Saturday, September 19, 2009



Changing lifestyles need to cultivate a different, rather than before, the ratio of the time. Unlike ordinary people who wasted time with no understanding of its jewels, the student learns how to live infinitely more full of life, rich and events and rich experiences. Local time is compacted and begins to pulsate both subtle and complex feelings, emotions, mikroozareniyami, illuminating the stages of the path of ascent. Man are feeling alienation external energies and rhythms of life, involving a weaker people in a deadly maelstrom. He begins to perceive the gravity of the ordinary average of psychology and value system that seeks to impose his own standards and approaches as a guide to action. At first, after a decision to live as other people around him and the words do not have anything against him "eccentric" (something like this in the best case they will call him herself metamorphosis), begin to unconsciously resist his will and destroy his way of life, which it makes a mess. They have intensified their contacts with the candidate for students, trying to draw him into unnecessary projects and cases demagnetize his spiritual attitude with primitive humor and ridicule, loaded it with their problems and complaints. Sometimes the people around them can break a human endeavor, which has decided to live in another way: in the end, he leaves his idea, and returned to his former life, confessing religious ideas only in words.

The modern world with its ideas about how to live, is a huge obstacle to spiritual disciple, striving to lead a completely different way of life. Anyone who can win people's lifestyle of the modern world and to win for themselves a small area of space, free of chaos and sleep, probably deserves to be a monument to him, and knocked on it some sign, like the one done at the grave of the famous Ukrainian philosopher and spiritual seeker Gregory Pans: "The world I caught, but not caught." Especially difficult to correct way of life to those candidates in the students who live in large cities, especially in the capital's metropolitan areas. The difficulties begin with the whole - with the problem of protection from urban noise, continuous phone calls at work and at home, it's crowded people in public transport and cars on the roads. To cope with the destructive pressures of civilization, requires special measures.

Most and perhaps decisive role in maintaining the correct way of life is the ability to build and maintain a daily routine: after day - it mikroobraz life. Esoteric teachings advise the student to get up at dawn and go to bed until midnight, to start the day with remembering the image of a spiritual teacher and settings to connect to the stream of life and the perfect execution of all affairs, conceived since last evening. This makes the behavior of human right direction, and said good luck in all affairs and undertakings. If a man will strive every day to live more completely than the previous one, if on the day previous, he will think about in advance from the previous day, his life will be increasingly held to the highest standards, which offer the student of his spiritual teacher.

If, for some time after acquaintance with the spiritual and esoteric teachings and ideas, your lifestyle has not changed, you're doing something wrong, and one of the most important steps on the path of ascent has not been captured. Keep this in mind and try to live as offering to do the high and the original teachings of the Teacher.


Entering a meditative state, mentally review your lifestyle, like some movie, and mark the mistakes in how you live. Then how can more clearly in every detail, imagine how you would like to see this image. By creating a clear picture of her at the same time ideal and real life, try to revive it and fill it with energy charge and running before his mind's eye. Promise yourself that will do everything to put this picture in my life. Mentally refer to the spiritual master, that he supported you in your quest to improve their own lives. Try to change something and improve your destiny.