Friday, April 17, 2009

Model strategies of NLP. A study of awareness.

Model strategies of NLP.

A study of awareness.

Our mind wanders to different places. You can be confident in this! In our thoughts, emotions, neural processes, behavior, we sometimes feel, as we move the flow of consciousness. We stand up the morning, thinking about their cases (or cases someone else!), And then suddenly in the mind of a thought, activate our memories so that we have internally is transferred to another place and time ... and find that the familiar feel intense emotions!

How can we explore these developments and places in us that causes consciousness? To do this we need to focus on the elements of subjective experience - for encoding "thought" in terms of sensor systems and submodalnyh qualities. We need to look at the internal "the screen of consciousness", and to draw attention to the encoding. If the behavior of each and every experience has the structure, the explanation for any behavior (the key to any behavior) is in its encoding. Phenomenologically, internally, we "realize" anything in terms of "feeling", which was originally used to enter information.

Phenomenologically, internally, we "realize" anything in terms of "feeling", which we originally used to enter information.

If these internal representative systems are ingredients that we have to create a mixing of all of our "experience", including thinking, way of thinking, emotions, behavior, "person", etc., as these elements relate to each other? What kind of connection determines the order, consistency, value, time use, etc.? This question leads us to the next field of NLP - strategies. But before we go there, I want to ask you one question. As

NLP first came to the study of currents and movements of consciousness with the help of model strategies?

"Once a model of" stimulus - reaction "..."

When at the beginning of XX century gave birth to modern psychology, fought for the recognition of several new models of "consciousness" and "identity".

Wilhelm Vundt in Germany and the American popularizer of his ideas Titchner presented a theoretical model, which is stressing the importance of sensory systems, almost in line with models of NLP. But the practical applications Vundt hated and thought of something as unworthy of his clinic, so it remained only a theoretical model. According Vundtu and structuralism, psychology must be a "science of the mind". Today we see many aspects of the model in other psychological models.

Sigmund Freud from Vienna combined the "hard-science" medicine with a "soft" arts and mythology of hypnosis and created psychoanalysis. His model starts with a wild, primitive, uncontrolled Eid full of sexual, aggressive, hateful, rebel forces and, in addition to the Id Freud postulated the existence of two other entities - it is informed, which makes a "principle of reality", affecting the Eid in an attempt to limit its wild primitive promptings, and superego. Then, when the superego is more and more programmed rules adopted home, in the culture, society, work, etc., it has increasingly limited the irrational and totally selfish inner Id. According to Freud and the psychoanalyst (and even neoanalitikam), psychology must be a "science of the unconscious".

John Watson and bihevioristy held the other opinion. They assumed that in terms of building a scientific psychology of the inner "black box" "reason" and "consciousness" is of no importance. Therefore, they sent in another psychology course. They defined psychology as "the science of behavior". Becoming more and more influential in the 1920's, 1930, 1940's and 1950's, behaviourism and learning theory to promote the theory of subjective human experience, built on the principle of "stimulus - reaction".

Theory "stimulus - reaction" tried to explain the operation of rights solely in terms of conditional reflexes. "This stimulus causes this reaction". "This is a digestive disorder is the result of such a specific conditional reflex, produced then". This model is based primarily on the work of Russian scientist Pavlov only two individuals effectively promote: John Watson in the early and BF Skinner in the middle of XX century. Miller, haberdashery and Pribram (Miller, Galanter, & Pribram, 1960) write:

"Sir Charles Sherrington and Ivan Petrovich Pavlov - two people who probably most responsible for the approval to look at human psychology as a set of reflexes, such as" stimulus - response "".HYPNOSIS