Saturday, September 19, 2009

Another way to hear.

Another way to hear.

Carefully listen to the sounds that came into your room or study.

Celebrate the pause between the sounds.

Pay attention to the sounds outside your room.

And the pauses between them.

If you hear noise, which is reached from the outside and listen carefully to his rhythm. Mentally amplifies the sound, making it more "dense".

Now delete all the sounds from your consciousness. Create an imaginary invisible "wall of silence" through intensive focus on anything else. Let an imaginary wall reflects the external sounds.

If you find this difficult, try to listen to the thoughts you've created sounds - perhaps buzzing or chirping trill. Have you ever listened carefully to the noise of a passing train? It is something amazing. (Ask any child if you can not remember.)

Close your eyes and imagine that it is now night, and you are at a safe distance from the railway tracks. Do you hear the warning calls to the railway station half a mile from here?

Can distinguish the sound of a train from the far distance?

Listen to how he approaches ... As the whirlwind in front of you ... each car clang and boom of a number ... Commits hearing each passing cars and imagine the train as long or short as you wish.

Listen as races by the last car. Determine how quickly disappears sound passing train - he seemed to be calming down on the edge of the earth.

The train left, and the distance a dog howls at the moon.

Do you hear a dog?

And the silence around?

Comes up to you whether the crickets?

Return to the room in which you are now. What are the sounds you hear here?

Before that there were heard some sounds, were they right?

Have you heard of them, when in your own mind passing by train?

If now, before you hear the sounds, but they were not, when you hear the noise of a passing train, you have to experience the superiority of force over the outer consciousness noise. This tool is useful to have at its disposal during the creative work. Because in the world of noise and clutter, you can create your own sounds and their own silence. You can choose what to hear, and that - no.

If you interfere with sleep people, dogs or cars on the street, you can solve this problem by creating alternative sounds in my mind.

If you find it hard to concentrate at work when the world around is full of noise, create in your mind its own silence.

If you want to experience the unusual auditory sensations, leaned his ear to the dishwasher and listen to the successive cycles. Let your imagination play with them at their own choice.

No need to explain to outsiders what you do. Out from the context, this exercise can make others think that you have fallen into second childhood.