Saturday, April 25, 2009

Man the distant future.

Man the distant future.
Man kosmicheskiyOtvet the question: What will be tomorrow? - Has thousands of variations, which are composed of many events coming and not of cases of this that the only way to meet the present moment. Thus defined outcome expectations for each of us from excitedly gambler, pray before the game: "I knew would прикуп, there would not be sitting, to vexation proud girl, for which the young man wins" peaks "capes, and vague life Kremlin, which second century clock struck ...

Most of the aspirations of tomorrow will be hope. Of these, only one thought to be effulgent. It runs in the universal law of equilibrium of outer planets, which was in the repeated year after year the silent flight of the Earth around the Sun burning bowels. The same idea is in the radiant light in the genome of a small fluffy seeds, embodied in Topola, which is high in the sky green leaves paw blue abyss. This is one objective of all generations of earth - a happy man ...

The new man is named homospace, people space. In the era of Space skudoumny fanatical Christian instruction of Armageddon, in which the Savior comes from sky, punish sinful, the right will give the kingdom of God. Erroneously numerous lectures on changing the Earth's space capabilities and mutation of all forms of life. Bezdokazatelen organizations in favor of the experiments of higher civilization over earth. Surely you can attest stems: evolution of the mind and move to a higher stage of development - is an individual choice in a social setting, surrounded by wise Space.

As a force of attraction of protons is born a star, like a rotating dusty nebula formed the planet, and the development of consciousness - is the evolution of the soul, body, and "I". Different categories of matter and mind are subject to the law of identity. The same relationship rights and coming homosapience. The same soft body shape, the same wide range of shades of skin: from black to white from red to blue. Same sex segregation in a man who burns from thirst to love, and a woman who tomitsya of expectations. Affinity homo species can be found in the structure of the body: organs of perception, digestive system, circulatory system, etc.. Distinguished by moral laws, which are proportional to space. They are imbued with the love of the crystal, creative sequence in the study Precursor, peacekeeping, the search for new "star" routes, the existence of unresolved human capabilities. Testament transferred to the sphere of reality, which is millions of times has expanded the horizon of research and application of knowledge of individuals. For example, the study inobytiya Changes parallel physical measurements. Land is not bows Sun. So homospace not asked in prayer to Christ "daily bread" or withdraw from the "evil" as styazhali believers in the church temples for the past 2 millennia-ooh. Time flows in a continuous flow of the great river of life. And now left the era of "domesticated" animal, when the Lord was a shepherd at the fire, as they are - sheep, sbivshimsya at night in Otaru, when he knew the way to the rich pastures and watering, where they eat and drink. The Earth's civilization step on the path space demiurge, the multidimensional Pole Space and the Mind, has met the conditions for new achievements of evolution.

Millions of years ago among primates, people stood on his feet and took his hand in a heavy wooden club, becoming a hunter-minded and formidable opponent for the game. So homospace, being close to a reasonable person, in the hands of holding "club" - it controls and manages the mental functions of the organism. If a person of reasonable nervous system - it bioprovodyaschaya fabric on which an electrical impulse from the cortex enters the spinal cord and on to the legs, followed by decreasing muscle. So for homospace - this tool and the multidimensional cosmic body work to control time and space, where the neuron, nerve junction, central nervous system, the currents in them - this is a conscious part of the laboratory and in tissue energy universe.

You have already submitted a view homospace experienced several organs, in particular, the tricky and temporal nerve plexus. While on Earth, surrounded by concrete walls, you can look beyond the horizon of the universe, to see a distant planet, to touch other forms of life. Here's a next evolutionary level of "mind-body-nerve-reality," the coming man. The stage of evolution consists in several positions.

Coming chelovechestvaVo the first place, widening the range of visual perception. To do this, laid an additional link from the tricky plexus of the retina via nerve petals, passing along the superciliary arch and descend to the eye. Retina is a million light-sensitive elements in the form resembling kolbochki and tubes, light irritation that gathers in several codes, the signals in the optic nerve and continue to come in the back of the cortex. There is a selector of the electrical signals and visual memory. From the comparison of incoming codes stored in an external object is detected. For homosapience irritation retina - this is the result of exposure quanta of visible range, entering through the front of the eye - the transparent lens. For the nervous system homospace, described the process in visual perception, add images, from the tricky nerve plexus. For example, if monovzor saw a white cloud Nemesis - goddess of the ancient nymphs and creativity, a stone castle and its inhabitants, the retina, along with other images of perceived eye, delayed fingerprint goddess, the palace and its inhabitants. Consider a simple example, you relax in the kitchen after nourishing lunch and drink tea. Eye perceives a dining table, on which the cup, then the gas stove with pots, brick wall, column, sink for dishes, etc.. At the same time, you are on the perception of Nemesis - the ancient goddess of the oceans and creativity, the queen of nymphs. She has dark hair, proud face, thin neck, chest high, graceful hands, elastic stomach. Skin color violet! but instead "treugolnichka" and a pair of slender legs - fish tail, covered with iron scales, and an incredibly wide fin. Energy field passes through the tricky nerve plexus and enters the optic bottom of the apple, and creates an additional stamp. You accept picture of the kitchen, in which the table goddess Nemesis breeds hand, corrects the hair from breathing rises naked breasts ... Being in the kitchen, you, homospace, accessible to the fiery depths of the perception of the Sun or the way people away from you, finally, attempts to cover visual perception of an infinite universe.

Secondly, expanding the borders of perception of hearing. To do this, the temporal nerve plexus (a body of sound distance perception) associated with the inner ear, auditory nerve. The relationship allows voice perceived images in the usual tone range. As it was previously, each sound and symbol, be it a symphony or a Galaxy hammer blow on the anvil, is the only mental meaning, expressed in the form of current thoughts. This interkosmichesky language, which homospace and other members of the Supreme Reason can understand each other. Now the mental sense of the speech sounded, and you hear a live voice. This is the language of people, pangolin and demiurge of Karma, is Nemesis and Lucifer, demiurge Agni, and many others. Languages differ in height, timbre, a combination of consonants and vowels, intonation, characteristic structure of the speech apparatus. You, as on Earth, able not only to survey the various corners of the universe and take a thousand forms of reasonable life, but also to hear their native language.

The representative of the space race "Ze lo agaviti!" - Arni speech demiurge. Means: "I love you." Compare with the English "I love you".

"A mage ty!" - High oceanic melodious voice of Nemesis. Means: "I shall help you."

"For zhaha the grid" - rough low bass Baal. Let us leave it without a translation.

"Ga and thirst. Uruguay si ha! "- A soft melodious head of Agni, which means:" A man can be done. And you - man! "

Interestingly feedback auditory nerve - the temporal nerve plexus, which allows it to translate unfamiliar interyazyk. Without a preliminary study of grammar, syntax, vocabulary of English, French German, Chinese, exclamation Amazon tribe, hundreds, hundreds of languages are available and understandable. And not only. You can understand the language of Nature. For example, a box spring for the switch filled starling. You understand the meaning of the song:

"I will love you. And we will have chicks. And we will live. And when it's cold it's time we fly together to the edge of the kind ... "

This simple text starling repeating over and over again, calling the girlfriend. Or, for example, to transfer the war from the chimney five houses: "Dark, cold and damp ... Dark, cold and dank ..."

Any sound that surrounds us, you can realize (whether it struck the hearts of the Sun, Moon alarm, interstellar echo), and give meaning. It is a natural interpreter of road populated cosmos.

"Yeah vuvuti!" - Said Agni. Russian translation: "Go on the way forward!"

GryaduschegoDobavim human bio-field similar to the organization of visual and auditory perception does not cause emotional stress in the resonant interaction of the organism and the external material objects (telekinesis), be it a squeak or move the heavy box phiz sublichnosti.

And third, the increase ringovogo fields of symmetric petals "medulla oblongata - ear shell," which tells about the loss of individuality in the tissue space (oboz. 55). Now the bio-field beyond the physical body to a distance of one meter and a narrow abdomen resembles an insect (Prusak) with purple tint. Unsympathetic state organism notes: You zavorozhenny phenomenon or catch charms people have lost the integrity of "the mind-body-soul." When you return to a balanced perception of the integrity of the state will disappear unsympathetic state.

Obviously, described the organization of nervous system homospace commensurate with the increased opportunities for visual and auditory perception, where, for example, are among the people in the underground subway, he is able to see the "air" and the palace to hear the bell ringing.

The development of bio-field of solar spleteniyaV Fourth, disclosure of the solar plexus. It goes wide beam, you bend over in an arc falls on the horizon and closes. You find the center of the circle with a diameter of 140-180 meters. From the plexus goes concentrated energy clots, forming about a dozen reasonable subsozdany (for more details about the birth of the angels). Recall the existence of the "thin" world of reason, when you had the remote matter. Circle of Light and the Angels will be your protection against unexpected shocks, as well as stop the negative influence of outside forces.

There have been other changes.

* Solar halo, the morals and ethics, which was located behind the head and had a diameter of some meters, pushed back for the bio-field "wings kindness, stretched, getting egg-shaped height of about 3-meters. (Remember the energy transformation around the time of Christ in ascension to heaven).

* Developing bio-field body feelings, which is formed symmetric nervous system of sites on the cheekbones person (oboz. 60). Now ringovom field of this system resides "bird", which according to your orders instantly able to travel back to the friend and convey your feelings, or bring him the news.
Human bio-field coming bio-field distance feelings
* Extract from the shoulders of quantum bio-field pair of hands, which are a continuation of the power of the demiurge of the universe.

* From the neck base is formed bio-field faces. (Exception: Homospace along with an individual capable ringovye person. See diversity. Demiurge It faces the living space, for example, may be the Creator of Fire Agni, Vlastitelnitsa pyatimernogo being Aggsitha, etc.).
Human bio-field bio-field and heterogeneous human
* At the feet of a bio-field ankle wings: like doves external and internal - passerine. Maybe because - to them you will be able to swim and raised in the air (levitation)?

* Other ...
Human bio-field bio-field the next man coming human bio-field coming

Much of the above described felt righteous and holy. Seraphim of Sarov said that the kingdom of heaven is on earth, that his angels surround and protect. Hindu monk-hermit do not need a translator to understand the speech of Alexander the Great. That and the ability of orthodox stolpnikov raised in the air. And much more.

Finish so that the transformation homospace is preparing for large-scale matter of conscious control and to achieve your original goal.