Monday, April 27, 2009

Share the love. Relax and release.

Share the love.
Relax and release.

The most important part of learning to open your heart, filled with love and make love, is to learn to totally relax and let off all extraneous thoughts. It is very important that during any of the following exercises do you stay focused and dropped all the extraneous thoughts.

If during any of the exercises you'll find that your attention flows, then back to back and continue. After a while, with a little practice, you'll find that every time you will become easier.

In case you have not had the experience of meditation or exercise classes on relaxation, the better you will lie down or sit somewhere in a quiet place where you do not potrevozhat and take a few minutes to cleanse his mind and body relaxation.

Over time and with experience, you will be able to open your heart and make love almost anywhere and anytime, because you will be able to relax the body, and almost instantly clear your mind and focus on your heart.

There is a certain feeling and physical sensation that appears when you open your heart. It is difficult to feel if you do not begin to learn in a quiet and calm atmosphere.

When your body is completely relaxed and your mind clear and calm, there is a sensitive internal perception, it is important, because there you will find a physical sensation and feeling associated with the opening of your heart.

Despite the fact that I was able to make love, while almost anywhere - while traveling in a bus, driving and even when I go on foot, still, every day I spend 15-20 minutes to lie down and fully focus on opening his heart, rays and posylanii love. It seems that every time it greatly enhances my ability.

On the market there are many books on the theme of relaxation and calm the mind, because I will not delve into this topic. If you find that easier for you to relax, listening to sound recordings of meditation or some kind of relaxing and soothing music, it also works very well and will not interfere with your ability to open his heart.

Here is what I am doing, whether sitting or lezhu.

1. First, I completely relax the body, relaxing every muscle, even the muscles of the face. I do it, pretending as if they would fall asleep and your body is saying that now we are going to take a nap.

2. I allow my body to fall asleep until very purify your mind of all thoughts. The way I clean the mind from thinking, is very similar to the guidance on the movement forward in time, I imagine that my mind is connected with the larger part of me (with soul).

No matter how you call it, simply connect to it and let all of your concerns and other thoughts go up in smoke. I do so with the help of what I call an internal hearing, I just send the focus of consciousness and his mind to listen to this much of me.

3. After that, I can only focus the mind at the opening of the heart and / or posylanii love, that is, to what I have decided to take up at this time.

4. If you have a serious problem in retaining his mind from uletaniya after various emerging ideas, I have found for themselves, to imagine that if a very bright beam of light entering from above in the top and reach the middle of the brain where the brain post, and then diverging away in various hand, it completely removes all extraneous thoughts.

The outcome of all, what is that to maximize the results your body must be completely relaxed, even sleeping, but your mind must be free from all, except that you want to achieve.

Slightly to practice, you will be able to open your heart and radiate, or make love whenever you want, but my experience suggests that the best results I get when lozhus and allow the body to fall asleep, leaving the mind awake, but focused.

Well, that's it, that's so simple. Sometimes people tell me that they do not have the extra 20 minutes a day. I can understand them, because they seem to spend most of their day to fix all their troubles.

I wonder why there are so many troubles with them, while my days are like in a fairy tale? I do not in there 20 minutes a day, during which I am sending love, everything, do you think?HYPNOSIS