Sunday, April 19, 2009

Why are we ill?

Why are we ill?

Our natural state - to shine health and life force. If our body is not healthy, it means that somewhere there is blocking or imbalance in our energy system. This also means that we do not love and cherish not in itself sufficient, we block their emotions and needs, or hold negative or limited beliefs, or simply afraid to ask what we want.

More often than not, poor health is a sign of our suppressed emotions. After all, if we refuse to feel their anger, sorrow, sadness or fear, which may send these feelings? They are stored in the body, along with the thoughts and experiences, which bolster these feelings. As a result, energy can not flow freely through the body, there are symptoms of the disease, that we, therefore, turned their attention to unresolved problems.

The disease can also be a response to negative beliefs and attitudes. What would you say or may think, your body listens to everything and, like a trusting innocent child, it is you believe. So, if you think: "The work will kill me". "He sits on my neck", "Now I have just begin migraine" or "I always cling any pestiferous", can be sure that your main "I" has already drawn attention to your thoughts. The result is easy to predict.

When we become ill, this may be one of the indirect ways to get what we want. Benefits for bolevshego rights are clear: a few days in bed, lots of love and compassion, the absence of unwanted communication and responsibilities, free time, which can be used for relaxation. There are less obvious in the titles: the desire to punish their partner or family member, and you can wallow in pity for myself and also have an excellent excuse for failure to comply with the job.

Some of us have learned to sicken precisely when we need care and attention, or when we have to get someone's assessment, or when we need a little rest, or when we are simply angry. But what would we have "won" of the disease, it is important to identify the cause of the disease.

After all, much easier to ask for what you need, make himself a small celebration or a holiday, feel free to meet with his fear, learn to say "no" or something else that you do for your illness.

When I worked as a freelance journalist (I was a little more than twenty), I usually ill when I needed a little rest. Because I really need the money, I worked seven days a week, and get sick, it was the only way to have at least a little breathing room. Gradually I learned to recognize the first "warning signs" that it is time to relax - usually on my neck was beginning to get sick - and took a few vacation days in advance.

And finally, when we are sick (or is happening to us the accident), this may be the way to our Supreme "I" to show us that life goes in a new direction. I have seen countless clients who have refused to change the grim steadfastness and grow for many years, until their Higher "I" is not decided that the only way to "wake" GRT their sleep will make them a serious illness or accident.

This is not always valid, and such a measure - the extreme, but many people can honestly admit that their cancer or a serious accident nearly ended by death, were only a disguised blessing, after which life was "launch" in a delightful new direction, or after that they were free valuable lessons of life.

Some people are unfortunate traumatic experience despite the fact that all the time trying to learn and grow. Usually this is because deep in their hearts, they continue to believe that growth is mainly taking place only through struggle.

It should be recalled that illness and accidents, never - ever - are neither "punishment of God", nor inevitable karmic debt. God - is boundless love. It does not make judgments, he knows that we are trying out all its forces. God lovingly accepts all of our mistakes that we commit on the road to home. Judgments are doing ourselves.

We choose our karma, sometimes punishing himself for the mistakes committed in the other life (without being aware that all life at once, and that we can change the past, or just learn the lesson!). Sometimes we put ourselves through illness or accident, as yet have not learned to love themselves immensely.