Saturday, September 19, 2009

Working with dreams. What is known to Aboriginal people.

Working with dreams.
What is known to Aboriginal people.

This exercise - adapting techniques used senoyskim tribe, allowing to take precedence over the characters with terrible dreams. As I mentioned earlier, hay learn to program their reaction to events in dreams. Similarly, working with participants in the dream state of deep relaxation, and we can take control of negative symbols of dreams and their impact on our emotions.

Can you remember a dream, which had been a victim? Remember the dream where you are harassed, hurt, someone or something you are terrified. Senoi is programmed to your behavior in a dream, that you do not run away when confronted with adversity. They would say that you must meet it face to face and fight. You might even enlist the support of other characters in the dream in this fight. Through such a confrontation could take precedence over the negative part of who I am, creating "snovidenchesky terror." If you remember such a dream, write down its contents in a notebook.

Now we process this dream. Live through the event again and completely. Let me go back to his fears at a meeting with enemies. Imagine a "decoration" of your sleep, return to the memory of his actions and feelings. But this time Turn around and meet face to face with his persecutor; Call someone in whose care needs; fight for as long as a dangerous character will not be destroyed or defeated. Can you feel a sense of victory over the hero dreams? Write down the feelings that emerged when you took control of the situation in the past seemed hopelessly terrible.

Require that the defeated character dreams gave you something. This could be a poem, song, clue, insight, dedication to the meaning of something (insight) or something useful in a more tangible aspect. You like it? This is something you want? You want to (want to) get it? If you do not like the gift, go back to sleep, and request another. Some people may be quite sharp and assertive in dealing with the characters of dreams. Really, not bad to have superiority in the world of dreams.

Can you remember a dream in which experienced sensation of falling? If yes, write down its contents in a notebook.

Then go back (mentally) to dream and try to relive the feeling of falling. But now you take control over it. Decide, for example, to fly - just to ease out of its decline and level flight. Feel that you're floating in the air, moving slowly, confidently, and then vzmoyte high up. If for some reason you do not want to fly, open a parachute and very carefully and slowly descend to a haystack, enjoying the journey. Senoi would advise you to continue to fall, but to land softly and see what surprises await you there. They believe: you are invited to foreign countries that part of your I, which is often not heard. There is some message for you, have something to learn or to understand intuitively. Investigate this new land. See if you can open any new knowledge awaiting you there.