Monday, April 27, 2009

The study of past (or future) zhizney.Kak send light the past (future) "I".

The study of past (or future) zhizney.Kak send light the past (future) "I".

The study of past (or future) lives.

First, select a problem for its study (eg, the understanding of fear, or blocking, or clarification of the knowledge and skills acquired in the past life or karmic tracing the history of the personal relationship, or memories, whether you live in a certain place or in a certain historical era).

Fully relax and imagine that you breathe, white or golden light, slowly replenish your body that light. Now imagine that you stand on the bottom step is a huge ladder and start climbing upwards until you reach its end. You'll notice that the coated fine silver haze.

Now start the descent, you enter into another body, in another place and time. When you reach the end of the stairs, smoke begins to dissipate, and you look at their feet. What they Obuchi? You are a woman or a man chickling? Young or old? Discover your inner feelings and let you spread the scene. Ask questions, thoughts, that you are interested in, such as who you are and where you are. Whether the answers that you will come.

If you feel fit, you may wish to absorb the energy of the past (or future) life. Thoughts, ask that you have absorbed the wisdom of another "I", his skills and personal qualities in their mentality, and then the emotional body, and finally, in the physical body and DNA.

Or you may wish to change the event in the life, in other words, to shift to another possible past or future. This is done so that you vividly imagine a different solution or outcome of events, with lots of detail and emotion. Or you may want to send love or healing this past (or future) "I", or ask the moderator to help you get rid of the impact of that other life.

When you're ready, say the claim that you are now back in this life, or once again go up and down the stairs, and then honey Lenno and gently back to his room.

How to send the light of its past (future) "I".

1. Think about those cases in the past, when you suffer from pain, or were in disarray, or a sense of uncertainty and indecision. If such episodes sometimes come to mind, then your energy still flows to your past "I", and he needs to send healing light).

Tune in unison with the Spirit, and then try to imagine its past "I". See and feel yourself the way you were then, and is surrounded by this past "I" Terms of healing light. You can see the light, feel it or just imagined. It can be white, blue, pink, gold, lilac, green - what color you think appropriate.

Send love in terms of light, send the love of the past "I" and send a message of hope, support and encouragement as you consider appropriate. Continue until you feel that your past "I" received the healing and now feels better.

2. If you are having hard times, write in his diary, that you should return to this issue later, perhaps six months, do not forget to send healing light to his circle of "history" I am today. And when the time comes, do not forget to do it!

You can use this method to send the light of their future "I". Think about the time in the future: year, month, week, when you may need the support, inspiration and love, and thoughts that surround the future of "I" light.

Similarly, you can receive assistance and guidance from your future "I", for example, entering a future in which you have adopted two different solutions to see which of the solutions is better, or meet with his "best possible" I ", absorbing his energy high vibration and asking him about leadership.HYPNOSIS