari, who honor their memory, this site gives you strength. He gives wisdom and knowledge.

Round stones
This phenomenon is also in Kotelnich area. On the surface of the earth is a whole placer huge rocks perfectly round shape. This land is considered protected. And for the "miracle" come to see in winter and summer. An eccentric cast in an apartment, a car, a job. I bought a house in the village extinct. And every day is coming to talk to the stones. Applies to them the hand and absorbs their heat. He believes that anyone who touches the stone, make a wish, be sure to ever implements it. But only if the thoughts and desires clean. And God forbid, if the hurt came round giant - kicked or spit on him. Stone revenge and life will start trouble.

Be that as it may, people believe in the magic power of places unusual phenomena, we must admit that all the stories are reduced to the people themselves. If you're a good person, you can help your energy objects, sites, ancient structures and natural phenomena. But if the black soul of who came to this place, and power seats will not help. And remains of black life.

They say that in every region, in every country there are some "magic" place of giving energy. Maybe you have a story to tell?

Friday, June 21, 2013

Open the mind, strengthen the body, strengthen the emotions.

John-Roger, Peter McWilliams

Open the mind, strengthen the body, strengthen the emotions.

Often we allow the parade to someone one of the Big Three. What we said earlier about the mind, in the same measure to the body and the emotions - they are lovely servants, but terrible masters. You probably already know who the Big Three of you are used to identify the most. With those for whom you have the greatest impact and most often "leads you into temptation" that keeps you separated, you really want to do - or you know, it would be nice to do them.
If you let the parade himself will probably learn more, and even if they do not know more, you will get a treat. (Do not you choose which video you watch?) Of course, listen to the advice of the health of the mind, body and emotions, but it is you who make the decision and move in your chosen direction. How? Here are some suggestions.
Open mind. All of you have probably met little Cartesian darting around. Those who think and, therefore, exist. (Remember Descartes? "Cogito, ergo sum".
We hope you remember.) It must have wanted to say to them: "You think too much, and that's your trouble. Intelligent people like grocers: they are weighed." These people spend much of their time on the drafting of opinions, judgments, criticisms, judgments, laws, regulations, procedures and schemes. And when their opinion has been formed, then there is little that can change it. These people rely heavily on brainwashing. Alas, their brains also need some washing. Of the public, we offer the following: the mind is like a parachute - it works best when open. Relying on their intelligence may say, "The philosophy of fools!" Fine, but then how about the thought of Henry James: "Always keep an open box in the attic. Not broken: - Open!"
Strengthen the body. If you do not do what you want, because you are "too tired", or you are concerned that some people, a microbe or an unfortunate coincidence just waiting to "finish off" you mean you likely to be in thrall of his own body. Many people bring a huge list of reasons purely of a physical nature, for which they can not do certain things. This is - a cold, flux, headache, there pulls, aches here and there drove his knee. And that's all you're concerned about?
Take the time and effort to master his body. Stand up, start moving. Your body - it is your vehicle as your car. If you do not control the body in the direction you want it to be so stupid as to allow your car to go out of control. Thus, the findings of the body of the garage, hit the gas, and - let's go.
It's your body: use it or you lose it. If you give it enough rest, it will simply be torn to active duty. Do not let your body hold you back from what you want to do. Get up and do it.
You will feel a surge of energy, but when you start to move - but not a second before. Do not wait for energy before you start anything.

Do, and the energy will appear.

Turn up the emotions. People are too emotional rely more on the heart than the mind. They act (or more often they fail to act) on the basis of what they feel. And what do they usually feel? Fear ("What if ..."), guilt ("If I did not .. then ..."), anger and frustration ("Another failure. Again, as always, I am one ..."). These people avoid events that should show up and intensify their emotions - especially the emotions of fear, guilt, anger and frustration ("hurt feelings"). They are afraid of fear, guilt, anger and disappointment, so avoid them.
This kind-hearted, we say: be persistent. Let's finish it. Feel the fear and do not back down. Although the phrase "scared to death" enjoys fairly often emotional people, very few people actually died of fright. Emotions - not such a fragile thing. They are there for us to use them.
You amplify its effect on the emotions that are using them. Consciously create for themselves a situation where you would normally avoid, for fear associated with her feelings. Experience all the feelings caused by this situation, and then continually remind yourself that you still have survived.
After some time you will find yourself able to do something more than just survival: You will begin to thrive. Because the flip side of fear - the excitement, delight. A downside of doing - this much coveted award and positive feelings for you. On the other hand, those who are too often angry at others, should exercise their feelings less. When we do not exercise at something, skill becomes weaker. If you are prone to experience disappointment and frustration when things do not go as we would like, once again experiencing irritation, try the following. Instead of exercising emotions, body work-out. Run around the house. Jump on the spot. Turn on music and dance to. It may seem silly to your friends and / or colleagues, but they will probably prefer this sport your short break your cries and cries.
(To be continued)

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Education Magic Soul (VII)

By means of clairvoyance second vision, as it is popularly called, is understood and vision through time and space, be it past, present or future, or the vision of the dead, and so on. Only a very few authors have described this ability from a psychological or from another point of view, and so our next task is to expose a detailed study of clairvoyance.
First of all, the magician must be clear that there are many ways of clairvoyance. The first type is the innate ability of clairvoyance, which is given the support it has in the invisible world, or was left over from previous incarnations. Such clairvoyance is the best, but they have only a very few people, so-called 'natural clairvoyant, "which, without making any special effort to have developed this ability is so strong that it can be applied in practice. The second variant of this ability is reflected in the fact that it appears in the spirit of man is itself due to involuntary shift elements, and should therefore be regarded as pathological.
Any type of shock or illness can also cause the ability of clairvoyance. Usually it is expressed in people who, due to a seizure, nervous stress or any mental, physical or spiritual attack loses its usual balance and as a side effect, directly or indirectly, alone or not gain the ability of clairvoyance. However, for a practicing magician, this method of clairvoyance is undesirable, because sooner or later it will lead to a complete collapse, which would entail not only the loss of this ability, but also adversely affect the health and can lead to premature death.
So clairvoyants can only sympathize, even in cases where their clairvoyant abilities are considered phenomenal. The other category includes such figures are possible with the help of medial abilities have the ability of clairvoyance, caused by some creature. But this kind of clairvoyance is not recommended for the practicing magician, since such persons usually end up living in a mental hospital.
Many of those who are placed in the hospital for the insane, dealt with the problems of spiritualism, not having a reliable guide, it is spiritualism they owed their deplorable condition, it does not matter whether the reasons for practicing spiritualism serious enough, or it was simple curiosity, or these studies had other motives.

(To be continued)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Journey to the underworld.

Journey to the underworld.

- In a clearing in the woods fucking near Pskov, it seems hidden entrance to the dungeon of hell. I met there with a devilish creature which, of course, has a mind! - Says Sergey Moscow engineer Martianov. On that same meeting, he was restless, trying to catch Cerberus - a faithful dog of Satan.

The legend of the underground monsters, occasionally coming to the surface, can be heard in Tajikistan. There, in the Kulyab region on the bank of the river Vakhsh, stands the mysterious mound, composed of rounded stones. Scholars differ in the explanations of emergence, this eight-meter embankment. Some say it's just a bunch of trash, which are composed of stones, cleaned the peasants from the surrounding fields. Others claim that the strange pile built by soldiers of Alexander the Great, whose army when it was held here. But locals will tell you in confidence that under this mound is the entrance into the fiery underworld inhabited by evil spirits, who still occasionally appear at the top surrounded by black lights and the smell of sulfur ... Similar stories, however, tell a very different countries including in Russia. And most often they featured evil Kerber.

Cerberus or Cerberus (as someone more like it) - a mythological monster, a satanic dog, who, according to legend, guards the entrance to the underworld. From time to time he leaves office and walk out to the surface. And woe to those who meet on a fiery monster. From a man leaving only charred remains. For the tale - not bad. But can you seriously believe that there Kerber? A team Martyanova convinced that this is so. And provide evidence to the belief that they were not born in a vacuum.

- For the first time a "satanic dog" I ran seven years ago - says Sergey Martianov - when a friend invited me to have a rest in the summer in his native village near Pskov. On the evening gatherings elderly loved to tell the incredible stories of Cerberus - a "huge black dog with eyes of fire spewing from the mouth of the fire." Its supposedly can sometimes meet on the Devil clearing in a wetland aspen grove that a kilometer from the village. Listening to these fables, I was mentally grinned, saying, that's how caught on Russian soil Conan Doyle's story about Baskervilsky monster!

But the day before departure to Moscow with a friend we decided to go for mushrooms. Come on, of course, in the woods to a clearing of the very devil. Because of the notoriety local fans of the "silent hunting" bypass its a mile away, and because there always seems to mushroom invisible. There and then rolled out to me from the bushes mysterious black ball. I was literally blown away: as he ran through the surface of the fiery flashes, and when he rolled through a puddle of rain water, and hiss in the air a cloud of steam.

The ball disappeared in the same mysteriously as it had appeared. Only in the land of withered grass left the spot. "As a vanished" - I thought, and realized that the stories about the mysterious Cerberus are the real soil. After a cursory glance I met something they could have taken for the rapid black creature, spitting sparks ...

In Moscow, Sergei sat down first thing in the library and did not come out of the reading room as long as he was sure that Conan Doyle did not have to strain your imagination especially, coming up with his dog Baskervilles. The fact that the English folk tradition is literally filled with stories about the "huge dogs, spewing flames out of its mouth," for many centuries in the swamps Shastal Britain and terrorizing the locals.

After these stories and indeed you may decide that a satanic dog Kerber real. But Sergei Martianov, in his own words, in neither God nor the devil believes. But he graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Moscow Power Engineering Institute) and because he saw in these legends the ...

- You know, - he says - it struck me that each occurrence of the same type is accompanied by signs of Cerberus - sparks, flames, explosions ... all seems like a natural phenomenon which has a high energy. I even decided first that all the tricks of ball lightning. And satanic black dog referred to eyewitnesses, it is quite appropriate. Scientists have documented the existence of black fireballs. That left one mystery. Ball lightning usually occur during thunderstorms. And in my case (in the day when I came across a black ball), the weather was perfect. In addition to the descriptions of eyewitnesses Kerber always arose not in the sky, but how is out of the ground ...

Offered a possible clue to the group entered Martyanova theoretical physicist Andrei Anokhin. It turns out that under the ground too thunderstorms. Scientists have long known the so-called piezoelectric effect when tested against strains in some crystals generate electric potentials. (This effect is working in some pickup players.) So, in terrestrial rocks, experiencing a strong contraction, may also appear colossal power of the electric charges. It is obvious that sometimes underground lightning sputtered on the surface.

- By adopting this version as a working hypothesis, we decided to organize an expedition to the already well-known to you damn clearing where when I came to meet Kerber and whose title suggests that there may be manifested forces of the underworld - continues the story of S. Martianov. - Prepared devices that would warn us in advance of the impending release of energy. Guarded during the week. And the devices did not disappoint ...

Here the story begins Martyanova the strangest. Yes, they saw the clearing flamed crimson stain. Yes, right out of the ground there was something charcoal gray. All as expected. But then went to have "unintended miracles."

According to the participants of the expedition, "Black Lightning" behaved not as a blind natural phenomenon, but as a rational animal. Kerber "bypassed" clearing in a circle, alternately burning sensors installed there. From an expensive Japanese camera tripod there was only so ALLOY glass lens. After the demonstration, purposeful destruction of instruments black "something" was at the center of the clearing and slowly absorbed into the soil, like a drop of ink in a blotter. And only then will the people let go strange numbness that does not allow them to get off the ground during this time.

- I'm a believer, - said S. Martianov. - And yet I can not help feeling that I have personally seen a living hell, or even what that creation of the underworld. Now I will not rest until they unravel the nature of this phenomenon.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

J.Roger, P.McWilliams.

One of the greatest - and simplest - ways of knowing have more and grow more - do more. This may or may not be associated with a greater activity. We're not talking about the indispensable action and the involvement.
When we are involved, we will learn more. If you want to learn more, become a party full of enthusiasm. Get involved. Get yourself.
Immerse yourself in new experiences. Take part in your own life.
It's hard to recommend any specific action: the fact that seriously captures one else seems nothing more than a distraction. One could, of course, recommend a walk instead of sitting at the TV, but it is commonplace. And since the video revolution - cable TV, video rentals and more - TV watching can be just as thrilling action than anything else.
It is not important what you do, how you, how you react to what you are doing. Are you engaged in this activity actively? Does it affect your mind, body and emotions? (Any activity can fully take one of these components, but the point is to learn how to connect the ones that you use less.) Captures if you get this working? Appears you have a desire to do it even more? If yes - then you are participating.
"Experimentation - is an active science" - Claude Bernard pointed out.
Experiment. Make your life an active science.

Acceptance of responsibility.
A lot of talk on the subject of personal growth is about "taking responsibility." Wherever we go, we hear statements like "I'm responsible for it," "Why do not you take care of it?" "I'll answer for your life!".
Taking responsibility - it's a great thing, but many people simply do not realize that in reality it means - Take responsibility for yourself.
As far as we think, the only thing you can answer for is the space taken up by your body within the skin. And only. Everything else (especially other) does not belong to the category of things for which you can answer.
Given the size of our universe, "the space occupied by your body to the limits of your skin," does not seem too impressive. But look at what it contains: Your mind, your body, your emotions and the meaning that you attach to himself. It is, to paraphrase Sir Thomas More, is not a bad crowd.
Even if we could meet for the people, things and events outside of ourselves, our primary concern still remains a responsibility for themselves.
On what should have been similar in the idea of ​​"taking responsibility"?
You would have to take responsibility for their thoughts. You should never have to catch yourself thinking about what you do not want to think about. Your intellect would have to be constantly focused in the right direction, constructive and positive. You'd have to change your body. You would be healthy, energetic, brilliant and full of life. You'd have to change your emotions. You no longer have to feel what you do not want to feel. You would feel joy, happiness, contentment, enthusiasm and love whenever you wanted them to. As long as we do not change our minds, our bodies and our emotions, we have a job waiting for us. So if we have too much time trying to answer for?

(To be continued)