In "A Course in Miracles" is a prayer that contains the words: "Today I will not judge anything that happens. He-judgment creates silence in your mind.
Therefore, it would be a very good place to start your day with such a statement. And during the day to remind myself of this whenever you find yourself on the desire to judge or evaluate.
If you do this all day seems too difficult, you can simply say: "Over the next two hours I will not be anything to judge" or "In the next hour, I will stick to non-judgment." Then, gradually, you can increase this time.
The practice of silence, meditation and non-judgment will open you access to the first law, the Law of Pure Potentiality. When you start to do this, you can add to their practice in the fourth component - namely, regular direct contact with nature.
Spending time in communion with nature, you can feel the harmonious interaction of all elements and forces of life that will give you a sense of unity with all life.
Whether it's a stream, forest, mountain, lake or sea shore, the relationship with the mind of nature also helps you in entering the field of pure potentiality.
You must learn to come into contact with the very innermost part of its essence. This true essence is beyond the ego.
It is devoid of fear, it is free, it is insensitive to criticism, it does not scare any test. It is no worse and no better than anyone else, and she performed magic, mystery and enchantment.
Access to your true essence will allow you to also look into the mirror of relationships, because any relationship - a reflection of your relationship with yourself.
For example, if you feel fear, guilt and uncertainty about money, success, or anything whatsoever, yet, all these are a reflection of your fear, guilt and uncertainty, which are the main features of your personality.
No amount of money, no success will not be allowed these basic problems of existence. Only with higher affinity I bring true healing.
And when you start from the knowledge of your true Self - when you really understand your true nature - you'll never have to experience fear, guilt or uncertainty in monetary affairs, achieve abundance in satisfying their desires, because you realize that the quintessence all material wealth is life energy, pure potentiality.
These potential opportunities and is your true nature.
As you get more access to its true nature, you will begin to occur spontaneously creative ideas, because the field of pure potentiality is also the space of infinite creativity and pure consciousness.