Saturday, June 8, 2013

J.Roger, P.McWilliams.

One of the greatest - and simplest - ways of knowing have more and grow more - do more. This may or may not be associated with a greater activity. We're not talking about the indispensable action and the involvement.
When we are involved, we will learn more. If you want to learn more, become a party full of enthusiasm. Get involved. Get yourself.
Immerse yourself in new experiences. Take part in your own life.
It's hard to recommend any specific action: the fact that seriously captures one else seems nothing more than a distraction. One could, of course, recommend a walk instead of sitting at the TV, but it is commonplace. And since the video revolution - cable TV, video rentals and more - TV watching can be just as thrilling action than anything else.
It is not important what you do, how you, how you react to what you are doing. Are you engaged in this activity actively? Does it affect your mind, body and emotions? (Any activity can fully take one of these components, but the point is to learn how to connect the ones that you use less.) Captures if you get this working? Appears you have a desire to do it even more? If yes - then you are participating.
"Experimentation - is an active science" - Claude Bernard pointed out.
Experiment. Make your life an active science.

Acceptance of responsibility.
A lot of talk on the subject of personal growth is about "taking responsibility." Wherever we go, we hear statements like "I'm responsible for it," "Why do not you take care of it?" "I'll answer for your life!".
Taking responsibility - it's a great thing, but many people simply do not realize that in reality it means - Take responsibility for yourself.
As far as we think, the only thing you can answer for is the space taken up by your body within the skin. And only. Everything else (especially other) does not belong to the category of things for which you can answer.
Given the size of our universe, "the space occupied by your body to the limits of your skin," does not seem too impressive. But look at what it contains: Your mind, your body, your emotions and the meaning that you attach to himself. It is, to paraphrase Sir Thomas More, is not a bad crowd.
Even if we could meet for the people, things and events outside of ourselves, our primary concern still remains a responsibility for themselves.
On what should have been similar in the idea of ​​"taking responsibility"?
You would have to take responsibility for their thoughts. You should never have to catch yourself thinking about what you do not want to think about. Your intellect would have to be constantly focused in the right direction, constructive and positive. You'd have to change your body. You would be healthy, energetic, brilliant and full of life. You'd have to change your emotions. You no longer have to feel what you do not want to feel. You would feel joy, happiness, contentment, enthusiasm and love whenever you wanted them to. As long as we do not change our minds, our bodies and our emotions, we have a job waiting for us. So if we have too much time trying to answer for?

(To be continued)