Saturday, April 25, 2009

Travels in time.

Travels in time.

When I was five years ahead of me there was chilling vision. I was standing in the bathroom of the family bungalow and "saw", as the soldiers in shabby brown uniforms parade took place in our village, and "hearing" rhythmic tramp of heavy boots. All around me were covered with straw huts of dried mud and stones. Black people run out of the huts and shouted in a panic, and then I realized that our village is doomed.

I was a little girl, and from such a spectacle froze in horror. When the vision disappeared, I ran to the kitchen to his mother, embraced her for her knees and razrevelas. "The soldiers are! The soldiers are! "- I cried. My mother reassured me, and only after many years, I realized that it was a flash from my past life.

Main "I" keeps memory of the lives of others, and fragments of these memories can be triggered by a reality, and it can spur people and places, or events that echo through the ages speak. Or do you just reach the age when some traumatic event happened in your past life.

Since our main "I" is as though the mind of our body, memories of past lives can be made available through physical impulses, fears and properties. For example, when I became postarshe, I sometimes wish to fall prostrate before the altar in the church - it is flash memory, as I have repeatedly had to go and monks and nuns in the previous life!

Similarly, due to the following: I have always been extremely sensitive shin. Later I discovered that long ago the bones of my legs were split into "punishment" for astral travel (travel outside of his physical body). For many people, birthmarks appear in places where in previous lives they have been fatal wounds.

Although I personally remember about thirty of their previous lives, I do not support the desire "покопаться" in the past because of idle curiosity, partly due to the fact that it deprives you of the possibility of this being placed "here", in this life. However, there are three reasons for which still stands to explore their past lives.

First, it can help us understand and solve all the problems associated with fear and interlocks, which "does not make sense and explain" to the point of view of ordinary life (that is, for example, the widespread fear of the development of their parapsihologicheskih or healing abilities). Secondly, this is the way of penetration in the wisdom, ability and skills that you owned in the previous life.

(As a metaphysical teacher, I can draw on its experience shaman, yoga, oracle, witch, priest and visions of past lives). And third, the perception of previous life experience expands our sense of who we are, and reminds us of the multidimensional nature of our soul and that this present life is only one of the roles that we have chosen for themselves.

Many people are drawn to visit the places where they lived "before". Even if we do not have conscious memories, as soon as we connect with another fragment of our integrity, healing can occur. When I first came to Jonah on the west coast of Scotland, I stepped off the ferry and I was in the same second coated soft voice: "Welcome back home".

I immediately broke out crying, and although only a vague snatches of memories came to me, being there, I felt more than "a".

This happened in Thailand when I burst into tears, barely entering the Buddhist temple. I stood up to his knees in petition deserted temple, and I nahlynuli "memory". I was young boys, brought up in this monastery. He devotedly loved this place and his family, but he had to leave (probably at war with Burma), when it was still quite young.

He never returned to their home province, and I tested it nostalgia. Submit your irresistible urge to visit this temple, I am, therefore, closed circle, returning in a different body in that place, which I so ardently loved once.

Children sometimes spontaneously remember their past life, only over their words or generally laugh, or they simply do not pay attention. One eight-synishka my friend asked his mother: "mammy, and unless I have always been such a body?" One of my patients remembered that, as a little girl, refused to have oatmeal because she does not like porridge. Her mother asked a familiar question: "How do you know that it is not like porridge, in fact you have never tried it?", In which the girl replied: "I have tried it when it was over".

There is a risk on the knowledge of their previous lives. Is it that this knowledge can serve as a excuse ( "I'm afraid to fly because it was a bomber pilot and was killed. Now I only travel by sea or by rail", "I'm suffering from the fact that I have karmic debts since the time of Atlantis "," I am abused by my son, because he killed me during the Civil War in America! ". The past can never be the cause of what is happening now, otherwise we would become the victims. The past can be impact on us, but the choice we make, here and now.

Moreover, the past is not frozen and are not susceptible to change, just as the future. We have a countless number of possible past and future, all of them already exist, they are constantly changing, and moved as the glass in a kaleidoscope, in accordance with our beliefs and choices that we make right now.

We can heal the past and de Laem this in the current and the other lives, often not even aware of that. We can also put aside any negative karma by making a choice to learn a lesson or forgiving yourself, or change your "past" choice. All quite flexible. All can be healed. Everything is open to change.

Now relatively easy to gain access to the memories of past lives. Often enough to ask about it, and then patiently wait and trust in the answer that comes. It may be weak impressions, images, words or "knowledge".

My brother once said to his skeptical friend: "Well, well, but how do we know each other before this?", To which my brother suddenly said: "We have fought the battle of Kallodene". Dude ostolbenel brother. As it turned out later, he was a child interested in the details of this battle, and knew all the details thoroughly, as my brother and is not suspected.

Of course, our rational mind tries nakinut network of doubt on any intuitive knowledge. But if we do not recollect that were once a famous historical figure (but even if this is so, because someone was supposed to be Cleopatra!), Most of our memories of past lives is true.
(And if we really think of it, what we chose as the concoction will still be interesting and overflow with meaning). Shaman do not make precise findings and differences between what is real and what is unreal. Life - this is a dream. All real or invented everything. It all depends on how you look at it!