Wednesday, April 29, 2009

There is no real choice.

There is no real choice.

Trust, in spite of the fact that the system does not choose or using special tricks to make a choice prevents, restricts it.

This does not, we have chosen, where born: at home or in a maternity hospital, this system has destroyed the tradition of home births and births delivered at the conveyor. This system determines what we feed, how to bring up, where and what to study, whom to work, where to live, which read, watch how many wake up, how much work, how to earn ...

True there is no choice. The system creates the illusion of choice. You can choose to work, but choose the "no work" we can not. We can choose an apartment, but choose to live anywhere in the world, we can not. We can choose what to buy for dinner, but we can not choose a fresh, natural, environmentally friendly products.

I see three ways:

1. You can dedicate a part of life is to earn enough money to balance life does not work, to live in nature, eat live food and do just what the soul desires.

But for this first part of the life you want to live under the laws of the system. To live in the city, breathe, drink and eat so that the proposed system. You need to spend time living on the earn money, the creation of influence, a career. In addition, forces and resources needed to survive all this time in the system.

Money - it is one of the mechanisms of the system, which makes people dependent on it. Those who devote polzhizni system designed for independence from it in the future, the risk is not seen as the "forgotten" this goal.

The longer resign ourselves to the system, the less power, bravery and courage. Meanwhile, more zatsepok that are not released "disenthrall". For example, money and other accumulated in the system (but belonging to it) resources, public opinion, legislation and restrictions in their own mind (fear, mistaken beliefs, distorted view of reality).

2. The second way - so stop fighting for status, position, influence on the system, but remain dependent on it. Such people are called scum system. They do not have money to exist in the system, and there is nothing else to live without it.

3. The third way - to leave the system. How can I do?

To answer this question from a materialistic vision of the world is not enough. This one-sided view. It compels us to watch a system that denies the divine origin of the world and man.

But in this book will try to avoid any esoteric discourse. Not because they deny, but because every esoteric material is incorporated. This is from our material world, and we will start to fly. As the saying goes: "Feet on the ground, and head in the sky".

Thus, the system will deny the divine origin of the world and man. And in general the ability of any rights that go beyond the ordinary. Despite the fact that ...

* The people themselves get rid of incurable diseases, starving for 40 days, do not drink for weeks, gave birth at home, go naked for hours on the snow ... - official medicine closing our eyes.
* Children learn in one year the whole school curriculum, in the ordinary children open gifts, lagging in the development of children become creative and exceed normal children ... - formal education pretending that it does not exist.
* Tens of thousands of summer residents produce excellent yields without perekopki land, there is a whole collective and private farms, which for many years did not use chemical fertilizers, and soil and crops to grow each year ... - chemical industry and agricultural science is ignored.

I wish to notice that the reason people do not (which they bad, harmful or selfish), but in their awareness. But consciousness deliberately reduces system. Because there can be only if a person is restricted in its ability. To ensure it passes through a (maternity hospital, a kindergarten, school, university, army) of every person to close the ability of people to convince him of his own helplessness and dependence on the system.

If a person from the moment the idea came from the parents about it, to protect against the influence of the system, surround it atmosphere of love, understanding and creativity and enable him to live on their own, it will grow God-man, the son of God.

* A wise and loving.
* A strong and healthy.
* The invincible and insubordinate.
* Happy and carries joy.

One such man is enough to change the entire world. To become father and mother of the child, you should get out of the system itself.

If you dyed materialistic, but want to be free, this way, sooner or later, open your eyes to the fact that there are far more subtle and wise laws of the universe, rather than those that restrict myself to modern man.

To exit the system, you'll need:

1. understand the system and its laws.
2. start using the system resources for the benefit of themselves and others.
3. create resources that will live, regardless of the system.
4. change the system by changing the attitudes of its participants.

We'll talk about all this in detail. But the first step - awareness. Therefore continue.