Sunday, April 26, 2009

Wonders geopathogenic areas.

Wonders geopathogenic areas.

"There are many in this world, friend Horatio, and do not have dreamed that our wise men." Decades and centuries pass, but this maxim of Hamlet, said about the appearance in the midnight shadows of his father, not aging. On the contrary, take all the new shades, characterizing unknown yet people around the world. The complex and controversial, often do not fit into current knowledge. But not for nothing is one of the great scientists: abnormal - it is not yet understood our physical reality. Moreover, we add, is often manifested in ways quite unknown.

The most fully revealed it (the reality of it) over the past decade in the UFO phenomenon. But next to him all the more people begin to notice other "tricks" of nature. Such as weird radiation energy, amazing people. And what is really surprising.

Near the village Molebka (Perm region) it was. In the notorious Enskom triangle, which is the second decade of "master" psychic, bioenergy and parapsychology. However, scholars and enthusiasts, from time to time looking here, trying to understand the phenomenon of these places. Understand that for the odd-balls plasmoid appears here at night ( "yoke"-nicknamed them tourists), to find sources of unexplained radiation.

In one of these groups (geologists, biologists, students) zatesalsya once I did. We were walking the edge of rare woods.

"Oh, what is it?" - Sharahnulas to the student. It turns out that she set foot on something invisible. You have to experiment with the same poles of two magnets? What is not pressed them to each other, they would repel. So it was here. Something elastic, with a diameter of 30-40 cm, did not make the man put his leg on the ground. Usually, the colors porosshuyu forest land.

No matter how we tried to become the center of "bewitched" the place does not work. Someone invisible gives our legs to the side. Surprisingly, the invisible flow of alienating only living flesh. Grass, flowers, stood motionless.

Experimented fifteen minutes. No, not at it. Suddenly, an elastic flow is not clear radiation disappeared. As if it was not. Polianka as Polianka, even lie on it, even downloaded. As if someone turned off a machine, and showy of the land has dried up the flow of energy.

Then, we have not found the explanation incomprehensible phenomenon. Only much later was a geologist familiar hypothesis: "I watched the geological map. It turned out that it carries out (near the riverbed Sylvy) deep tectonic fault. Dissecting the rocks. And they know, sometimes" fontaniruyut "flow of energy. The phenomenon is poorly understood, complex ... Probably, and it sometimes pierces through the debris beam energy (interviewee said more "scientific", I translate his thoughts as understood).

Be forgotten, of course, the vagaries of nature. Yes the eye from time to time have been released into the publication of this same strange phenomena. Quite a variety, it must be said, in its manifestations.

Use at least an accident a passenger liner of the Krasnoyarsk, happened a few years ago. Snapshot balances the aircraft crashed into the window mnogoetazhki, then walked around many of the newspaper. Specialists of several committees, institutional and government - provided the public a very streamlined assessment happened. Mainly referring to the notorious "human factor". Say, the pilots at critical moments have not been able to tame zakapriznichavshuyu technique.

Since this conclusion does not agree, however, the physicist of Russian institutes studying anomalous phenomena. They believe that the aircraft came under a strong sudden release of energy from the depths of Mother Earth. Such anomalies are not uncommon, it appears, in the rocks of Sikhote-Alin mountain range in the Crimea, the Caucasus, the Urals and elsewhere in the world. Moreover, they manifest in different ways.

In turn, among the miners and the explorer there are legends about the mysterious "black fireball", tried to escape to the surface of the earth's depths. They have not spared anything in their way of living. Fortunately, they are short. Rapidly lose energy and disappear without trace. However, some observers argue that part of the black-trench-Sha plasmoid flies away into space.

But in the Volga steppes, shows newspaper Zazerkalye, there is depression, which not only locals but also the animals pass far side. Because sometimes it start to "walk" is no longer dark, and the fiery balls of "rolling stone". To get to their dance on the field, mortally dangerous. They are attracted to any animals like a magnet to iron. And caught up with, destroyed, burned. Geologist who risked playing with fire balls in the tag-dogonyalki, barely escaped from death.

... The further research into the depths of the universe, the more encounters paradoxes that do not fit into the usual physical laws. And outer space is not emptiness, but the ocean unknown to us the particles of energy and radiation. And the earth is inside, say pioneers, scientists, looks entirely different than we are accustomed to believe. For this reason, and should capture, organize, study all found weird, strange phenomenon. To go further on the path of discovering the world. Unknown. HYPNOSIS