Sunday, September 27, 2009

Which professions HARMFUL TO THE WAY?

Which professions HARMFUL TO THE WAY?

It often happens that even professional people are held in some point of their strivings come to a clear understanding that no longer want to deal with its past activities. One is the lost interest, others have realized the harm his profession for themselves or for others. To me at the consultation came literally dozens of people with a plea for help in making a decision to change professions. Somehow, those who formerly work simply ceased to interest, not asked about how they do, and trying to find myself for what interests them, and then quietly dismissed. But those who doubted the usefulness of what he worked all his life, usually not able to take a mature and informed decision on their own. Profession sometimes actually harmful it was for the spiritual seeker, as well as corrupting him, draining his strength and takes too much time. I had to tackle the question whether a follower of the spiritual teachings to be a waiter, a seller of tobacco products to apartment broker, an employee of the FSB (the then KGB), and even an actor.

Incidentally, the actor - it was the rare case in my practice when I took responsibility right to tell people that his profession litsedeya from the spiritual point of view rather harmful than useful for its evolution. He was insulted, but may still be heeded my advice, and things went much better than both. He quickly made a career in advertising agency and led him to stop trying to be what was not. He has freed time and, most importantly, spiritual strength to the study and application of esoteric knowledge.

There are some professional activities, which are absolutely contraindicated spiritual seeker. I am not aware of any spiritual seeker, who would succeed in his chosen path, for example, a salesman of beer or a butcher: you can not climb into the spiritual sphere, odurmanivaya other people and soaking his body and psyche of the gross drunken emanations of beer and bloody smell of meat. In exactly the same can not be esoteric student and a physician at the same time, abortion. One can hardly claim a heavenly wisdom and be a dealer in a casino. And, of course, any kind of criminal business, whether illegal or legal, absolutely incompatible with the high title of spiritual disciple.

If a person has reached a certain level in their worldly activities and careers, and then carried away by spiritual teachings, then he may have other problems - he will hide his interests and occupations from superiors, colleagues and society. Well, if the nature of his work lies outside of ideology and education and is not connected with the need to write articles and publicly promote their views. I have seen major superiors in rank factory directors, managers in ministries and departments in large firms which, for example, were engaged in secret from the other raja yoga practitioners or daoskimi studied Sufi philosophy. Of course, they were right in their obscurity. Practice shows that the true esoteric knowledge must be precisely established. Anyone who advertises it can have big problems with public opinion.

Nevertheless, the strategy of tight man, his self-restraint and caution in principle, allows to combine the leading position and spiritual passions. More difficult for those who, while at the helm, playing a socially meaningful role, is trying to spiritual ideas. At some point it will still have to make a choice: either further external road of success, career, rank, wealth, social comfort, or spiritual path. Not necessarily that the man chose the latter, will be expelled with ignominy from work, is doomed to poverty, and before it will close the doors of all decent homes. It is possible that he could maintain a tolerable existence, but the road to the top of social success and power he will be ordered. The more a person has achieved in the external terms of life, the more difficult choice, which he will do.

But, of course, have always addressed man himself. Not so long ago I met a friend sociologist, lived in political circles and has a good earnings. He told me that he had made a firm decision to resign from his job to another, not by direct specialization and less troublesome, where he will receive a five (!) Times smaller, and explained its intention that it will give him free time to Loved to read the ancient Chinese philosophers, meditate and do Tai Chi. "It's much more interesting than to run among the monsters, and knock off the money" - confessed to a sociologist, I opened a new, unexpected directions.

Contact the role of a student with other roles

Contact the role of a student with other roles

In the role of the child we support primarily to their own parents. And as a student? Of course, we are disciples of a particular class, some schools, pupils and their teachers of their parents. Each of us has his own way to define the requirements for this role, and our subjective response to it may be in varying degrees to meet these requirements. Virtually impossible to simultaneously meet the requirements of the role of the student's parents, teachers and peers. They differ not so much external as hidden content.

The ideal student for the teacher - usually those who do not require attention, extra effort from the teacher. There are, of course, and teachers expect from students living interest, enthusiasm and creativity. And for parents? Often parents want to see the student more independent, but the level of independence is closely connected with the peculiarities of education, vital messages that they send their child. Peer groups also require different: one is mainly focused on competition and success, a measure of relevance and credibility in them are school achievement, while others are anti-social orientation. There are such groups, whose purpose is ... "mere existence" - a group of passive, inactive, unpretentious, together "kill" time.


High school teacher discovers a group of students what they would like to learn.

- The answer is given a specific and unanimous. (This indicates a strong group cohesion and awareness of group purposes.)

- The answer is stated after the talks. (This indicates the presence of coalitions and constructive form of conflict resolution.)

- There is no answer, in the group - a quarrel. (This indicates a weak cohesion, the existence of interest groups and the propensity to destructive methods of resolving disputes.)

- The answer is as follows: "And we still. (Here the degree of cohesion may be different, but most often low, the group aims poorly understood or not understood at all; insufficient activity, indifference and

readiness for submission.).

Do you think which group is most stimulating efforts of the teacher?

Considering the problem of the role of the student, to find out the relationship between the expectations of the student and other participants in the learning process. Addressing part of this process (whether student, teacher, parent or member of the group) should be aware of this report.

Exercise 3. The ideal student - who is it?

The purpose of this exercise - to check the correctness of the hypothesis: the definition of the role of the ideal pupil depends on who it is formulated.

Try to establish contact with several people: working teachers, students of adolescence, juniors, a parent of several students of different ages.

Ask them which of the following definition seems to them the most accurate: The ideal student - is:

1) obedient, adversarial, disciplined, binding, diligent;

2) a pleasant, cheerful, helpful, friendly, full of different ideas;

3) independent, responsible, who knew no failures;

4) sweet, gentle, receiving good grades, loved by others.

At the second stage, ask the interviewees to give the appropriate definition (best with verbs) activity student. To help offer them the following list, from which they can select the necessary definitions:

hard work, something seems to open, repeated listening, speaking, fun, smiles, nods his head, borrows, answers, prompts, gives written off, know how, learn, perform tasks, agrees, acting, develops, counsels, develops skills ...

Hypothesis was confirmed or refuted answers your interlocutors her? Think about the interpretation of the material. Talk about this topic with a fellow traveler.

And what about the motivation to learn?

We want to or are forced to learn? What do you think about this psychology? When we are able to learn for the sake of the joy of development? Motivation for learning can occur on the basis of needs:

1) achievements (the desire for a positive image of his "I";

2) recognition (the desire to attract the attention of the teacher and get from him a positive assessment of their actions);

3) in affiliation (the desire to make a nice teacher, to get his approval).

Need for achievement is directly linked to an active search for sources of self-evaluation, where the measure of our value are valued around the results of our actions. The need for recognition realizes the same goal indirectly - we can feel better, valuable, meaningful, meaningful only if the person will appreciate us in this way. We value ourselves as much as we value our teachers. In meeting the requirements of affiliation have generally not interested in the process of teaching, we learn for the favorite teacher ... And if it does not become, we, alas, can not distinguish between the desire to give pleasure to others by the desire to obtain knowledge in the future it will be difficult to separate itself from the our work, "for whom" we do it.

Unknown War Hyperborea

Unknown War Hyperborea

13 thousand years ago, as Plato tells us the words of the ancient Egyptian priest Manetho, overnight, a great Atlantis, the center of civilization been a catastrophe, and disappeared in the water column. At the same time, the city called today, on the location, Mohenjo-daro, on the other end of the world - in the Indus Valley - suffered as a strange and unexpected disaster. He ceased to exist once, and the inhabitants thereof, the skeletons which archaeologists have discovered a huge set, not buried, then or a century later, for some reason. Analysis of thousands of stones and littered the streets of Mohenjo-Daro, showed that they represent fragments of pottery, caked on the instantaneous heating up to 1400-1600 degrees Celsius. Experts believe that in the city, there were three devastating waves that spread to two kilometers from the epicenter (judging by the lack of skeletons littering more ubiquitous, people who were near the epicenter, simply evaporated). What's most important - the possibility of a volcanic eruption or a meteorite fall completely excluded.

Everywhere in the world, we find strange artifacts, which, if we exclude the possibility of nuclear war many years ago, simply inexplicable. This - tektites (glass science unknown origin, similar to sand caked on the ground ground nuclear testing), the Libyan desert, desert Sinneara and many other places.

Most recently, in March 2001, Richard B. Firestone, a scientist from the famous atomic research center in Berkeley, made a sensational statement. In his view, radiocarbon dating of many monuments and discoveries already in the Americas is incorrect due to the fact that some of the area, according to his research, were ... bombardment neutron fluxes and other particles that arise as we know, a nuclear explosion. "These neutrons are transformed residual nitrogen in the dated wood coals in radiocarbon, thus giving the anomalous dates.

Some North American dating thus gives an error of at least 10,000 and more years to decrease. "To prove this he cites the samples from Jane in Michigan, Fedford and Zandra - Ontario, Shup in Pennsylvania, Elton - in Indiana, Leavitt -- in Michigan and the northern tip of Lake Grant, as well as the south-west of Baker, New Mexico. He also points to the anomalous abundance ratio of uranium and plutonium in the areas they studied. And although researchers carefully explains these anomalies, radiation from nearby supernova exploded approximately 12,500 years ago (the same date! - YU.CH.), a supernova explosion can not explain the traces of plutonium - an element not found in nature at all, occurs only in nuclear reactions of uranium produced by man under special conditions - in nuclear reactor. All this suggests that 13,000 years ago on earth there was a global nuclear war. The war, I dare say that, between Hyperborea and Atlantis.

II. The gods and demons of ancient - it is the people and the leaders of Atlantis and Hyperborea!

Legends around the world say that once on earth and in heaven, the war was with the fantastic weapons, aircraft, and death rays, disappeared when the city and the mountains exploded giant lightning, traces of which can be seen up to now. But as they say something vague, and that's why. When a past civilization was destroyed and the cold snap came, most people died. Few survivors plunged into barbarism. Last century savagery science has been lost, while memories of ancient wisdom kept from generation to generation by the priests, who have passed the secret knowledge within their corporations in all countries and all continents.

At first they were real memories - the epic, but over the centuries has remained less detail, more and more layers, mix up the naive expectations and beliefs, exacerbated by the constantly declining life and consciousness of post-Hyperborean era. Distorted Memory is dead heroes and leaders of the world by the gods and demons, who possessed supernatural powers, but they were simply people who control aircraft and took the weapons and technology, something similar to ours in some way superior to us. And the hardships of life gave rise to dreams of a serene blessed life, projected into the distant past. As a result, we have what we have - vague memories, interesting only to surprising details that need to sift through thousands of pages of text, like the golden sands of tons of rock religious vacuous nonsense. But what a grain of sand!

For example, recently in the scientific revolution was imposed work of the ancient Indian astrologer Bhashara "Siddhanta-shiromani" in which, among other units of time, appears "trutti" component of 0.3375 seconds, and even earlier Sanskrit text, "Brihath Sakatha" is a unit of measurement of time "chestnut" is equal to one share of three-hundred seconds! Experts studying the works of ancient Indian scientists are at loss: for what purpose was needed in those times such a unit and what it measured? After all, "chestnut" as any other unit of measure can be meaningful only on the condition that it is a practical need and the means exist to measure with such accuracy. No need to rack your brains! It is very simple.

And those who kept and passed on knowledge of past civilizations, unable to come in handy the last 12 thousand years, knew it.

The American writer, Andrews, while in Madras, heard from a yoga teacher - Pandit Kaniahi - this recognition: "Scientists-Brahmins from time immemorial have been obliged to keep a lot of information, meaning that do not understand. Even their ancestors knew, that matter is composed of innumerable atoms that most of the space in the atoms themselves are not filled with matter. The task of the Brahmins, like other occultists all over the world for ages, since their esoteric traditions, it was simply not to lose the heritage they passed, to preserve it for future generations to pass from generation to generation, even if it does not make sense either transmitted BĂ©lmez.

But, unfortunately, with this they are mishandled, overloaded passed piles of religio-magical nonsense.

On the other hand, distort the memory of the ancient "eternal craving human settle necessarily celestially" - as Dostoevsky wrote. And to her - the eternal shadow - the constant fear of death. The failure and unwillingness to accept the evidence that death ends all, and that we - alone in the universe. The first is self-evident: "the flesh is separated from the bones" - although many hallucinations navercheno those who can not accept it. Prove the second one too easy. Although there are about 10 sound proof, the most obvious is as follows. If we know that the laws of nature throughout the universe are identical, which means that any other civilization, whatever it may be - while talking dog from Sirius, shall be used for long-distance radio communications and necessary way - and very soon - much Most of the useable wavelength range will be super-short, having the advantages of low cost, quality and accuracy, but the lack of - is lost to space through the ionosphere. This means that such a planet in the radio will look like from the huge, at least in terms of Vega, the most powerful star - with the full invisibility in the optical range. This is how it looks from space, our planet. This modulation of the radiation will be complex and non-periodic - not because we are a planet pipped beacons, and thousands of television and radio stations. Nothing like this anywhere anymore. Astronomers from 60-ies. listen to the last century, the universe and encounter only on the natural cosmic beacons "- such as quasars. We - one!

So where did this secret knowledge, these amazing stories of the last war, the more confirmed by archaeological finds? And nowhere - they are our legends and our history. We just - not the first civilization on Earth, and if we do not have the guts to - that and not the last.

The lack of direct evidence of ancient machine civilization does not deny that existence. We know so little about what lies beneath our feet - that simply amazed. Troy was lost for millennia, until Schliemann dug up the Trojans are not the wall, and before that 30 centuries over this wealth illiterate herders tending his goats. Shining Babylonia Nebuchadnezzar was buried under the sand Sinneara, like Pompeii - under volcanic ash, have not yet started their excavations. How many cities today is eroded on the ocean floor and how many once-populous metropolitan areas lie under the sands of the desert?

And when the brave lone start their search - over them or being bullied, as over Schliemann, or attach themselves to him a crowd of schizophrenics, seeing the evidence, evidence of its ancient religious mania, although archaeological least confirm the "reincarnation", "existence of God" or " need for "vegetarian diet. For by them men, subordinated (and succumbing to) the physical nature to his will, and therefore - materialists.

If the "nuclear summer" will be held in a few millennia cavemen can crawl out of their underground burrows near the ruins of Moscow or New York and build upon them new towns, unaware of our world perished. Future historians will ask themselves the question: could there ever exist arrogant "global" civilization, high-minded leaders of which are about to meet in St. Petersburg - to decide how they feel, the questions of world order, but on our enlightened age there will be nothing but a distorted memory of aircraft and fantastic magic weapon that will tell a tale for children for centuries, until the culture does not arise again. Only followers of the Secret of wisdom will be stored in their secret teachings, gradually degenerating into a parody of itself, bring the lost of our century ...

III. We - not the first ...

Hindu epic "Mahabharata" describes the 18-day war between Duryodhana, the son of Master Dron, or in Sanskrit, Dron Acharya, and his "cousin" Yudhishtiroy that has occurred, allegedly for 14 centuries BC From difficult to believe that this grand epic, indeed describes the civilization of 1400 BC, Aryans invaded because roamed through the northern passes in the Indian plains, having out of technique only animal-drawn carts, arrows, and bronze swords, and the songs tells about duels of aircraft and the use of nuclear weapons. In fact, the Mahabharata contains pieces of a much more ancient legends, singers, once memorized the Vedas by heart, and turned in the temple records only since the invention of the alphabet Devanagari, relating to the 1340-m years. BC - That is precisely the time when supposedly there was a fight on the field of Kuru. Here are examples of such descriptions.

"Drona Parva:" Seeing in the sky that mountain, manufacturer of numerous charges, the son of Drones (Duryodhana - YU.CH.) did not flinch, and called to the aid of an instrument "Vajra." Struck Prince Gore was quickly destroyed. Rakshasa and turned into a mass of blue clouds in the sky, decorated with a rainbow and the rain started falling rocks. What's wrong description of the bomber, who was shot down by a missile surface-to-air? "Mahabharata" tells about the more interesting things, identified as heavy rockets: "The Brahma-danda, or Rod of Brahma, are incomparably more powerful than even Indra's arrows (non-nuclear tactical missiles? - YU.CH). The latter may strike only once, and the first can affect entire countries and entire races from generation to generation. "

For thousands of years it looked like a game of poetic imagination. We also struck an ominous resemblance to our nuclear bombs, radiation from which cause hereditary diseases and stillbirths in unborn future generations. "One day, being attacked by Valadevami, furious Jarasandha a desire to destroy us threw a rod, able to kill all living things. Flashing fire, the wand towards us, cutting the sky like a line that separates the women's head with braids (reactive trace! - YU.CH. ) with lightning speed, emitted Shukri. Noticing flying in our direction the rod, the son of Rohini flung arms "stunakarma" to discard it. The energy of the rod was offset by an energy weapon Valadevy, and he fell to the ground, breaking it and causing a shudder even the mountains "( "Bhisma Parva." Missiles and missile ...

But the description, is also considered a poetic nonsense. Before Hiroshima. Description of the destruction of the Triple Cities, the same one that today almost surely be identified by archaeologists from Mohenjo-daro, as described at the beginning. "... Erupting streams of flame arrow shot Brahma (the size of its three cubits and six feet, it might - like thousands of lightning bolts of Indra, and it kills every living thing around) - was released. Flame, devoid of smoke, was spent on all sides with vsesokrushayuschey force. Molten plume of smoke and flames, this dazzling as 10,000 suns, rose in the sky in all its terrifying glory, opened as a parasol against the sun ... It was the Iron Lightning, a messenger of death, turned into ashes and all the people Vrishni Andhaka. Their bodies were burned. Those who survived, lost his hair and nails, pottery cracked for no apparent reason, and all the birds in the district were white feathers. A few hours later all the food was poisoned ... To escape from this fire, the soldiers threw themselves the river to wash themselves and their equipment.

And again: "Hero Advattaman refused to leave his ship when it touched the water, and resorted to weapons of Agni (god of fire - YU.CH.), before which they could not withstand even the gods. Son of a teacher (Drones) - this enemy fighter heroes headed the in all its visible and invisible enemies blazing spear, erupting smokeless fire, and released him on all sides. Thick bundles of arrows burst from him in the firmament. stricken with a bright flame, these arrows have covered parties from all sides. Suddenly the thick gloom obvolok Pandavas. All parties Light also plunged into darkness. blowing winds. Clouds thundered in the sky, threw rain of blood. Birds, beasts, cows, and who took a vow of souls have gone to the extreme concern. excited, it seemed, the elements themselves. elephants and other animals, scorched by the energy of these weapons, horror fled, seeking shelter from this terrible force.

Even the water boiled, and living in this elemental creature worried, and seemed to cook. On all sides of the world, with the sky and the earth itself flew fierce shafts of arrows at speeds of Garuda.

Burnt and slain them quick as lightning, arrows enemies have fallen, as trees, burnt consuming fire. Elephants, scorched by these weapons, fell to the ground, published eerie screams, others rushed to and fro, loud revya from fear, as if it were in a burning forest. Kony, the King, and wagons, burned the power of this weapon resembled the tops of trees, burnt forest fire. Thousands of wagons were scattered in the dust. In fact, O Bharata, it seemed that the divine Lord Agni burned in the battle Pandava army like fire Soma Varta destroys everything in the end of the Yuga.

Generally in the epic "Mahabharata" contains over 230 verses that contain detailed and very realistic description of the construction of missiles, aircraft and other vehicles and devices, including what we would call today, unmanned vehicles and military robots.

IV. Stone Hyperboreans soldiers waiting in the wings

Here's what he thinks about the possibility in the distant past, such a war the most authoritative scholar in Russia monuments of ancient Hyperborea - Head of the Board of Scientific Tourism Russian Geographical Society Sergey V. Golubev. Once again - real, not mythical, sucked from the finger and from a variety of places, heritage Hyperborea, confirmed by his numerous finds of prehistoric monuments of this ancient continent.

- Possibility of such a war I do not exclude, but I want to emphasize that one should not expect any findings directly confirm it: too much time has passed. Neither the metal nor the more composite materials are not saved so much time, especially - organics. And the available and known to you the evidence suggests that in ancient times much of what we now made of metal, "done" from a live or near-living matter. By the way, and our technology is rapidly approaching it. Not for nothing that so much now, scientific fantasies about the so-called "cyborgs. We'll somehow talk more about it. Now I would like to say that nuclear weapons are unlikely to be the only powerful weapon of the war.

You certainly know that the Earth's crust, is the firmament on which we walk - an incredibly thin.

If the Earth represented as a school globe and mentally "cut" it, we can not even see a dense crust of her even in a strong magnifying glass - so it is thin. What is under it - science only assumes, but most scientists agree that, under it - the molten mass, on which our continents are floating. This, if not more, could be known and ancient, not in vain that they are in their treatises have come down to us through a thousand generations, the land was compared with an egg. Already available to us so-called "geophysical weapon", which is much talk in recent years. On the possibility of its interpretation and application of geological record of the planet - about 13,000 years ago there was a sudden outbreak of powerful volcanic activity and geological activity, as now appears, is not likely to be caused by the gradual cooling of the planet. Something woke this volcanism - or indeed some cosmic intervention, or earthly events, the human factor. Sort of like in the 60 years the military authorities were alarmed by the nuclear powers received from the services of geophysical monitoring the news that the Atlantic exploded a nuclear bomb - both showed their devices. In fact, no bomb was not, Geophysics, the British during the experiment blew up the 200-pound charge on the oceanic crust, but the effect was the same as the detonation of a nuclear military power high-power, which detected the service observations.

It turned out that when a powerful explosion occurs on the continental crust - it quenches caused by seismic waves, and the thin oceanic crust - no, and the resulting resonance leads to strong geological shifts. The effect of interest in the military, as loomed the prospect of a geophysical weapon.

Hyperborean city, if they existed, are now under water - on the shelf of the Arctic Ocean, which sank to the bottom of it in that era - about 9.11 thousand years BC, when there was that very very incomprehensible catastrophe associated with the sinking of Atlantis . Can, very carefully, to assume that the Atlanteans and geophysical Hyperboreans exchanged blows. This is evidenced by the way, and the shape of the geoid, which has specific concavity in the northern hemisphere, which is not observed in other planetary bodies in the solar system.

Assuming that the exchange of such attacks took place, that Atlantis was in the notoriously losers - it metropolina located on an island in the zone geoactive, as indicated by Plato, describing the hot springs in Atlantis, and the colonies - on the coasts of Africa, Europe and the Americas.

In due time, incidentally, the Americans were at first surprised and then extremely angry that nuclear missiles of the USSR, when they were still very few, were not aimed at launching tubes, and all at sea, where they shoot down something nobody expected. In fact, our military then expected to bury America, at least - its coastal cities, in the giant geophysical cataclysm. Also Hyperborea located mostly in the coastal zone, but also on the mainland it had extensive possessions. So Atlantis was completely destroyed, and Hyperborea remained on the mainland, which has not sunk to the bottom of a blow and we have been able to find the surviving monuments of that era on the Kola Peninsula and in the White Sea.

Although, of course, a cataclysm was destroyed and the continent is very much ...

What about past karma and the impact that it has now?

What about past karma and the impact that it has now?

There are three things you can do with his past karma.

One - to pay their karmic debts. Most people choose to do so - of course, unconsciously. It can also be your choice.

Sometimes the payment of these debts is accompanied by a multitude of suffering, but, according to the Law of Karma, no debts will never remain unpaid in the universe.

The universe has a perfect accounting system, and everything in it - a constant exchange of energy "there and back.

The second thing you can do is to transform your karma in a more desirable experience.

This is a very interesting process when you are paying your karmic debt, ask yourself the question: "What can it teach me? Why did this happen, and what I wanted to tell the universe? How can I make this experience useful for the same human beings, as I am? "

By doing this, you are looking for a germ of a chance, and then linking this germ of its dharma, its purpose in life, about which we speak when discussing the seventh spiritual law of success. This will allow you to find a new expression of his karma.

For example, if you will, while working out, broken leg, you may ask: "What I can teach it? What sends me a message, thus, the universe? "

Perhaps the meaning of the message that you should reduce the rate and next time be more attentive to your body.

And if your dharma - to teach others what you know, it is asking the question "How can I make this experience useful for the same human beings as I am?", You may decide to share with you what you have learned by writing a book the need to comply with safety in sports.

Or you can develop special shoes or bracing to help avoid such injuries.

Thus, paying his karmic debt, you simultaneously convert the "ups and downs" in the benefits that can bring you wealth and satisfaction.

This is the transformation of your karma in a positive experience, you really do not get rid of their karma, but you get the opportunity to take the karmic episode and create from it a new positive karma.

Third way for the Treatment of karma - way beyond. Go beyond karma - means to become independent from it. Method of transcending karma - to continue to experience a pause, his I, Spirit.

It's like washing dirty clothes in the creek. Whenever you submerge it in water, you wash off a few spots. Whenever you do, your clothes are becoming a little clearer.

You erase - or go beyond their karma - going into the pause and resuming back. This, of course, achieved through meditation.

All actions are karmic episodes. When you drink coffee - is a karmic episode. This action arouses the memory and the memory has the ability or potential opportunity, the desire to give birth. The desire generates action again.

The system software of your soul is made up of karma, memory and desire. Your soul - a clot of consciousness, which contains the seeds of karma, memory and desire. Consciously apply to the shoots of manifestation, you become conscious of reality generator.

Consciously making the choice, you begin to perform actions that contribute to the development of your own and everyone around you. And that's all you need to do.

No karma has evolved - for you and I to all to whom it affects - the fruits that it brings, happiness and success.
Application of the Law of Karma "

I want to make it work Law of Karma, pledging to take the following steps:

1. Today I will follow the choices that I make every moment. And the mere observation of these choices will allow me to transfer this action to its full realization.

I know that the best way to prepare for any moment in the future - fully aware of this.

2. Whenever I make a choice, I will be asking yourself two questions: "What will be the consequences of the choice I made?" And "Will the choice of this satisfaction and happiness to me and to those on whom he will have an impact?".

3. After that, I will refer to his heart and guided by its message of comfort and discomfort. If the choice is a feeling of comfort, I will continue to move forward with the utmost vigor.

If the choice is a feeling of discomfort, I'll pause and look at the consequences of his choice of inner vision. Following reports of his heart, I can do spontaneously correct choices for ourselves and all those around me.

Unusual perception of tactile sensations

Unusual perception of tactile sensations

Close your eyes and take a deep relaxing breath. Spend a hand with which you usually write, along the back of the other and feel the bones, blood vessels and the structure of the skin, as you did on the first day of classes. Touch your fingers some wear on you a thing, and define the fabric, dressing and temperature. Find the other type of fabric on a chair or on the floor and feel the difference.

Open your eyes and touch the objects made of wood ... the subject of glass or stone ...

Walk around the room and look for other tangible objects. Consider the differences are not with words, but through non-verbal awareness of the right hemisphere of the uniqueness of each of these surfaces.

If the room is the object, adorned with many complex parts, draw on the surface of his hand and draw with your fingers in the air, the contours of parts.

Now, a little sit down in peace, with eyes closed.

Imagine your hands submerged in warm water. Suddenly the water starts to cool, and every minute is all the more cool. Keep your hands in water, although it seems all the colder and colder. When the water becomes cold, think that it's time to clean hands, but hold them there at the moment longer. When the water becomes really impossibly cold, remove from her hands.

Now wrap the hands in an image with a soft cloth. Let it gets warmer and warmer. Let it be electric napkin, put lights on the value of "hot." Keep your hands inside the napkin up until the heat becomes unbearable, and then pull them out.

If you feel a perceived change in temperature, even a few degrees, you again showed what a big influence on your body has a consciousness. (This exercise can be used in particularly cold or warm days.)

You can use the mental capacity to create the desired temperature in the room where you are. Remember Yogi able to walk in a light T-shirt and barefoot in the freezing weather. To develop such abilities, of course, requires years of training, most of us would be satisfied with a perceived ability to regulate temperature within 5-10 F (G-6-P).

You can also experiment in the imagination of touch, using a similar exercise to retrieve forgotten information.

If there is something that you would like to remember, use your senses to return to the desired time. Remember the feeling of clothes - heavy winter coats, scarves or pins, or lung tissue, or specific roughness suede or smooth velvet.

Let the memory of touch takes you back to the year for another and more ... Click again something with the forgotten memories of tactile sensations.

The Law of Karma ", or the Law of Cause and Effect

The Law of Karma ", or the Law of Cause and Effect

Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in the form of such a force ... you reap what you sow. And when we choose actions that bring happiness and success of another, our karma brings us the fruits of happiness and success.

Karma - an eternal statement
human freedom ...
Our thoughts, our words and deeds --
a filament network, which we
scattered around.

Swami Vivekananda

The third spiritual law of success - is the Law of Karma. "Karma" - this is both action and what it implies, is a cause and effect simultaneously, because every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in the form of such a force.

The Law of Karma is not for us is nothing new. Every heard the expression: "As you sow, so shall you reap. It is obvious that if we want our lives to be happy, we must learn to sow the seeds of happiness. Therefore, karma implies the action of conscious choice.

In fact, we are constantly making choices. At any moment of its existence, we are in this field of all possibilities, where we open access to the infinity of the elections.

Some of these elections, we do consciously, others - unconsciously. But the best way to understand and maximize the karmic law - to come to their choice consciously aware of every choice we make in every moment of his life.

Like it or not, everything that is happening at the moment is the result of those elections that you did in the past. Unfortunately, too many of us make choices unconsciously, and therefore we do not consider this choice - and, nevertheless, it is.

If I insulted you, you probably would have made the choice to be offended. If I tell you a compliment, you make the choice to experience pleasure or feel flattered. But think about it: it is - just a choice.

I may offend you, insult you, and you can choose not to feel offended. I can tell you something nice, but you make a choice not to accept my praise.

In other words, most of us - even despite the fact that we are doing an infinite number of elections - converted into clusters of conditioned reflexes, which continually get included people and circumstances, becomes predictable features of behavior.

These reflexes are similar conditioned reflex, discovered by Pavlov. Pavlov demonstrated: if you are giving the dog food, just in time to ring the bell, soon the dog starts to salivate when you just ring the bell, because both stimuli are interrelated.

Most of us as a result of determination, to become repetitious, predictable responses to stimuli, acting in our environment.

It seems that our responses are automatically included people and circumstances, and we forget that this is just a choice we make in every moment of its existence. We simply make this choice unconsciously.

If you momentarily stepped aside and watch the choices that you do, simply because the very act of observing it, you move the whole process from the realm of the unconscious into the conscious realm.

This process of conscious choice and monitoring significantly enhances your chances. Making a choice - any choice at all - ask yourself two questions.

First of all: "What would be the consequences of that choice, which I'm going to do?" In my heart you will immediately know what they are.

And the second: "Will the one choice that I do now is happiness to me and those close to me?"

If the answer is "yes", then follow their choice. If the answer is "no", if you choose to hurt you or those close to you, you should not take this choice. It is very simple.

Among the whole set of elections, which will give you every second of your existence, there is only one, which will bring happiness to you and those around you. And if you do this the only choice, it will result in the form of action, which is called spontaneous right action.

Spontaneous right action - is the right action at the right time. That is the proper response to every situation, just when it occurs. This action, which nourishes you and any other, for whom this action has an impact.

There is a very interesting mechanism, which gives you the universe, to help make spontaneously correct choices. This mechanism is associated with sensations of your body.

Your body can experience two kinds of feelings: feelings of comfort or discomfort. The moment when you consciously make a choice, pay attention to your body and ask the question: "If I do such and such a choice, what will happen?"

If your body sends a message of comfort, then this is the right choice. If the body sends a message of discomfort, this is not the choice that you need.

Some people perceive the sensation of comfort and discomfort is an area where they located the solar plexus, but most people perceive their heart area.

Consciously translate its attention on the heart area and ask your heart as you do. Then wait for an answer - a physical reaction in the form of a certain sensation. This may be the weakest level of sensations, but they are here, in your body.

Only the heart knows the correct answer. Most believed the heart of the weak and sentimental. But it is not. The heart has the intuition, it is holistic, it is contextually, it is correlated with the moment.

He does not focus on victory-defeat. It is connected to the PC space - a field of pure potentiality, pure knowledge and infinite organizing power - and takes everything into account.

At times it may even seem irrational, but my heart has a computing capabilities, which provide much higher accuracy than is available in rational thinking.

You can use the Law of Karma to create money, wealth, and all other goods whenever you want. But first you must fully realize that your future is determined by the choices that you make in every moment of his life.
If you do this consistently, you're fully using the Law of Karma. The more you raise your choice on the level of full consciousness, the more you will spontaneously make the right choices - both for themselves and for others.

Traces of strange creatures in the Antarctic

Traces of strange creatures in the Antarctic

In January 1934, a driver-mechanic Nikolai Martynov received the command of the regiment strange but interesting task - to prepare for participation in the Arctic expedition to Taimyr. And no one to prepare, along with the tank! Order is an order, and astonished Martynov started together with engineers from the design office to convert the experimental amphibian K-29 to work in conditions of the Arctic.

By mid-August icebreaker "A. Sibiryakov" approached the Cape Chelyuskin, which was located a tiny station. On board the ship was a detachment of polar explorers. The expedition was equipped to fame: among other things, she had two U-2 aircraft, a biplane P-5 and reconstructed tank K-29P. However, the tank was, of course, and Nikolai Martynov.

What do the tank at Cape Chelyuskin, thousands and thousands of kilometers from any potential enemy? Order received Martynov, was uncertain: to protect the polar station.

The protection - from whom? From polar bears? But orders are not discussed, the more orders secret. The second part of the order - to take an active part in the chores - more understandable, although the use of the tank instead of a tractor stunt looked dubious: as a much heavier tractors, tanks, respectively, consume much more fuel, which is at polar stations are always in short supply. However, when unloading tank proved to be good, dragging on the fast ice from ship to shore with the sledge expedition goods.

Small, existing two-year Station Cape Chelyuskin, planned to convert a relatively large settlement. It was evident that people are leaving the station great joy. But what is strange in this: even now the newcomers a little bored of the house. And what will happen in a year?

At the new location on the tank installed 28-millimeter smooth-bore cannon and machine gun (K-29P transported without weapons). Martynov expect ridicule and jokes, but the explorers have looked at the tank quite seriously, and even with approval, taking it as granted and highly useful.

In the battle outpost Martynov was released in October: the station agent Dmitri Ivanovich magnetologist Eugene went to the big lake, which lay about fifty miles from the station, Martynov accompanied them on the tank. Hike have surrounded with great care - always conducted aerial reconnaissance, tank provided the ammunition. At the lake, by this time covered with ice, Eugene spent magnetic measurements, at least as understood Martynov, who was standing near Dmitri Ivanovich.

No accidents have happened. On the way back, when the explorers were already 15 kilometers from the station, next to them landed an expeditionary U-2. The commander of the U-2, Dmitri Ivanovich Vorobiev proposed to move the plane, instead of leaving the mechanic Shilov. Dmitri Ivanovich refused, believing that under the cover of the tank, he and other explorers are safe, after which the plane took off and headed to the station, for which we had a few moments of summer. Arriving at the station a few hours later, they learned that the plane from Sparrow and Sipovo never returned!

Dmitri Ivanovich immediately organized a search. U-2 found. He fell near the lake, so much so that the front part of it was completely smashed. The pilots were killed. How, why crashed in good weather, Robust, driven by the experienced pilot U-2?

Pilots were buried at Cape Chelyuskin. Martynov provided military escort. A few days later not far from the lake found the carcass of a polar bear. All would be nothing but a bear could bully the other bear, but here came another: there were no serious injuries on the body have not noticed, but when cutting carcasses (meat decided to pickle for dogs) revealed that the bear was completely bled dry!

It appears that Dmitri Ivanovich is not surprising: he noticed that from the carcass to the lake is a strange track - though slid on the snow huge snail. Next ended abruptly at the water. The very existence of areas of open water near the shore, an area of about twenty meters, ice-free, despite the heavy frost, it was still a mystery. Dmitry ordered to arrange for hole in the ice trap. Actually, the ambush as such was not - the tank was opened a few hundred meters from the shore, and about forty meters from the side of it tied several dogs, after a nourishing feed them. In the tank were Dmitri Ivanovich. Eugene himself Martynov. The weather was clear and windless. Over open water swirled pairs, making the most mysterious way.

If Intuition says "No".

If Intuition says "No".

Sometimes, when you intuitively evaluate how you better do, the answer may come from the intuition that you should not be taken for any cause.

For example, people gathered to do something new that might lead to his further development, to rise to a new level. No matter in what field, in career, relationships, start a new business or project, as the principle is the same.

More intuitively assessing the situation, a man suddenly gets a reply that he should not take up a new business or build new relationships.

Most people begin to doubt and refuse achievements. And here is very important to understand why there was such a response from intuition. It is necessary to process the response, to reveal the reasons for the negative response. And the thing is that the changes involve internal growth, and if the person is not prepared to change, then the response from the intuition will be negative.

You can use the "intuitive letter," Intuitive-logical way "or any other, which allows more deeply explore the issue and gain a clear understanding of why an answer" no ".

If the real reason for this reluctance of man to change, so be prepared. Typically, after a deeper analysis, it appears that a person must change himself.

During the elaboration of the answer is intuitively obvious that it needs to be done. For example, in relations to work out the communication skills and understanding, to draw attention to the emotional background and health. In the field of career and earnings need to improve their professional skills, acquire new knowledge and skills. Also to the opening of his case, his project. Often need to overcome the psychological barriers, fears, apathy.

Intuition is aware of the negative personality traits and the inner man to the unwillingness of accomplishments, and makes it clear that with such qualities for success in a particular case is not expected.

Train a time, prepare for change, and again ask a question of intuition. The answer is likely to be changed to positive.

Negative response of intuition, if the situation does not ripen.

Another interesting point when working with intuition. Since we live in a probabilistic world, and future events may vary to some extent, the answer Intuition may change over time. This is especially noticeable in the case, if the situation does not ripen.

Well tracked in this sample:

The man gave a summary of a new job. Asked intuition took him or not. Answer intuition "no". This is the correct answer, but keep in mind that this response can only be due to the fact that the summary had not yet seen! Later, the situation may change: a summary review, your candidacy will choose.

Conclusions: The need to clearly articulate the issues.

You have to understand that the situation may change, and the response from Intuition, too. So the same question with the help of intuition can be checked several times, returning to it from time to time.

If you sum up everything I wrote, it turns out that a quick response from intuition need to check more thoroughly and periodically rechecked.

Contributions Act ...

Contributions Act ...

The best way to get to work Contributions Act (start the overall process of circulation) - a decision that every time you have with someone cause you're him something to give.

This does not necessarily have to be something tangible: it could be flowers, a compliment, prayer. In fact, the most significant gift - not something which is expressed in something tangible.

The care, attention, location, appreciation, love - the most precious gifts, which you can give, and they are nothing you will not be worth it.

Faced with someone, you can silently send him a blessing, and wish him happiness, joy and more laughter. This kind of tacit donation has a very large force.

One of the useful things that have taught me in childhood and which I have taught my children - it will never come into any whose home empty-handed, never for anyone not to come empty handed.

You can say: "How can I give to others, if at the moment for me to want?"

You can bring a flower. One flower. You can bring a note or a card that will say something about your feelings toward the man to whom you came. You may bring a compliment. You can bring a prayer.

Make the decision to give, wherever you go, who ever you saw. The more you give, the more confidence, thanks to the wonderful effect of this law, you get. And when you get more, your ability will give also increases.

Our true nature - is the wealth and abundance, we are rich by nature, because nature supports our every need and desire. We have nothing to lose, because our essence - pure potentiality and infinite possibilities.

Therefore, you should know that you are rich by nature, no matter how much or how little money you have, because the source of all wealth - the field of pure potentiality, a consciousness which knows how to satisfy any need, including the need for joy, love , laughter, peace, harmony and knowledge.

If you're primarily looking for exactly this - not only for ourselves but for others - everything else will come to you spontaneously.
Application of the Law Contributions

I want to make it work Contributions Act, pledging to take the following steps:

1. Wherever I went, and whom I had not met, I will always bring with them a gift. Present can be a compliment, a flower or a prayer. From today I will give something to everyone who will come into contact, and so I initiated a process of joy, wealth and abundance in my life and the lives of others.

2. From today I will gratefully accept all the gifts that life offers me. I'll get something that gives me the nature: sunlight and the birds singing, spring rains and the first winter snow. I'll open that to get what give me the other - whether it's a thing, money, a compliment or a prayer.

3. I accept the obligation to maintain the circulation of wealth in his life, giving and receiving the most valuable gifts, which gives me life: the gifts of caring, location, appreciation and love. Every time, meeting with people, I will silently wish them happiness, joy and more cause for laughter.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Contributions Act

Contributions Act

Actions of the universe are determined by an exchange of ... giving and receiving - the various aspects of the flow of energy in the universe. And his willingness to give what we seek, we support the abundance of the universe, extending our lives.

The second spiritual law of success - is the Law of gift. This law could also be called the Law of giving and receiving, because the universe operates through dynamic exchange.

Nothing is fixed. Your body is in perpetual motion and performs a constant exchange with the body of the universe, your mind is dynamically interacts with the cosmic mind, your energy is an expression of cosmic energy.

The flow of life - is nothing like the harmonious interaction of all elements and forces that form the space of existence. This harmonious interaction of elements and forces in your life reflects the law of gift.

Because your body and your mind are in a constant state of dynamic exchange with the universe, the cessation of circulation of energy, it would be like the end of blood flow. Should the flow of blood to stop, as it begins to stagnate and clot.

That is why in order to maintain his life of wealth and abundance - or what ever you wanted more - you have to give and receive.

The English word "affluence" - abundance - comes from the word "affluere", which means "replenished. That is to say, "affluence" more properly be translated as "over abundant", "copious inflow.

Money is indeed a symbol of life energy, which we exchange and we use a result of his ministry of the universe. In other words, money - is the "currency", which also reflects the continuous movement of energy.

Thus, if we stop the circulation of money - if our only aim will be to build - then, as they are of vital energy, we also stop the flow of energy in their lives.

In order to maintain the flow of energy, we must maintain its circulation. Money, like a river, must be constantly flowing, otherwise they begin to stagnate, become an obstacle, short of breath and repress its own vitality. Alive and full of energy doing their circulation.

Any relationship - is surrendering and receiving. Of giving raises to receive, receive raises surrendering. Everything that rises must fall, all that goes, would return.

In fact, getting - this is the same as a gift, because surrendering and receiving - just different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe. And stopping the flow of one or the other, you are hindering the work of the mind of the universe.

Each seed is the possibility to grow thousands of trees. But the seed should not be stored, it must convey the information contained therein fertile ground. Due to the fact that it gives, it is the invisible energy of the material manifestation.

The more you give, the more you get, because you will maintain the circulation of an abundance of the universe in his life. In fact, everything that has value only multiplies when you give it.

The fact that, due to the impact, not multiplied, you should not either give or receive. If you feel that you, giving you something to lose, so there was a real gift and it does not lead to growth. If you give grudgingly, for your gift there is no energy.

The most important thing in your giving and receiving - this intention. The intention should always make giving and receiving to feel happy, because that is the happiness of life support, and hence generates growth.

Return directly proportional to what you give, if you do not put any conditions and do it wholeheartedly. That is why the gift should be happy - one of the places where you feel the joy of the act of donation must be your mind. Then the energy behind the act of giving, multiplied.

Enforce laws Contributions are actually very simple: if you want to be happy, let the joy of others, if you want love, learn to give love if you want attention and appreciation, learn to give attention and recognition, and if you want material affluence, help to buy another.

In fact, the easiest way to get what you want - to help others get what they want. This principle works the same way as for individuals and for corporations, associations, and entire nations.

If you want to enjoy everything good in life, learn to silently bless everyone on the good things in life.

Even the idea of the donation, the idea of blessing or a simple prayer - has the power to influence others.

This is because our body if we reduce it to its essence, is a localized cluster of energy and information to the universal energy and information. We - the localized clusters in the consciousness of possessing the consciousness of the universe.

The word "consciousness" implies more than just energy and information - it involves energy and information that are life in the form of thought. Consequently, we - clusters of thought in the thinking of the universe. And thought has the power that transforms.

Life - the eternal dance of consciousness, which is expressed in a dynamic exchange of impulses of the mind between the microcosm and macrocosm, between the human body and the body of the universe, between human reason and the Cosmic Mind.

When you learn to give up what you want, you activate the dance and make it his choreography, filling it with sophisticated, energetic, full of life movements, which form the eternal beat of life.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Law of Pure Potentiality.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.

Franz Kafka, Austrian writer and philosopher, once wrote: "You do not need to leave their own room. Continue to sit at your table and listen. You do not even listen, simply wait.

You do not even wait, just learn to remain calm, stillness and solitude. And the world is free to appear before you in its undisguised form. He had no choice, he will rush in ecstasy at your feet. "

All the wealth of the universe - a manifestation of generous and abundance of the universe - is an expression of the creative mind of nature. The more you set the mind of nature, the easier you its infinity, its endless creative possibilities.

But to connect with this generous, abundant, infinite creative intelligence of nature, you must first move beyond its turbulent inner dialogue. And then you secure an opportunity to vigorous activity, while stillness of the eternal, unlimited, creative mind.

This is the perfect combination of silent, unbounded, infinite intelligence with an active, limited individual reason, provides the perfect balance of stillness with movement, which is able to create anything you want.

This coexistence of opposites - stillness and dynamics in one and the same time - makes you independent of the situations, circumstances, people and things.

When you quietly acknowledge this is a perfect coexistence of opposites, you combine the world of energy - a quantum fog, intangible non-material, which is the source of the material world.

This world energy fluid, dynamic, resilient, change, always in motion. And at the same time, it is unchangeable, motionless, calm, eternal and silent.

Taken separately immobility - the potential for creativity, taken separately movement - is the possibility of creativity, restrict certain aspects of its expression.

But the combination of motion and stillness gives you the opportunity to release their creative abilities in all directions - wherever you led force your attention.

Whatever you were engaged among the movements and activity, keep the inner stillness. Then the chaotic movement around you will never prevent you from accessing the reservoir of creative possibilities to the field of pure potentiality.


Law of Pure Potentiality.

I want to make it work law of pure potentiality, pledging to take the following steps:

1. I will be in contact with the field of pure potentiality, spending some time daily in silence, I just I should be. In addition, I will do a silent meditation at least twice a day for about thirty minutes in the morning and evening.

2. I will every day find time to communicate with nature and the silent observation of mind of all living. I'll be in complete silence to watch the sunset, listen to what is said ocean or stream, or simply inhale the fragrance of flowers.

In the ecstasy of its own silence and through communion with nature, I will enjoy living pulsation centuries, a field of pure potentiality and unbounded creativity.
3. I will practice non-judgment. I'll start your day with a commitment to "Today I will not judge anything happening" and all day I will remind myself that I should not judge.

The Directed visual imagination. Secret cave.

The Directed visual imagination.
Secret cave.

Start the evocation of visual images with deep relaxing breaths and return to the forest, which you have visited on the first day of classes. All is shrouded in mist and you feel the cold touch of air to your skin.

Entering the woods, pay attention to the sounds that came before you ... and the smell of the forest ... and the mood of the forest ...

Go to the brook and see a little running water. Enjoy the sounds and explore how it goes around protruding rocks, before you find a safe way to the other side.

Now select a new path, one that leads to the mountain path. Follow the path, elevating you above the mountains ... and even higher ... until then, until you feel fatigue in the legs ... There will no longer want to climb up.

Stop and look around. Find the cave entrance to which is hidden among the rocks. Know that you will not be harmed inside, and you will find there is something very important.

Approaching the cave, you feel the cold touch of air to your skin. Wait a little, let your eyes adjust to the darkness. The walls of the cave raw and rough. Stretch and feel the dampness. Pay attention to the sound of a distant waterfall somewhere deep in the cave.

Soft, golden light pours from the heights of the holes in the rock you can see the following niche resembling a room. Log in and investigate it.

Moving into a quiet, deeper part of the cave, you see a fire burning in one corner of the cave, and a man sitting in front of the fire on a large, smooth stone. You meet someone extraordinarily wise and perceptive, a man who can give you answers to important questions and that you have every reason to trust. This man has a very long time knows you.

Ask this man some important question for you. Write in the notebook, that you asked.

What response was received?

Realize that this is a wise and caring man was created by the right hemisphere of your brain - just to help you understand the mysterious part of your J.

Let your imagination leave you in the cave a little longer. In the next exercise you waiting for a study of its internal areas and the opening of amazing surprises.

Mystery of Easter Island

Mystery of Easter Island

Easter Island, which occupies 117 square. km. - One of the most secluded habitat: it is located in the Pacific Ocean at a distance of more than 3700 km. from the nearest continent (South America) and 2600 km from the nearest inhabited island (Pitkeyrn).

Generally in the history of Easter Island a lot of mysteries. Its discoverer - Captain Juan Fernandez fear of competitors, decided to keep secret his discovery, made in 1578-th year, and after some time accidentally died under mysterious circumstances. Although it was a fact that he found a Spaniard, Easter Island, is still unclear.

After 144 years, in 1722, Mr., on Easter Island came across Dutch admiral Jacob Roggeveen, and this event happened on the day of the Christian Easter. So quite by accident Island Te Pito o te Hen, which is translated from the local dialect means center of the world, has turned into Easter Island.

Interestingly, Admiral Roggeveen and his squadron, not just swimming in the area, he tried in vain to find the elusive land Davis - English pirates, who from his description was found for 35 years before the expedition of the Dutch. True, no one but Davis and his team, the newly discovered archipelago of more never seen.

Easter Island's mild climate and volcanic origin would have to make it a paradise, away from the problems that afflict the rest of the world, but the first impression Roggeveen on the type of island was like to ravage the countryside, covered with dry grass and scorched vegetation. No one could see no trees or bushes.

Modern botanists have discovered on the island, only 47 species of higher plants, typical for this area, mainly grass, sedges and ferns. The list also included two types of dwarf trees and two shrubs. In such a plant natives had no fuel to keep the body warm in cold, wet and windy winter. Domestic animals were only chickens and there was no bats, birds, snakes or lizards. There were only insects. Results on the island had about 2000 people.

Now the island is home to around three thousand people. Of these, only 150 people - Thoroughbred Rapa Nui, the rest - Chileans and mestizos. Although again not entirely clear who exactly can be considered purebred. After all, were the first Europeans landed on the island were surprised to find that the inhabitants of Rapanui - Polynesian name of the island - an ethnically homogeneous. Familiar as we Admiral Roggeveen wrote that on the open land they lived in white, dark, brown and even reddish people. Their language was Polynesian, related to the dialect, isolated from approximately 400 AD. e., and characteristic of the Marquesas and Hawaii.

It seemed inexplicable about 200 giant stone statues - "Moai", located on massive pedestals along the coast of the island with a pitiful vegetation, away from the quarries. Most of the statues were placed on massive pedestals. Not less than 700 sculptures in various stages of readiness, were abandoned in quarries or on ancient roads, linking career with the coast. One got the impression that the sculptors suddenly left their tools and stopped work ..

Far master felled "moai" on the slopes of the volcano Rano Roraku, located in the eastern part of the island, from the same soft volcanic tuff. Then the finished statue was coming down the hill and being set on the perimeter of the island, a distance of more than 10 km. The height of most of the idols range from five to seven meters, while a more recent sculptures and reached up to 10, and up to 12 meters. Tuff, or, as it is called, pumice, from which they are made, the structure resembles a sponge and crumble easily, even at the light affects it. so that the average weight of the "moai" not exceeding 5 tonnes. Stone axy - platforms, pedestals: up to 150 meters in length and 3 meters in height, and consisted of pieces weighing up to 10 t.

At the time, Admiral Roggeveen, recalling his trip to the island, claimed that the aborigines were bred before the idols "moai" bonfires and sat beside him on his heels, bowed his head. Then they lay down arms and rocked them up and down. Of course, this observation can not explain who actually have been statues for the islanders.

Roggeveen and his companions could not understand how, without using thick wooden rollers and strong rope, you could remove and install these blocks. The islanders had no wheels, no draft animals, and no other source of energy, except their own muscles. Ancient legends say that the statues were themselves. Ask a question, as it actually happened, there is no sense, because the documentary evidence still remains. There are many hypotheses of movement "moai", some even confirmed by experiments, but it only proves one thing - it was possible in principle. I moved the statue of the inhabitants of the island and none other. That's why they do it? Here the differences begin.

What is also surprising that in 1770 the statues were still standing, James Cook, who visited the island in 1774, mentioned the underlying statues, to no one else noticed anything like that. The last standing statues seen in 1830, then we are entering a French squadron. Since then the original, that is established by the inhabitants of the island, statues never seen again. All that exists on the island today, was restored in the XX century. The last restoration of fifteen "moai", located between the volcano of Rano Roraku and the peninsula Poike occurred relatively recently - from 1992 to 1995 And the Japanese were engaged in restoration works.

In the second half of the XIX century, has died and the cult of man-bird. This strange, unique for the whole of Polynesia, the ceremony was devoted Makemake - the supreme deity of the islanders. Elect to become his earthly incarnation. And, interestingly, the elections were held regularly every year. This very active part in them have servants or soldiers. It depended on them to be seen whether their boss, the head of the family clan, tangata manu, or a man-bird. That this rite owes its emergence of the cultic center - a rocky village Orongo on the largest volcano of Rano Kao, the western extremity of the island. Although perhaps Orongo existed long before the emergence of the cult tangata manu. Tradition reports that the heir of the legendary Hotu Matua, the first leader who came to the island, was born here. In turn, his descendants through the centuries themselves gave the signal for the beginning of the annual contest.

Spring on a small island Motu Kao Kao, Motu Iti and Motu Nui, located not far from the coast, flew the messengers of the god Makemake - black sea swallows. That soldier, who first found the first egg of the bird and took him to swim to his master, received a reward of seven beautiful women. Well, the owner became the leader, or rather, man-bird, getting the respect, honor and privilege. Last tangata manu ceremony took place in the 60 years of XIX century. After the disastrous raid pirate Peruvians in 1862, when pirates seized into slavery the entire male population of the island, choose the man-bird was a nobody and not from anyone.

Why aborigines of Easter Island carved statues "moai" career? Why did they stop this occupation? Society, to set the statue, was significantly different from those 2000 people who saw Roggeveen. It was supposed to be well-organized. What happened to him?

More than two and a half centuries, the mystery of Easter Island has remained undisclosed. Most theories about the history and development of Easter Island is based on oral traditions. This happens because no one still can not understand what was written in the written sources - the famous sign "to how Motu mo rongorongo", which translated roughly means - the manuscript for recitation. Most of them were destroyed by Christian missionaries, but those that survived, would probably shed some light on the history of this mysterious island. And although the scientific world has not just been excited about reports that the ancient writings finally deciphered, with all the scrutiny it turned out not too accurate oral interpretation of the facts and legends

Several years ago, paleontologist David Stedmen and several other researchers performed the first systematic study of Easter Island in order to ascertain what was previously its flora and fauna. As a result, there is evidence for a new, surprising and instructive interpretation of the history of its settlers.

Easter Island was inhabited by about 400 AD. e. The islanders grew bananas, taro, sweet potatoes, sugar cane, mulberry. In chickens, on the island were also rats, arrived with the first settlers.

Frequency refers to the manufacture of statues 1200-1500 gg. The number of residents at that time ranged from 7 000 to 20 000 people. To lift and move the statue in just a few hundred people who used ropes and rollers of the trees available at that time in sufficient quantities.

The hard work of archaeologists and paleontologists showed that approximately 30 000 years before the arrival of people in the early years of their stay the island was not such a wilderness as it is now. Subtropical forest of trees and small forests towered over shrubs, grasses, bracken and turf. In the forest grew tree daisies, trees hauhau from which to make ropes, and toromiro, which is suitable as a fuel. There were also varieties of palm trees, which is not on the island, but before there were so many that the foot of the trees were tightly wrapped their pollen. They are related to the Chilean palm tree, which grows to 32 m and a diameter of up to 2 m high, without branches, the trunks were ideal material for the rollers and canoeing facilities. They also provided edible nuts and sap from which Chileans make sugar, syrup, honey and wine.

Relatively cold coastal waters provided fish only in a few places. The main marine prey were dolphins and seals. To hunt them out in the open sea and used harpoons. Prior to joining the people, the island was an ideal place for birds, because they did not have any enemies here. Here arranged nesting albatrosses, footed boobies, frigates, silly, parrots and other birds - all 25 species. This was probably the richest nesting throughout the Pacific Ocean.

Approximately 800-ies began the destruction of forests. Increasingly, began dating layers of charcoal from forest fires, it became less and less arboreal pollen and, increasingly, the pollen from grasses, replaces the forest. Not later than 1400 palm trees have disappeared completely, not only as a result of deforestation, but also because of the omnipresent rats that did not give them the opportunity to recover: a dozen of the surviving remnants of nuts, preserved in caves, had traces of izgryzennosti rats. These nuts could not germinate. Trees hauhau not disappeared completely, but they are no longer enough for the manufacture of ropes.

In the 15 th century have disappeared not only palm trees, but also the entire forest as a whole. It was destroyed by people who cleared land for gardens, cut down trees to build canoes, for the manufacture of rollers under the statues, for heating. The rats ate the seeds. It is likely that birds are dying due to pollution and reduce the color of fruit harvest. There was the same thing happens everywhere in the world, where forest destruction: the majority of the inhabitants of the forest disappears. The island disappeared all kinds of local birds and animals. It was fished out and the whole coastal fish. In the food went to the small snails. Because the diet of people to 15 at. Dolphins have disappeared: not on what was going to sea, and harpoons, there was nothing to do. The matter went to cannibalism.

A haven, which opened the first settlers, 1600 years later, became almost lifeless. Fertile soil, plenty of food, lots of construction materials, adequate living space, all the possibilities for comfortable existence were destroyed. By the time of visiting the island Heyerdalom on the island was the only tree toromiro and now it is gone.

It all began with the fact that a few centuries after the arrival of the men began, like their Polynesian ancestors, set on a platform of stone idols. Over time, the statue became larger, their heads began to decorate the 10-ton red crowns; spiral of competition, rival clans tried to surpass each other, demonstrating the health and strength, like the Egyptians built their giant pyramid. On the island, as in modern America, there was a complex political system of allocation of available resources and the integration of the economy in various fields.

Growing population tormented forests faster than they can regenerate, more seats were occupied by vegetable gardens, soil, devoid of forests, springs and streams dried up, trees that were spent on transportation and the rise of the statues, as well as to build canoes and houses, were not sufficient even for cooking. As the destruction of birds and animals trod hunger. Decreased fertility of arable lands due to wind and rain erosion. Drought began. Intensive breeding of chickens and cannibalism have not resolved problems with food. Prepared to move the statue with sunken cheeks and visible ribs - Certificate famine.

With a shortage of food the islanders could no longer contain the leaders, the bureaucracy and shamans, who were exercising social control. Surviving islanders described the first Europeans to visit them, how to replace the centralized system came the chaos of war, and won the class of hereditary chiefs. On the rocks appeared the image copies and daggers, made by the warring parties in the 1600's and 1700-ies., They are now scattered across the island of Easter. By 1700, the population was one-quarter to one-tenth of their former number. People moved to the caves to hide from their enemies. Around 1770 rival clans started to topple the statue from each other and to demolish their heads. The last statue was overturned and desecrated in 1864

As soon as the researchers showed the picture to the decline of civilization of Easter Island, they asked themselves: - Why did they not looked back, do not realize what was happening, did not stop until it was too late? What were they thinking, log the last palm tree?

Most likely, the accident did not occur suddenly, and stretched for several decades. Changes occurring in nature, for one generation were not visible. Only the old, remembering the years of his childhood, to understand what is happening and understand the threat posed by forest destruction, but the ruling class and stonemasons, afraid of losing their privileges and the work included the warnings, just like today's loggers in the north-western United States: "Work is more important than the forest!".

The trees gradually became smaller, thinner and less relevant. Once was cut last fruit-bearing tree, and young shoots are destroyed along with the remains of shrubs and underbrush. No one noticed the recent death of young palms.

Spiritual Laws of Success.

Spiritual Laws of Success.

In "A Course in Miracles" is a prayer that contains the words: "Today I will not judge anything that happens. He-judgment creates silence in your mind.

Therefore, it would be a very good place to start your day with such a statement. And during the day to remind myself of this whenever you find yourself on the desire to judge or evaluate.

If you do this all day seems too difficult, you can simply say: "Over the next two hours I will not be anything to judge" or "In the next hour, I will stick to non-judgment." Then, gradually, you can increase this time.

The practice of silence, meditation and non-judgment will open you access to the first law, the Law of Pure Potentiality. When you start to do this, you can add to their practice in the fourth component - namely, regular direct contact with nature.

Spending time in communion with nature, you can feel the harmonious interaction of all elements and forces of life that will give you a sense of unity with all life.

Whether it's a stream, forest, mountain, lake or sea shore, the relationship with the mind of nature also helps you in entering the field of pure potentiality.

You must learn to come into contact with the very innermost part of its essence. This true essence is beyond the ego.

It is devoid of fear, it is free, it is insensitive to criticism, it does not scare any test. It is no worse and no better than anyone else, and she performed magic, mystery and enchantment.

Access to your true essence will allow you to also look into the mirror of relationships, because any relationship - a reflection of your relationship with yourself.

For example, if you feel fear, guilt and uncertainty about money, success, or anything whatsoever, yet, all these are a reflection of your fear, guilt and uncertainty, which are the main features of your personality.

No amount of money, no success will not be allowed these basic problems of existence. Only with higher affinity I bring true healing.

And when you start from the knowledge of your true Self - when you really understand your true nature - you'll never have to experience fear, guilt or uncertainty in monetary affairs, achieve abundance in satisfying their desires, because you realize that the quintessence all material wealth is life energy, pure potentiality.

These potential opportunities and is your true nature.

As you get more access to its true nature, you will begin to occur spontaneously creative ideas, because the field of pure potentiality is also the space of infinite creativity and pure consciousness.

the list of their roles

We go through life with a set of unique qualities. Gets something better, something worse in one area we are more successful in other - less. For this situation we have long been accustomed to, having decided once: "What is -" and "No good - not good looking. But if you sit in silence, to recall the repeated year after year event, we can see that our success can interfere with patterns of behavior. And can retard the development of important, but unsolved quality, undeveloped and unrealized Archetypes "parts" of ourselves. If an analysis of life, we can see that people tend to live according to the template, not noticing how this pattern is reflected on the achievements, the quality of relationships, and attitude are, in general.

Check yourself, choose from the following pairs that corresponds exactly to you, in your opinion:

Marked female energy / male energy Expressed

The role of the adult / child role

Speed / sensible

Dreamer / realist

Acquiescent / "bending his line"

Generator of ideas / Artist

Brave / Cautious

Wasteful / thrifty

Until enough ...

What we can see from this simple test?

The fact that in many situations, we can behave the same way, according to our dominant by selecting or "Black" or "White", and not reacting to this or that nuance of the situation. In other words, our patterns of behavior, attitudes, assumed the role of the hamper to be flexible and do not allow to reach maximum success.

Imagine for a moment, how to change your life, how it will sparkle with new colors, when you expand the list of their roles and be able to skillfully apply them in life, for the benefit of themselves and surroundings.

If the intuitive feeling that your habitual behavior bothers you in one way or another, you might be able to change the entrenched virtuosity, but not always successful way to respond to the situation on the opposite?

Based on the postulates of practical psychology, unsuccessful in some people just do not see any alternative to their behavior. In other words, he would be happy to get a different result, but in his "world map" no skill to respond to the situation differently. A person can often act only as he was accustomed to do for years.

That's why there are different courses, when in a friendly atmosphere, in advance, in light of the situation, which people consciously controlled, gets a new skill.

And then all of a - Oil:

This creates a situation, a person chooses how to behave most successful. This is a conscious process of a strong man. In one situation he was a warrior, and in the other - can lose the battle, knowing that in fact - is winning. In one situation, he critic, while another tries to listen and understand the interlocutor's point of view. And he can easily move from one role to another.

Extending choice behavior, response to the situation a person becomes stronger, richer, more flexible!

Think of some examples of his failures.

This could be a situation at work, career, or personal relationships. This may be a situation when you are parted as enemies with a certain person. This may be a situation where you have not achieved desired.

Think of one of these situations in detail.

Now imagine how it would be decided very wise and successful person. The wisest, most understanding, highly spiritual man. For example, your ideal.

Could he solve your situation successfully? Understand your position and the position of other people? Find a good, trying on the words and helpful advice for all participants considered your situation?


Wise, a successful person would be able to resolve your situation so that everyone liked it.

So this is not the situation itself, but in the flexibility of behavior, the choice of a scenario of the situation. And how to become as wise, successful man, the ideal? Or at least a few steps closer to that ideal? Only by acquiring a skill greater choice of life scenarios, and then fixing it day after day, rejoicing in the new achievements, new qualitative relations, small and large victories.

It should be a good practice, to feel, to see by example how the quality of a particular person to the environment and on ourselves, our lives, the lives of colleagues and friends. Need to understand what and how changes in the world, where changing your behavior, your normal reaction to everyday events of life.

Why is it so difficult role of pupils and students?

Why is it so difficult role of pupils and students?

It is necessary that the student had a big heart and courage, because tyazhek cargo wisdom and far the road to it.


Each of you must be alone in his knowledge

God and his understanding of the earth.

X. Gibran

How different can understand the role of a student! Ambiguous determined and the process of teaching. Some come from the fact that the faster end to the doctrine and get rid of compulsory education, is regarded as a nightmare. Others prefer ayut see in this process an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to master the world.

This second approach is more valid. Must realize that learning continues throughout life, but with different quality and intensity. Is it possible in this regard include the role of the student only to childhood and youth? How do you think?

EXERCISE 1. When we play the role of student?

Remember when you last learn something. It was your own initiative or you made? You feel that playing the role of student?

What is your own definition of that role? What are the requirements for placing it in your environment? Performed whether this role only in the schools?

The word "science" you have only been associated with the assimilation of knowledge and includes the drafting of practical skills? Can we say that the doctrine - it is memorizing the material presented in the book? Try to give his definition of the term.

As you have learned that today know how to best? Remembering by repeated hearing, imitating the behavior of others, experimenting and discovering new or even in any way?

Did you apprentice? Under what circumstances? What role brings you more satisfaction: student or teacher?

Share your observations with your companion.

What does it mean to learn?

Encode the new information, acquire knowledge, be able to reproduce them, to use a familiar or new situation, to use the acquired knowledge creatively, to acquire and upgrade the skills ...

Attractive is it for us the role of pupil / student, we can easily identify with her? What challenges await those who would like to play this role perfectly?

Exercise 2. Weep over the role of the ideal student

Using the recommendations from the previous lessons, weep over his role as the ideal student.

If you can tune in emotionally, imagine the faces of people actively involved in the process of your learning. This may be your parents or people impose on you in this process great hope.

To warm up is helpful to recall a situation in which you are unable to meet the expectations and hopes pinned on you (you do not pass an important exam, remained in the second year, did not come in the next round of competition, lost the contest ...).

Try to relive the disappointment, shame, embarrassment, hurt pride ... Contemplate arisen in your memory about the person - teachers, parents, friends - and tell them loud and clear: "My dear, I'm not a perfect student, he was not and never will be!"

Intruder, or What is ball lightning?

Intruder, or What is ball lightning?

Scientists around the world have long been interested in the fireball. For half a century of scientific study put forward dozens conceivable hypotheses to explain the nature of this phenomenon. It is often identified with an anomalous atmospheric phenomena as UFOs (unidentified flying object). This is exactly the case when one of confusion trying to explain another ... Try to touch the enigma of nature and ourselves.

It is easy to imagine the horror experienced by our ancestors, met with such a strange and frightening phenomenon. The first mention of ball lightning in the Russian archives striking example. In one of the monasteries in 1663, came "a denunciation of the priest Ivanishchev" from the village of New Ergi, stating: "... the fire fell on the ground for many yards, and how, and mansion, like a tow of grief, and people from He ran and he Katacha for them, and nobody burns, and then rose up into clouds.

Myths and legends of ancient times were ball lightning in a variety of guises. Most of her portrayed as a monster with glowing eyes or in the form of Cerberus - Satan's dog who guards the entrance to the underworld. From time to time he goes to take a walk on the surface of the earth. Meeting with him brings grief, and sometimes Cerberus leaves behind charred remains. It is well known from Russian folk tales Serpent Gorynych - one with a feather.

On the bank of the river Vahi in Tajikistan is a mysterious high mound, built of rounded stones. Science claims that he appeared at the time of Alexander of Macedon. But local folklore from generation to generation passes the legend of the fiery underworld and evil spirits living there. Sometimes they appear on the top of the mound, surrounded by black lights and the smell of sulfur. Describe these demons are always in the form of a huge dog with glowing eyes.

English folk legends literally filled with stories of "ghost dogs, spewing flames from the mouth."

The first documentary evidence of ball lightning back to the days of the Roman Empire. In ancient manuscripts describing events 106 years BC. e.: "Above Rome appeared giant red crow. They carried in their beaks with a hot embers that fell down and set fire to houses. Half of Rome was enveloped by fires.

There is documentary evidence of similar phenomena in France and Portugal in the Middle Ages. Sorcerers and alchemists, beginning with Paracelsus and ending with the mysterious Dr. Torallboy, looking for a way to gain power over the spirits of fire.

Myths and legends telling about the fire-breathing dragons and such evil exist in virtually all the peoples of the world. The explanation is simple ignorance can not. There were scientists who were very interested in this topic. Were carried out extensive research, and the conclusion was quite straightforward: many of the myths, tales, legends, may well be based on real events. All this seems to evidence about some mysterious natural phenomena. The presence of light, the ability to penetrate through the material objects and explosion - well, than not "tricks" ball lightning?

Group of enthusiasts led by a Moscow electrical engineer S. Martyanova interested in unusual near Pskov. In the quiet town of Pskov region is the so-called Devil's meadow. Summer and autumn, according to the locals in those places so many mushrooms that although oblique Kosi. But old-timers prefer to bypass this place tenth road, but visitors must tell about the incomprehensible black creatures with glowing eyes and a fiery mouth. This is how S. Martianov their experiences at the Devil's meadow: "There's something at me and rolled out from the bushes a mysterious black ball. I was literally blown away: on its surface ran fiery flashes. Nearby was a huge puddle of rain water. The dark object sparkled with a hiss and ran through the puddle. In the air rose a thick cloud of steam, there was a loud bang. After that, the ball instantly disappeared, as if through the earth. On the ground there was only a withered grass.

S. Martianov tried to find a solution for this phenomenal natural phenomena. In his research team included a theoretical physicist A. Anokhin. In the next visit to the Devil's fields were taken a few appliances, capable of detecting the powerful electric discharges. The sensors were placed around the field and began to watch. A few days needle quivered and went sharply to the right. In the middle of the clearing flushed crimson flame, which was soon extinguished. But suddenly, out of the ground appeared "something dark gray. Black ball is not fancy, because scientists have long documented ball lightning dark color. Then began continuous miracles. The ball did not behave as a rational being - he walked around the entire clearing in a circle, alternately burning there sensors. Melt expensive video camera and tripod, as "something dark gray" returned in midfield and absorbed into the ground, as in blotting bumagu.-members of the expedition for a long time remained in a state of shock. Riddle haunted. It is known that ball lightning often occur during storms, but that day the weather was perfect.

Offer possible clues of this mysterious phenomenon suggested that A. Anokhin. Scientists have long known is the fact that under the land may also occur storm. In different regions of our planet ever exist or arise unexpectedly faults of crystalline rocks of the earth's surface. During deformation in the crystals appear heavy-duty electric potentials and there is a piezoelectric effect. Apparently, underground lightning knocked out the surface.

In the western part of Novosibirsk, near the airport Tohmachevo and near the underground station Krasny prospect, for several years have seen the fiery objects. They have a diameter of several centimeters to several meters, appear at different heights, and sometimes pulled out from under the ground. Geologists attribute this phenomenon to the fracturing of crystalline rocks.

Scientists involved in the study of ball lightning, often affectionately call them "balls" or "balls". In 1902, the Estonian island of Saaremaa there was an interesting case. Nine-year-Mih-Kel Poa walked with friends on the shore of Lake Kaali. Suddenly before them appeared a strange creature - a small gray ball "with a diameter no more than an inch, which rolled silently along the path. The boys tried to catch him, but making a run for him, "loaf" hid in roadside bushes. Looking neither to no avail.

Witnessed an unusual phenomenon was the great Russian writer Maxim Gorky. Resting in the Caucasus with Chekhov and VM Vedeneyeva, he watched as the ball hit the hill, tore off a huge cliff and exploded with a deafening bang.

In the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" dated July 5, 1965 published article "Fire visitor. It describes the behavior of ball lightning is 30 cm in diameter, observed in Armenia: "Having circled the room, a ball of fire penetrated through the open door to the kitchen, and then flew out the window. Ball lightning struck in the courtyard on the ground and exploded. Fortunately, nobody was hurt. "

On the mysterious properties of ball lightning can also be judged on the occasion of the Orlov V. Lomakin artist. 6 July 1967, working in his studio, at 13.30, he saw right from the walls with the rustle, rustle of sheets reminiscent of the book, very slowly creeping creature with two dark brown eyes, covered with hair. The length of its body was about 20 cm on each side there was some semblance of wings. After flying from the wall a little more than a meter, the creature hit the line, with which the artist worked, and disappeared. On the floor V. Lomakin saw the ball, like a ball of twine. Surprised by the artist bent down to pick it up and throw it away, but found only a thick cloud of gray. A second later it is dissolved.

November 20, 1977 around 19.30 on the highway not far from Palanga passed on his "Volga" engineer A. Bashkis with passengers. They saw a ball of irregular shape of about 20 cm, floating slowly, crossing the highway. The top of the loaf was black, and on the edges - red-brown. The car drove over him, and "being" unfolded on the other side and continued on his way.

In 1981 a retired colonel AA Bogdanov saw over Chistoprudny boulevard ball lightning. Dark brown ball with a diameter of 25-30 cm were heated and suddenly exploded, stunning the numerous passers-by.

In the town of Mytishchi in March 1990, two students, returning to the hostel, faced with a mysterious dark-purple ball. He moved slowly through the air half a meter from the ground. Arriving at the hostel, they found the same ball on the windowsill. Terrified, the girls climbed into his head under the blanket, the ball at this time became smaller in size and changed color. When they ventured to look out, nothing found.

"Youth newspaper Karelia" October 9, 1993 also published an article about the mysterious sphere, Mikhail Voloshin, lived in Petrozavodsk, in a private home. For some time there has appeared a small ball with a diameter of 7 to 10 cm, he walked very quietly and arbitrarily changed the direction. Always disappear suddenly in the morning.

In the same year, an amazing thing happened to a resident of Ussuriysk M. Barents Sea. At Shlotovskom plateau near the rock, he noticed small clumps of fog spherical shape, which rolled on the ground. One of them suddenly began to grow out of it appeared clawed paws and mouth with bared teeth. Acute headache pierced M. Barents Sea, and the ball took the initial size and disappeared.

In the summer of that year with a fireball experienced engineers from St. Petersburg. Husband and wife were resting in a tent on the bank. Vuoksa. Coming storm, and the couple decided to put on a tent some of the things. Suddenly the trees they saw a flying ball, which stretched over a thick fog plume. The object moved toward the river parallel to the shore. Then it turned out that they broke down transistor radio, and my husband broke a digital watch.

In the western sources of information available earlier evidence of this mysterious phenomenon. During a storm on 14-15 April 1718 in Kuenone (France) observed three fireball with a diameter of more than one meter. In 1720, during a storm mysterious ball fell to the ground in a small French town. Out of the way, he struck the stone tower and destroyed it. In 1845, in Paris on the Rue Saint-Jacques a fireball through the fire entered the room of one of the workers. Gray ball arbitrarily moved through the premises, then rose up the chimney, and it exploded.

The British newspaper the Daily Mail, dated November 5, 1936 published an article on ball lightning. An eyewitness reported seeing the glowing ball, came down from heaven. He hit the house, damaging telephone wires. Burned a wooden window frame, and the "ball" disappeared into a vat of water, which is then boiled.

A few unpleasant moments experienced crew of cargo plane of the COP-97 U.S. Air Force. In 1960, at a height of nearly 6 km on board turned up uninvited guest. Luminous round object the size of about a meter penetrated into the cockpit. He flew a between crew members and just as suddenly disappeared.

But not always meet with ball lightning passes without consequences for humans. Assistant Lomonosov, Russian scientist G. Richman died in 1752, struck in the head a fireball coming from the broken wire from the lightning.

The tragic incident occurred in Tukumari, New Mexico, in 1953. Fireball flew in a large tank of water and it exploded. As a result, several homes were destroyed and four people died.

July 7, 1977, two large glowing ball fell into the open theater in the province Fudzyan in China. Killing two teenagers, and in the resulting panic has affected about 200 people.

Attack of the ball lightning was subjected to a group of Soviet climbers high in the mountains of the Caucasus. It happened on August 17, 1978. The bright yellow glowing ball flew into the athletes sleeping in a tent. Approaching the camp, it burnt sleeping bags and attacked people. The wounds had a much more serious than ordinary burns. One climber was killed, the others were seriously injured. Survey of athletes baffled doctors. Muscle tissue of victims was burned to the bones, though there worked welding machine.

8 1980 in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), the appearance of a luminous ball, too, led to the tragedy. Several houses were burnt down, the ball persecuted people and set fire to their clothes.

In the Literary Gazette of 21 December 1983 described the explosion of ball lightning. In the mountain valley working locals. In the sky there was a huge cloud, like a glowing inside. Rain came down, and people rushed to the mulberry tree to hide. But there already was a fireball. She literally threw people in different directions, many have lost consciousness. As a result, three people were killed.

List of tragic consequences of the meetings with a fireball, you can continue, but better try to understand - what is this phenomenon? Scientists estimate that every day on our planet rages about 44 thousand storms, every second of sticks into the ground to 100 lightning. But this is mainly ordinary linear lightning, a mechanism which has been well studied by specialists. Ordinary lightning - a kind of electrical discharge, which is formed under the action of high tension between the different parts of the clouds or between cloud and ground. Quick heating of ionized gas leads to its expansion - is a sound wave, that is thunder.

However, to explain clearly what the fireball, yet no one could. According to experts, will require the efforts of specialists in various fields of science, from quantum physics and the ending of inorganic chemistry. At the same time, there are clear grounds on which the ball lightning can be separated from other natural phenomena. Description of the various theoretical models of ball lightning, laboratory tests, thousands of images allow scientists to identify many of the parameters and characteristics of this phenomenon.

1. Firstly, why they are called ball? The vast majority of witnesses say they saw the ball. True, there are other forms - mushroom, pear, drop, torus, the lens or simply a misty, shapeless blobs.

2. Color range is quite varied - lightning may be yellow, orange, red, white, bluish, green, from gray to black. Incidentally, there are a lot of documentary evidence that it is homogeneous color or ability to change it.

3. The most typical for ball lightning is the size of 10 to 20 cm are less common sizes from 3 to 10 cm and from 20 to 35 cm

4. Regarding temperature the opinions of experts differ. Most often referred 100-1000 degrees Celsius. Lightning can proplavit glass flying through the window.

5. Energy density - is the amount of energy per unit volume. At ball lightning is a record. Those disastrous consequences, which we sometimes observe, make it impossible to doubt.

6. The intensity and time of the glow varies from several seconds to several minutes. Ball lightning can shine like an ordinary light bulb of 100 watts, but sometimes it can be blinded.

7. The common view that the fireball floats slowly rotating at a speed of 2.10 m / sec. Catch man running for it is not difficult.

8. His lightning visits usually ended in explosions, sometimes divided into several parts or simply fades away.

9. The hardest thing to explain the behavior of ball lightning. She is not afraid of obstacles, she likes to penetrate into the house through windows, vents and other openings. There is evidence of its passage through the walls of houses, trees and stones. It is noticed that she was indifferent to the sockets, switches, contacts. Getting in the water, a fireball can quickly bring it to a boil. In this balls burn and melt everything that occurs on their way. But I have been quite astonishing instances where the lightning burned the clothes, leaving the garment. She shaves person all her hair, snatched from the hands of metal objects. The man himself with the discarded long distance. Once the fireball of the alloy in general all bullion coin in your purse without damaging the paper money. As an intense source of electromagnetic microwave radiation, it disables phones, televisions, radios and other devices, where there are coils and transformers. Sometimes it does a unique "tricks" - at a meeting with a fireball in people with ring fingers disappeared. Low-frequency radiation badly affect the human psyche, causing hallucinations, headache, feeling of fear. The tragic encounters with a fireball, we mentioned above.

Consider the most typical hypothesis of this mysterious phenomenon of nature. However, once the reservation that the stumbling block is the lack of a reliable method of obtaining reproducible ball lightning under controlled laboratory conditions. The experiments do not give unambiguous results. Scientists studying this "something" can not claim that they are studying the very ball lightning.

The most common are chemical products, and now they were replaced by "Plasma Theory", whereby the energy of the subsurface tectonic stress may be released not only by earthquakes but also in the form of electric discharges, electromagnetic radiation, the linear and fireballs, and plasmoids - clusters of concentrated energy. German physicist A. Meissner is a supporter of the theory, which states that a fireball - a ball of hot plasma, furiously spinning through some of the initial momentum given to a bunch of linear lightning.

The famous Soviet electrical GI Babat during the Great Patriotic War, conducted experiments on high-frequency currents and unexpectedly reproduced ball lightning. So there was still a hypothesis. Its essence lies in the fact that the centripetal forces working to break the fireball into pieces, resist appearing at a high speed of rotation of the force of attraction between the laminated charges. But this hypothesis can not explain the lifetime of ball lightning and its enormous power.

Do not stay aside from this problem and Academician Kapitsa. In his view, a fireball - a volumetric tank circuit. Lightning picks up radio waves, arising from lightning discharges, which receives energy from outside.

Supporter of the chemical model of ball lightning is still Francois Arago. He believed that with the usual linear lightning discharge occur burning balls of gas or any rattlesnakes mixtures.

The famous Soviet physicist Frenkel of the opinion that the fireball - it is education, resulting in the creation of a lightning strike normal gaseous chemicals. They burn in the presence of catalysts in the form of particles of smoke and dust. But science does not know the substance with such a huge calorific value.

Research Institute of Mechanics, Moscow State University, BA Parfenov, launched its own version. He believes that the fireball - a toroidal current sheet and the annular magnetic field. When they interact, from the inner cavity of the ball deflate. If the electromagnetic efforts seek to break the balloon, the air pressure, on the contrary, is trying to crush him. If these forces are balanced, then the fireball will become stable.

From a purely scientific hypotheses, which are established and remain, move to more accessible, and sometimes naive versions.

Supporter very original assumptions about the origin of ball lightning is a researcher of anomalous phenomena Vincent X. Gaddis. According to him, on Earth a long time in parallel with the protein form of life, there is one. The nature of this life (let's call it Elemental) is similar to the nature of ball lightning. Fire Elementals are beings of extraterrestrial origin, but their behavior says about a particular intelligence. If desired, they can take many forms.

Physical chemist from Maryland David Turner spent studying ball lightning a few years. It adheres to the version that such supernatural phenomena as the poltergeist and Pyrokinesis, related to ball lightning. Underlying these mysteries are similar electrical and chemical processes. However, in laboratory conditions to confirm this assumption has not been possible.

It has long been attempts to link the UFO phenomenon with ball lightning. But they have failed - too different sizes, length of existence, shape and high power of these two phenomena.

There are more supporters of the original versions of the origin of ball lightning. In their view, they are the only ... optical illusion. Its essence is that when a strong flash of lightning through the linear photochemical processes in the human retina remains imprint in the form of spots. Vision may continue for 2-10 seconds. The failure of this hypothesis refuted hundreds of real photographs of ball lightning.

We have considered only some hypotheses and theories regarding mysterious phenomena such as ball lightning. They can accept or reject, accept them or reject them, but none of them have not been able to fully explain the mystery of "Kolobkov, and, therefore, suggest a man like him to behave when dealing with this natural phenomenon.