Saturday, April 25, 2009



Some might say that this is only my reality and be human. My mind was not totally clean, so that it does distort. To avoid possible mistakes, I write only about that, take crystal clear. So, what I doubt, do not write. Ask only the questions for themselves and for the reader.

To be more truthful, logical and generally conform to reality, I suggest not to rely on history, credibility and the media. But to rely on their own life experiences.
Chapter 1. History, media and investors.

On the history of the world, our country, we know from the books. Books are written. Sometimes they are mistaken or deliberately distort the facts, as they benefit. Given that it was not a new millennium (and historical books and authors, respectively, and the enumerators were also at least a few thousand), one can only guess how many such errors are accumulated.

The most powerful authority over the people by those who shape their world view. People with a slave world agree to be slaves. Togo, who from birth free from dogmas, it is impossible to get to kill other people for other people's ideals. Today the outlook is formed mostly through the media.

Who controls the media, he controls the world.

History - it is part of our worldview. If people think that throughout history it states will pass from hand to hand, that people agree to accept the laws of this state. If people think that he lives in a great power, the pride and patriotism of every inhabitant of this state will make invincible. Therefore, each war has ended rewrite history won state - otherwise people will always try to get out from under the yoke.

The authority - these are people whose opinion is considered to be true. Given the number of errors committed mankind (once there is a death, violence, war and misery, then, there were errors), you can be sure that each authority has committed at least one error (or the one who wrote down his words and misunderstood). If there is likely to be wrong, you should verify all claims of all authority. Even the Bible and other sacred and historical books.

Now you understand why I suggest not to rely on the media, the history and credibility?

Let's just trust what we see and feel!

Even what we see on TV, we have shown. Show those to whom it is profitable and that they are profitable. It may even be the truth, but it's very lopsided. For example, in my life I have never seen so much violence, evil, perversion and deceit, but rather show it on TV and write in the "yellow" press.

And we see very little. For breakfast we perekidyvaemsya pair of words with family members, on the way to work bezkonechny see the stream of cars and moody people at work with colleagues babble, walk on the Internet, the main loop, and the home TV. Sometimes "attach soul" with friends. This is not at all, but this is typical, that is the majority.

Here is a fact that we see, we try to lay down accurate picture of the world. Look around! What do you see?