Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Law of Karma ", or the Law of Cause and Effect

The Law of Karma ", or the Law of Cause and Effect

Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in the form of such a force ... you reap what you sow. And when we choose actions that bring happiness and success of another, our karma brings us the fruits of happiness and success.

Karma - an eternal statement
human freedom ...
Our thoughts, our words and deeds --
a filament network, which we
scattered around.

Swami Vivekananda

The third spiritual law of success - is the Law of Karma. "Karma" - this is both action and what it implies, is a cause and effect simultaneously, because every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in the form of such a force.

The Law of Karma is not for us is nothing new. Every heard the expression: "As you sow, so shall you reap. It is obvious that if we want our lives to be happy, we must learn to sow the seeds of happiness. Therefore, karma implies the action of conscious choice.

In fact, we are constantly making choices. At any moment of its existence, we are in this field of all possibilities, where we open access to the infinity of the elections.

Some of these elections, we do consciously, others - unconsciously. But the best way to understand and maximize the karmic law - to come to their choice consciously aware of every choice we make in every moment of his life.

Like it or not, everything that is happening at the moment is the result of those elections that you did in the past. Unfortunately, too many of us make choices unconsciously, and therefore we do not consider this choice - and, nevertheless, it is.

If I insulted you, you probably would have made the choice to be offended. If I tell you a compliment, you make the choice to experience pleasure or feel flattered. But think about it: it is - just a choice.

I may offend you, insult you, and you can choose not to feel offended. I can tell you something nice, but you make a choice not to accept my praise.

In other words, most of us - even despite the fact that we are doing an infinite number of elections - converted into clusters of conditioned reflexes, which continually get included people and circumstances, becomes predictable features of behavior.

These reflexes are similar conditioned reflex, discovered by Pavlov. Pavlov demonstrated: if you are giving the dog food, just in time to ring the bell, soon the dog starts to salivate when you just ring the bell, because both stimuli are interrelated.

Most of us as a result of determination, to become repetitious, predictable responses to stimuli, acting in our environment.

It seems that our responses are automatically included people and circumstances, and we forget that this is just a choice we make in every moment of its existence. We simply make this choice unconsciously.

If you momentarily stepped aside and watch the choices that you do, simply because the very act of observing it, you move the whole process from the realm of the unconscious into the conscious realm.

This process of conscious choice and monitoring significantly enhances your chances. Making a choice - any choice at all - ask yourself two questions.

First of all: "What would be the consequences of that choice, which I'm going to do?" In my heart you will immediately know what they are.

And the second: "Will the one choice that I do now is happiness to me and those close to me?"

If the answer is "yes", then follow their choice. If the answer is "no", if you choose to hurt you or those close to you, you should not take this choice. It is very simple.

Among the whole set of elections, which will give you every second of your existence, there is only one, which will bring happiness to you and those around you. And if you do this the only choice, it will result in the form of action, which is called spontaneous right action.

Spontaneous right action - is the right action at the right time. That is the proper response to every situation, just when it occurs. This action, which nourishes you and any other, for whom this action has an impact.

There is a very interesting mechanism, which gives you the universe, to help make spontaneously correct choices. This mechanism is associated with sensations of your body.

Your body can experience two kinds of feelings: feelings of comfort or discomfort. The moment when you consciously make a choice, pay attention to your body and ask the question: "If I do such and such a choice, what will happen?"

If your body sends a message of comfort, then this is the right choice. If the body sends a message of discomfort, this is not the choice that you need.

Some people perceive the sensation of comfort and discomfort is an area where they located the solar plexus, but most people perceive their heart area.

Consciously translate its attention on the heart area and ask your heart as you do. Then wait for an answer - a physical reaction in the form of a certain sensation. This may be the weakest level of sensations, but they are here, in your body.

Only the heart knows the correct answer. Most believed the heart of the weak and sentimental. But it is not. The heart has the intuition, it is holistic, it is contextually, it is correlated with the moment.

He does not focus on victory-defeat. It is connected to the PC space - a field of pure potentiality, pure knowledge and infinite organizing power - and takes everything into account.

At times it may even seem irrational, but my heart has a computing capabilities, which provide much higher accuracy than is available in rational thinking.

You can use the Law of Karma to create money, wealth, and all other goods whenever you want. But first you must fully realize that your future is determined by the choices that you make in every moment of his life.
If you do this consistently, you're fully using the Law of Karma. The more you raise your choice on the level of full consciousness, the more you will spontaneously make the right choices - both for themselves and for others.