Monday, April 20, 2009

Locate the work of his life.

Locate the work of his life.

1. Write to the sheet of paper all of their work experience to the present day (including unpaid and voluntary work). What you learned at each of these jobs? What knowledge, skills and abilities you have developed? What are your personal strengths? What you have "Talents of nature"?

What other sources of income do you have? Maybe you have equity, home, personal and business contacts? What do you have hobbies and interests (past and present)? What gives you most joy? At the end of write to your global dream that you admire most of all - how you want to change the world as a whole. If you mix all of these components, you'll have an idea of what is the essence of the whole of your life.

(Sometimes, our experience is like a subsidiary. For example, you could work out at the bank ten years just to get back on their feet and explore the management, and then begin to heal and develop the capacity of medium, although in this decade You could see no one "Index" your main future work.

Most of us start life until it reaches a small thirty years, and for others, this period lasts even longer, because they were not able to find with all the necessary knowledge, skills and experience).

2. Tune in unison with the Spirit and ask to show the character of your life. Patiently wait until a certain way, and then thank him for the Spirit. Draw, Make or buy a character that you saw, and put it where you'll see it every day. Each time, looking at this character, mentally ask Spirit to show you the next step in the direction of your work. Be sure that this trend will be shown.

Several years ago, when I asked the Spirit to show me the symbol of my work, before me appeared (more than once!), Two snakes, swirl the rod of Hermes, Messenger of God. Even much later, I realized how appropriate this was a character. After all, the snake - it is not only a sign of healing, they represent a fusion of two worlds, and the rod, which connects heaven and earth - the sacred "union" of left and right sides.
