Sunday, April 19, 2009

What does your sickness?

What does your sickness?

Whatever the symptoms of your illness, there are six stages in order to understand what message is trying to convey to you your body, so that you can take the correct action. Sit on a chair, get into the hands of a notebook and pen to your main "I" realized: you are quite serious.

Do not blame yourself for being sick, and so no longer wishes to upbraid himself for it. Take responsibility for your illness, believe that there is sufficient reason, and welcomes the opportunity to learn something and you grow spiritually.

(On the other hand, one can not praise the illness as a learning process, otherwise you can get used to it and begin to ache constantly).

First, a "body language". What metaphor uses your body? From what chakras connected sore? What is your body is a symbolic way? What are the events of your life that this could be related? Well, all thoughtful and check where delivers click-tip.

Secondly, what you have received benefits from this disease? Be honest in front of you. Maybe you'll be able to have a rest day or two, or you will get love and support from their relatives or excuse, which will help you avoid unpleasant, or difficult decisions?

Or is it a way to justify their failure, or you want to punish someone, or you'll be able to spare himself? Maybe you are talking to someone "no"? If so, it is impossible to have these advantages over a healthy and positive way?

And thirdly, what are your expectations UNFULFILLED or suppressed emotions, which you so thoroughly ignored? What emotion is trying to express your internal Son? Sadness? Outrage? Fear? Woe? Love? What wasted trying to draw attention to the needs of your main "I"?

The need for warmth and affection? Need more often in the fresh air and exercise? The need to eat fresh salads and fruits? Need to release the creative forces? The need to feel that you need someone? The need to be recognized?

Need to get the challenges of life? Need more fun and relax? How do get that you do not love and cherishes himself?

And fourthly, what are the negative belief or attitude that fueled the disease and caused its development? How do you programmed your body to be sick? For example, "I have always prostuzhayus winter", "now lie with the flu", "We have a family of hereditary heart disease", "I am always sick after Chinese cuisine", "We can not wait for good health, when you start to age". Beliefs such as these, where a dangerous virus!

In the nineteenth century, one doctor has swallowed a bottle with active cholera bacteria just to demonstrate - and successful! - That a healthy body or where there is a victim of infection and disease. No viruses make us sick, but we do! Of course, the physiological factor is to be, but it will not be enough to cause disease.

In Britain, there is a great way to program themselves for the disease. It is a system of private insurance. In the end, you have to declare your primary "I": "I do not believe that will stay healthy. One day I will fall ill ".

Your body is ready to cooperate with you. And you do this to convince yourself that you can not spend money unnecessarily. In which case you otvezut in an expensive hospital, you will make a costly operation and, if needed, will be a long time to treat the most expensive drugs. But the high price you have to recoup their costs money!

Health insurance is based on fear and on the separation of you from your main "I". It is easier and cheaper to change their beliefs: to see in his body of his friend and decide to stay healthy! (It is sad, "health education" simply distributes the fear and negative beliefs, thus contributing to the increase in incidence).

In the fifth, ask yourself what actions you should take. What is the lesson you must learn, and how do you prove that it learned? To understand the message of your body - is not all. This is a waste of time if you do not then act.

May seem obvious, but personally, I have received a message from the body (for example: "spend more time in nature", "Drink more water", "Find a new creative and artistic hobby", still waiting for about a year or more before to action, and only after the body has given me such help.

And finally: focus on health, rather than the disease. See yourself in full health. We get it, than to concentrate. The more we think about disease and its symptoms, the greater the likelihood that we will create. Most importantly, take the decision to recover.

Please note: children and animals very fine sense of energy surrounding them. They are often sick in response to stress and conflict in the house. So if your dog fetches or it starts to be afraid of space, should ask themselves, not whether such a state of the animal to your mirror?

However, if a child dies of leukemia, it does not mean that you twist your hands because of feelings of guilt, because this reality has created for himself a child. Even as about a hundred souls, but your child has signed a contract to die at the tender age, but you had a contract to have the experience of losing their own child. The same can be said of the disabled child. There is nobody to blame here - you simply chose each other.