Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Clairvoyance (part two)

Franz Bardon
Education Magic Soul (VII)
Clairvoyance (part two)
A kind of incantatory clairvoyance, which also belong to this group, is the forcible induction of this ability in using drugs such as opium, hashish, mescaline (peyote), catfish and more. Mage is also unlikely to take an interest in this sort of clairvoyance, as it leads to addiction to these dangerous drugs and, in addition, paralyzing moral and spiritual foundations, the will, and, finally, the nerve force, which, of course, will be detrimental to health and development. In the East known millions of cases, and West as all other civilized country they are abundant.

Of course, the mage you can, as long as he has not reached the necessary maturity, the same or a similar way to verify the existence of clairvoyance and other supernatural phenomena, but usually (and this is, in fact, it hurt), he does not stop on way to be sure and include the use of drugs a habit, and such people gain the same state in which there are all these many victims.

The next type of clairvoyance that which was caused by the weakening or paralysis of the passing of a sense organ, with clairvoyance - the eye. Most of the books that teach clairvoyance by fixing the object, a magic mirror, a crystal ball or a precious stone, though good in themselves, but they are not suitable for everyone. Only in the hand of an experienced magician, these aids are suitable for clairvoyance, but they should not cause a clairvoyant ability to vliniem nervus optikus. They should serve as a tool for the already consciously trained eye.

With a magical perspective, there is no aid, even the most highly regarded and produced with extremely high precision, which would contribute to the emergence of clairvoyant gift. The ability of clairvoyance depends, first, on the nature and, secondly, on the astral and mental development and maturity of the magician.

During training, the magician becomes clear that all the funds listed here are only auxiliary material, and not the factor that gives the desired result, that is true clairvoyance.

Finally, I will mention the latest form of clairvoyance, which appears as a side effect due to the magic of the faithful, and which is caused by a system of disclosure of feelings, in this case, the clairvoyant eye. I decided to put in this work method, which is still nowhere was never mentioned, but which is practically very valuable both in terms of sealing compounds, and from the point of view of the law similar items.

(To be continued)