Saturday, September 19, 2009

Your flying machine

Your flying machine

Take a deep relaxing breath and concentrate on your breathing. Imagine a place outside your room, calm and beautiful, and with the help of imagination drag myself there. Lie down and feel the touch of herbs ... or sand ... or something else - what you want.

Imagine the year.

Imagine the time of day.

Imagine what is the temperature, and feel the touch of air to your skin.

Feel calm and focused.

Feel how your body relaxes, providing "of spreading" the pressure on the surface on which you lie. Allow your body to feel increasingly heavier and heavier, more and more relaxed.

Now let your body will feel normal weight, and then even less than usual, and much less ... You feel so light that seems to barely touch the surface on which you lie. Feel that you ride ... or lying on a warm water mattress.

Feel the warmth of the water mattress underneath you.

Let it be a magic flying carpet, which is quiet and safe hovers a few feet above the ground.

Imagine what would you feel if it could fly.

What if people could fly with the same ease as swim under water? What if only with the help of hand movements, you can go up in space?

First, you want to climb, perhaps only to a height of several feet. However, more sure of yourself, you may wish to fly higher. If you think that it is better to resort to the aid of any aircraft, then, of course, create it, to feel safer.

Perhaps you would want to fly a balloon full of hot air.

Or prefer to imagine the huge wings, like a glider.

You can create your own wonderful contraption for flight.

If you want to be cautious, hang back for a parachute (and on the chest - a spare).

Even if you believe that you really can not fly without the help of technical tools - like most creative people, you know that you can experience the sensation of flight is so clear as if you were born with wings.

Choose how you fly.

Now go up into the air at that height to which you want to, and in any case not later.

You may wish to climb a few feet above the ground ... or even in space, to visit friends you stars.

Can be sent to any point on Earth or in heaven.

You are able to change the time ...

overcome the vast distances ...

move in the past or the future ...

Fly for as long as you want, and then stop at any point in the heavens or on earth.

There you have someone waiting.

Someone from this ...

or from the past ...

or from the future ...

Who is this man?

What did he tell you? How do you answer?

Write in the notebook sensations experienced during the flight, in an arbitrary amount.
The results of the right hemisphere

Forty-six writer from California told me about this fantasy:

"At first I did not really liked the idea of flight. I was afraid of losing control. I decided to climb only a few inches above the ground - that is just enough to experience the sensation of weightlessness. Then a mattress filled with water, turned into an inflatable raft, and I felt as though I swim in the sea, and then the raft into a boat that could fly. I was raised in the air is low, but when I wanted to look at the ground, he feared that dropping out of the boat. So I changed my boat on a hang glider to see not only the sky, but and the earth. I let him lift me high into space, carrying all higher and higher, and the world began to seem a little like the pictures from space. I realized that I no longer need in your phone, and left, leaving to fly.

I have flown in orbit around a star - not the present, and child, a five-point - and then remembered the hero of the book from his childhood "Little Prince", wanted to see him on this planet. I would like to see him a rose, which has such importance in the development of events. When I found the planet, the prince was not home, but Rose said that he will be another time, if I want to return. I flew above, the air was cold, and I was torn between two desires - to explore distant regions of outer space, or return to the altitude at which warmer. I decided to return home, because after all there was dark and I felt very lonely ... behold, I went down to a warmer level, where there was daylight instead of darkness. I saw the brightest rainbow of colors imaginable. She had a form of long curved grooves - like the child's Hill.

I rode on it by the stars and glided back to earth.

I felt like a wonderful dream, and I am glad that allowed me to experience such feelings.