Sunday, September 27, 2009

What about past karma and the impact that it has now?

What about past karma and the impact that it has now?

There are three things you can do with his past karma.

One - to pay their karmic debts. Most people choose to do so - of course, unconsciously. It can also be your choice.

Sometimes the payment of these debts is accompanied by a multitude of suffering, but, according to the Law of Karma, no debts will never remain unpaid in the universe.

The universe has a perfect accounting system, and everything in it - a constant exchange of energy "there and back.

The second thing you can do is to transform your karma in a more desirable experience.

This is a very interesting process when you are paying your karmic debt, ask yourself the question: "What can it teach me? Why did this happen, and what I wanted to tell the universe? How can I make this experience useful for the same human beings, as I am? "

By doing this, you are looking for a germ of a chance, and then linking this germ of its dharma, its purpose in life, about which we speak when discussing the seventh spiritual law of success. This will allow you to find a new expression of his karma.

For example, if you will, while working out, broken leg, you may ask: "What I can teach it? What sends me a message, thus, the universe? "

Perhaps the meaning of the message that you should reduce the rate and next time be more attentive to your body.

And if your dharma - to teach others what you know, it is asking the question "How can I make this experience useful for the same human beings as I am?", You may decide to share with you what you have learned by writing a book the need to comply with safety in sports.

Or you can develop special shoes or bracing to help avoid such injuries.

Thus, paying his karmic debt, you simultaneously convert the "ups and downs" in the benefits that can bring you wealth and satisfaction.

This is the transformation of your karma in a positive experience, you really do not get rid of their karma, but you get the opportunity to take the karmic episode and create from it a new positive karma.

Third way for the Treatment of karma - way beyond. Go beyond karma - means to become independent from it. Method of transcending karma - to continue to experience a pause, his I, Spirit.

It's like washing dirty clothes in the creek. Whenever you submerge it in water, you wash off a few spots. Whenever you do, your clothes are becoming a little clearer.

You erase - or go beyond their karma - going into the pause and resuming back. This, of course, achieved through meditation.

All actions are karmic episodes. When you drink coffee - is a karmic episode. This action arouses the memory and the memory has the ability or potential opportunity, the desire to give birth. The desire generates action again.

The system software of your soul is made up of karma, memory and desire. Your soul - a clot of consciousness, which contains the seeds of karma, memory and desire. Consciously apply to the shoots of manifestation, you become conscious of reality generator.

Consciously making the choice, you begin to perform actions that contribute to the development of your own and everyone around you. And that's all you need to do.

No karma has evolved - for you and I to all to whom it affects - the fruits that it brings, happiness and success.
Application of the Law of Karma "

I want to make it work Law of Karma, pledging to take the following steps:

1. Today I will follow the choices that I make every moment. And the mere observation of these choices will allow me to transfer this action to its full realization.

I know that the best way to prepare for any moment in the future - fully aware of this.

2. Whenever I make a choice, I will be asking yourself two questions: "What will be the consequences of the choice I made?" And "Will the choice of this satisfaction and happiness to me and to those on whom he will have an impact?".

3. After that, I will refer to his heart and guided by its message of comfort and discomfort. If the choice is a feeling of comfort, I will continue to move forward with the utmost vigor.

If the choice is a feeling of discomfort, I'll pause and look at the consequences of his choice of inner vision. Following reports of his heart, I can do spontaneously correct choices for ourselves and all those around me.