Sunday, September 20, 2009

Law of Pure Potentiality.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.

Franz Kafka, Austrian writer and philosopher, once wrote: "You do not need to leave their own room. Continue to sit at your table and listen. You do not even listen, simply wait.

You do not even wait, just learn to remain calm, stillness and solitude. And the world is free to appear before you in its undisguised form. He had no choice, he will rush in ecstasy at your feet. "

All the wealth of the universe - a manifestation of generous and abundance of the universe - is an expression of the creative mind of nature. The more you set the mind of nature, the easier you its infinity, its endless creative possibilities.

But to connect with this generous, abundant, infinite creative intelligence of nature, you must first move beyond its turbulent inner dialogue. And then you secure an opportunity to vigorous activity, while stillness of the eternal, unlimited, creative mind.

This is the perfect combination of silent, unbounded, infinite intelligence with an active, limited individual reason, provides the perfect balance of stillness with movement, which is able to create anything you want.

This coexistence of opposites - stillness and dynamics in one and the same time - makes you independent of the situations, circumstances, people and things.

When you quietly acknowledge this is a perfect coexistence of opposites, you combine the world of energy - a quantum fog, intangible non-material, which is the source of the material world.

This world energy fluid, dynamic, resilient, change, always in motion. And at the same time, it is unchangeable, motionless, calm, eternal and silent.

Taken separately immobility - the potential for creativity, taken separately movement - is the possibility of creativity, restrict certain aspects of its expression.

But the combination of motion and stillness gives you the opportunity to release their creative abilities in all directions - wherever you led force your attention.

Whatever you were engaged among the movements and activity, keep the inner stillness. Then the chaotic movement around you will never prevent you from accessing the reservoir of creative possibilities to the field of pure potentiality.


Law of Pure Potentiality.

I want to make it work law of pure potentiality, pledging to take the following steps:

1. I will be in contact with the field of pure potentiality, spending some time daily in silence, I just I should be. In addition, I will do a silent meditation at least twice a day for about thirty minutes in the morning and evening.

2. I will every day find time to communicate with nature and the silent observation of mind of all living. I'll be in complete silence to watch the sunset, listen to what is said ocean or stream, or simply inhale the fragrance of flowers.

In the ecstasy of its own silence and through communion with nature, I will enjoy living pulsation centuries, a field of pure potentiality and unbounded creativity.
3. I will practice non-judgment. I'll start your day with a commitment to "Today I will not judge anything happening" and all day I will remind myself that I should not judge.