Saturday, September 26, 2009

Contributions Act

Contributions Act

Actions of the universe are determined by an exchange of ... giving and receiving - the various aspects of the flow of energy in the universe. And his willingness to give what we seek, we support the abundance of the universe, extending our lives.

The second spiritual law of success - is the Law of gift. This law could also be called the Law of giving and receiving, because the universe operates through dynamic exchange.

Nothing is fixed. Your body is in perpetual motion and performs a constant exchange with the body of the universe, your mind is dynamically interacts with the cosmic mind, your energy is an expression of cosmic energy.

The flow of life - is nothing like the harmonious interaction of all elements and forces that form the space of existence. This harmonious interaction of elements and forces in your life reflects the law of gift.

Because your body and your mind are in a constant state of dynamic exchange with the universe, the cessation of circulation of energy, it would be like the end of blood flow. Should the flow of blood to stop, as it begins to stagnate and clot.

That is why in order to maintain his life of wealth and abundance - or what ever you wanted more - you have to give and receive.

The English word "affluence" - abundance - comes from the word "affluere", which means "replenished. That is to say, "affluence" more properly be translated as "over abundant", "copious inflow.

Money is indeed a symbol of life energy, which we exchange and we use a result of his ministry of the universe. In other words, money - is the "currency", which also reflects the continuous movement of energy.

Thus, if we stop the circulation of money - if our only aim will be to build - then, as they are of vital energy, we also stop the flow of energy in their lives.

In order to maintain the flow of energy, we must maintain its circulation. Money, like a river, must be constantly flowing, otherwise they begin to stagnate, become an obstacle, short of breath and repress its own vitality. Alive and full of energy doing their circulation.

Any relationship - is surrendering and receiving. Of giving raises to receive, receive raises surrendering. Everything that rises must fall, all that goes, would return.

In fact, getting - this is the same as a gift, because surrendering and receiving - just different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe. And stopping the flow of one or the other, you are hindering the work of the mind of the universe.

Each seed is the possibility to grow thousands of trees. But the seed should not be stored, it must convey the information contained therein fertile ground. Due to the fact that it gives, it is the invisible energy of the material manifestation.

The more you give, the more you get, because you will maintain the circulation of an abundance of the universe in his life. In fact, everything that has value only multiplies when you give it.

The fact that, due to the impact, not multiplied, you should not either give or receive. If you feel that you, giving you something to lose, so there was a real gift and it does not lead to growth. If you give grudgingly, for your gift there is no energy.

The most important thing in your giving and receiving - this intention. The intention should always make giving and receiving to feel happy, because that is the happiness of life support, and hence generates growth.

Return directly proportional to what you give, if you do not put any conditions and do it wholeheartedly. That is why the gift should be happy - one of the places where you feel the joy of the act of donation must be your mind. Then the energy behind the act of giving, multiplied.

Enforce laws Contributions are actually very simple: if you want to be happy, let the joy of others, if you want love, learn to give love if you want attention and appreciation, learn to give attention and recognition, and if you want material affluence, help to buy another.

In fact, the easiest way to get what you want - to help others get what they want. This principle works the same way as for individuals and for corporations, associations, and entire nations.

If you want to enjoy everything good in life, learn to silently bless everyone on the good things in life.

Even the idea of the donation, the idea of blessing or a simple prayer - has the power to influence others.

This is because our body if we reduce it to its essence, is a localized cluster of energy and information to the universal energy and information. We - the localized clusters in the consciousness of possessing the consciousness of the universe.

The word "consciousness" implies more than just energy and information - it involves energy and information that are life in the form of thought. Consequently, we - clusters of thought in the thinking of the universe. And thought has the power that transforms.

Life - the eternal dance of consciousness, which is expressed in a dynamic exchange of impulses of the mind between the microcosm and macrocosm, between the human body and the body of the universe, between human reason and the Cosmic Mind.

When you learn to give up what you want, you activate the dance and make it his choreography, filling it with sophisticated, energetic, full of life movements, which form the eternal beat of life.