Monday, April 20, 2009

Healing at a distance. How to send love and light.

Healing at a distance. How to send love and light.

Healing at a distance.

The same technique can be used when you treat people at a distance. Grasp the subject, symbolizing a person, in the left arm (it may even be a name written on the sheet of paper), and a symbol of power or quality that you want to send in the right arm. This may be a quartz crystal for a general treatment, or a note on paper. Now focus attention on the hands and breathe normally for one or two minutes.

My friend studied meditation in Nepal. One day at dawn he went to the mountains on a daily morning class. He is tired of the order and asked myself, why should he expose himself to the painful test. Suddenly he vospryanul spirit that stood up as if it pierced energy. In amazement, he looked around and saw a hundred yards away, the Tibetan Lama, who bowed low in his direction, while smiling broadly. (A few days before that, my friend watched as the same part dematerialize Lama, when the bell ringing).

All power, all consciousness are interrelated, therefore, treatment at a distance not a problem. You need only to our rational mind to believe it! Not so long ago, I dined with a friend in the village pub, where we were served hard and surly barmaid. Sitting in a summer garden, we decided to send her healing energy, to use it as wants.

I imagine a column of light, which is part of my crown on top (so as to penetrate the source of the universe), then became to send rays of love and light of the frontal and heart chakras. I felt that she probably takes this light, rather than reject it. When we returned plates and glasses, we were happy to see that she smiles and laughs, talking with visitors. It was a different person! Coincidence? We never know just wonder, as a positive act that message of love and light.

How to send love and light.

Tune in unison with the Spirit, imagine yourself as a bridge of light moving from your heart and envelops the other person as a radiant bubble. (With all you do need to know where this person is now). Focus on your heart and say the words that you seem fit, for example: "Please, take this light and use it as you want".

(Use it for your treatment, use it to release the past, use it to better communicate with their supreme "I". Try to feel, "bounce" Is your back light, or taken, then please Notice how it influenced the change in this man. (It is obvious that this method can not be used to change the rights for their own benefit. Always confirm that the man himself, if it so desires, may use or not use the light).