Thursday, April 16, 2009

Components of subjective experience.

Components of subjective experience.

For formation regimes using a sense of awareness of the brain (sensory modalities).

So everything starts with sensory representative system, which makes explicit what we think in terms of images, sounds, sensations, smells and tastes. With the help of sense organs (eyes, ears, muscle, and tactile sensations), we obtain data from the outside world. Then, using the visible, audible and there forms, we "thinking" to "representation" that saw, heard, felt, etc. In order to create awareness of brain mode uses multiple sensory modalities. The thinking is impossible without these basic modes. These components are the very form of our separate thoughts. We process information received by sensory channels. For your convenience, a representative of NLP systems are indicated as follows:

V - visual (images, pictures);

A - audialnaya (sound tone)

At - audialno-tone (sounds);

K - kinesteticheskaya (tactile sensations and the internal body);

About - olfactory (smell);

G - gustatory (taste sensations);

M - motor (movement). These can be considered representative of the external or internal sources of data, so sometimes we denote it by adding the index e or I, for example, Ve (visual internal system). This representative system can also take zapomnennoy information stored within the nervous system (g), or constructed in the imagination (s).

g - zapomnennaya information (VAK);

s - designed information (VAK);

i - internal source of information (transderivatsionny search);

e - an external source of information (the state of "aptaym", sensory awareness).

To indicate that we use metareprezentativnuyu system, speech and language, we use the following notation:

Ad - audialno-digital system (a language system, speech, inner speech).

Through these representative systems, we once again think about the information. Our thinking is based on external sensory modalities. With the help of the "tools", we create personal "map" of the world for life. Most of us prefer one system to another representative and, in fact, abused its use, ignoring the rest.

These systems function as a representative constituent components of behavior. Using the categories and classes, we provide Mental differences. Each sensory modality has specific qualities that are properties of representative systems. These qualities in NLP is traditionally called submodalnostyami. We prefer to call them "qualities modalities" or "distinctive properties representations". They provide specific information to the brain for sorting and coding experience. Usually we are not aware of the modalities, but we can easily make them conscious, just get them aware. Such knowledge allows us to modify the structure submodalnuyu experience.

Visual Basic submodalnosti:









Front / back


Main audialnye submodalnosti:


Continuity / discontinuity

Association / dissotsiirovannost







Main kinesteticheskie submodalnosti:











Ultimately, we formatiruem or programming our behavior, our skills and abilities with the help of combining and sequencing using representations carried out by means of the nervous system.

Then we formatiruem or programming our behavior, skills and abilities through a combination of sequencing and the use of these representations, implemented with the assistance of the nervous system. Processing of our input stimuli is carried out through a sequence of internal representations, which we call the "strategy". So, when building a strategy, we focus on the process of unpacking and reorganizing the conduct of effective transmitted sequence. Thus we can define the format of the new, more effective ways to work.HYPNOSIS