Saturday, April 18, 2009

Embedding strategies.

Embedding strategies.

We can build a strategy for using yakoreniya, repetition of elements of the strategy (new lines of dialogue, gestures, expressions, etc.), substitution of experience (role-playing game), and altered states and experiences. When we build a strategy, it works naturally and automatically, as a component (Çankaya), with each stage automatically raises the following.

1. Embedding using yakoreniya yakorenie implied representation or condition, and the introduction of the strategy of stages in the replication of human sequencing strategy. Yakorenie helps us to ?hold? strategy through people. When we carry out yakorenie consistency, we assigns it to a contextual stimulus. Remove the steps of the strategy with the help of questions and observations and then make yakorenie each stage using the same anchor. For example, we help a person get access to his strategy of motivation. Say: ?Think about the time when you felt really motivated to ...?, and then make yakorenie this experience. Later we can play this anchoring in other contexts, so that people again have access to the sequence of motivational strategies in the new context. Patterns are automatically supported by its own synesthesia, once initiated the processes of man. For example, a person with a phobia of water yu can see a large body of water and immediately experience the fobicheskuyu reaction. He sees (V) and the water feels (iK) fear. Symbolically, we denote this as fobiyu V / K. Synaesthesia consists of two components of representative systems, the first representative system immediately starts the second. We yakorenie that synesthesia and then transfer it to other situations. This may accelerate excessively long strategy, and thus avoid cycles.

A man has been cumbersome and ineffective strategy decisions. He spent many days in meditation and had deferred a decision while not overlooking the main features. Then he came in the initiation and zlilsya themselves for the loss of such a large amount of time. In developing the new strategy, he considered the first ?chance to miss opportunities and lose time? (A "K /) Q? How are you feeling at the end of your strategy when they realized the value of lost time and lost opportunities ?helped him build a strategy. This will speed up its strategy and provided a necessary incentive for early action. He sees it as a resource to check your time schedule and use their negative feelings as a basis for decision-making.

2. Instructions are creating a new representative steps to embed the new strategy. The words are as an anchor and can implement yakorenie new strategy, so we can build a strategy, ?giving instructions?.

3. A practical approach to the embedding strategy is the repetition of new behaviors.

Just ask the man to play in the performance of a representative of each stage, until it will not be that comfortable feel. To develop a visual system, we can train to hold the image of his mental pictures and then play it inside himself with his eyes closed, etc. Ultimately, we are one-time ability to create and retain in his mind the internal visual image.

4. Repetition in the form of the game. ?Play? to read the words in the air, we will emphasize form rather than content or previous negative experiences. Let people know where to look, where to put your head and eyes, when to use feelings, pictures, etc. By placing the process of framing the game, we can feel more like a repetition of the dance, or entertainment, not learning spelling or anything else. Usually, this makes learning easier and less tense.

5. Repeating patterns of synaesthesia is another effective method of embedding the use of sequences of representative systems, regardless of content. Certain patterns of synaesthesia would be felt as a strange and unfinished.

A / C: When you hear the words inside his head, take a look at all of their feelings. Define one set, then listen to the words and let me have another feeling. Continue this until you get seven different sensations.

K / A: Select the sense most suitable to the words made internally, and through this create a feeling of seven sounds. ?To be in contact with this feeling and let him become a sound?. Take one of the seven sounds, and let him create an internal visual image.

We can build a strategy with the help of overlapping access keys. VK overlap: ?Look down and right, rasfokusiruyte view, breast and breathe shallow, and now create a painting?. Repeat this process until the conversion will not be smooth and simple, then make it yakorenie.

6. Abortion policies. Sometimes we have to interrupt the strategy, which is strongly entrenched. We can suspend it by means of overloading, ie, giving her more information than it can handle. Natural overload occurs in a noisy place, where we ?can not hear your thoughts?. Similarly, a person can feel so good (or bad) that he would not know what to do or say, for example, sometimes a person is so crowded with emotions that can be ?appalled beauty? or ?stunned? odor. Overload interrupt the strategy and therefore to the end of its cycle.

We interrupt or reject strategy, using some input to shift the usual course sequence representations. When we lost in our own thoughts, noise overrides the sequence of representations and distracts us. Stop or block key access is a direct effective way to interrupt the strategy (eg, sweep-hand man in the face when he tries to visualize!). You may interrupt depressive strategy, asking the perceived depressed person to sit straight with the head high, breathe deeply, take the shoulders back, eyes wide open and smile. Typical depressive posture and breathing patterns contribute to feelings of depression. If a person is in a depressed position, it gains access to kinestetike that prevents him to see himself or herself or to speak with them in the best condition! We can also stretch strategy. We are doing this, closing out the strategy at its entrance.

We interrupt or reject strategy, using some input to shift the usual course sequence representations.

The man with the strategy of acting feels that he ?must? to do something, if you can see yourself making it something. We stretches strategy, offering him to see how he does not do so. In fact, when people see how he does not do what it wants to stop doing, he comes on the contrary with respect to their habitual behavior and, therefore, ?pulls itself? from the old strategy. At least he understands that he knows how you do not need to carry out an old strategy, which is a step in the right direction. Each of these methods, strategy helps interrupt to stop the sequence in the middle, giving, thus, we have an opportunity to reformulate the strategy and build the best.