Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Magical moments. Live the present moment.

Magical moments. Live the present moment.

Magical moments.

I remember once steam rising from a cup of coffee, made my heart fill inexplicable joy. I divilas beauty and majesty of the "normal" phenomenon. How often can we understand, to see, hear and touch these "ordinary miracles" our daily life? Not too we "busy", to skip the sunset, or listen to the birds singing? Not whether we are to the day of contempt, saying "another ordinary day has passed". Not much we lose in his oblivion?

In the language of Hawaiians is the word "ANO". It means "real time", "seed", "peace", "awe", "sacred" and the "sacred". And in English, the word "real" means "gift". This moment - this is a sacred gift, and if we do not fully present in this moment, it means that we do not fully live.

Buddhist teacher Тих Nath Han noticed that something to live without a sense of life, like to drink tea, not realizing that you drink tea, then this is the same as to live as a corpse. "Time - not money. Time more precious than money. Time - this is life ". I heard him say: "Spend your time for tea!"

The present moment is one of our key points in their lives. "Today" - this is the only time that we can change, go back or make a decision. The more we "presence" in any event, the more experience, we are entering. Very rare moments when the problem occurs it is "now", except that when you pursues mad dog or a bailiff does this by removing your belongings into the street.

Much of the stress occurs when we repeat the past or worry about the coming future. (If you really need to worry about tomorrow, then the Waves Devote all your attention and let him leave you!).

When we live the present moment, when we put all heart and soul of what we do: drink tea, sniff a rose, listening to music, make love, meditate, my dishes, we are beginning to realize its true potential. Paradise is here and now, in the ordinary magic of this moment.

While each of our life experience is unique, not too often we simply do not pay attention to this? We think so: "Well, one more cup of tea, I have thousands of drink", or "one more night to stay at home", or "another normal working day". The workshops, which I am in the week-endy, I often suggest that students perform at home any activity which we will discuss the next day.

And be sure that the morning someone will say: "I have already done it and knew in advance what will happen", "I, too, it did, so I was all the same". Such comments are always very sad to hear. We can also state that has seen the sunset, so why look at it again? Or that five years ago, we have meditated, so why again do the same? Each contains an incredible wealth of experience. But we can notice, only if we fully present in the moment and realize this. As Dan Millman, there are no ordinary moments.

The film "Thelma and Louise", two young women decide to relax a bit from their tedious lives. Thelma - haggard and unhappy married housewife, Louise is a waitress. On the street, near the bar, stick to Thelma drunk and trying to rape a woman. Louise takes her gun and shoot the attacker. Both women are searching for the murder. They go to races. Friends go to the Mexican border, where they have to earn a living by right or wrong, forget about the past and start anew.

Now that they are fully "lived", they are beginning to realize their strength. "You're awake, not asleep?" - At the dawn of the girlfriend asked Thelma, leading car in the huge speed through the desert. "Woke up. I have never felt before such a state of wakefulness. So woke up! .. Everything now seems another ".

"Wake up" - this is a precious gift that we should fear, as though he was not losing. Silvia "awake" spiritually at the age of thirty years after she discovered almost incurable blood disease. With it, we discover why she fell ill, and how it can fix your health. While domestic travel Sylvia met people in the black loose with a hood. He told her that if she recover, then again "zasnet", therefore, should not take risks. It is sad, but a year later Sylvia died.

Live the present moment.

While you sit, as now, look what surrounds you. Even if the room is familiar to you, look at it as if never seen before. Enjoy a variety of patterns and colors, faces, figures and forms. See. Do you feel the magic of the moment? What do you feel now? Maybe the weight of his own body on the stool, sensation of touch to dress your body, smooth cool cover of the book in your hands? You feel the magic?

And what you hear now? Clock ticking, birds singing, or volant noise under the windows of transport? You feel the magic? What do you feel? What smells do you feel? What is the taste in your mouth you feel? Look at her shoes, the socks, or bare foot. You feel the magic? You can feel the magic and the fact that you live now, at this moment - you live in the middle of a three-dimensional theater that we call Earth?
How often are you in such a condition, how often do you "fully wakes"? How often do you manage to feel the magic of each moment?