Sunday, April 19, 2009

Timeline. Timeline affect the person's identity.

Timeline. Timeline affect the person's identity.

You probably are familiar with oproschikom "Indicator Myers-Briggs types". Man "through time" on Myers-Briggs estimated as "-oriented judgments". "Oriented discussion" "through time" loves organization. He will do something step by step. He loves a procedure. The time he has always operated on a conscious level. You can be sure that people "through time" comes to the meeting on time. So people like pocket calendars, and they have them with him. Man "through time" likes goals and regularly asks them. He needs to be closed. Man "through time" would say: "Let's solve it now and will continue to operate".

Man "through time" on Myers-Briggs estimated as "-oriented judgments". Man "time" compares to Myers-Briggs with "perceptual-oriented" type.

Man "time" compares to Myers-Briggs with "perceptual-oriented" type. Remember that if any part of the line time is a man behind him, he lives "Time". Past human "time" is usually located behind him. On the other hand, people "through time" see the past in front of you (usually the left). Therefore, the past can haunt rights "through time" is stronger than man "Time". Both of these in its own value.

However, people "time" is experiencing difficulty with the release of emotions. Unlike human "through time", people "time" is inclined to associate with their memories. Such people look at the past with his own eyes. Therefore, they feel the past as if it happened now. For people "time" job on the line time is a happy finding. It allows them to dissociate from their past, make refreyming problem and get rid of emotion.

According to Myers-Briggs, people "time" is evaluated as perceptual-oriented. Organization is not property rights "Time". He lives now, enjoying the moment. Because of the fact that people "time" live now, they are good lovers. Time does not seem important to them. On the other hand, people "through time" can have difficulty living now. Past and future rights "through time", as now, there is always the present. Remember that the time line of human "through time" always sits in front of him.

Man "time" has always lived by this and wants to enjoy them now. Favorite expression of human "time" can be "soon be here". Living in a state of constant association, people "time" can each week to experience different problems. When he wants, people "time" can remember, and again to experience any memory or state. People "time" are experiencing difficulties with a sense of time and are difficult to come to the meeting on time. Due to the fact that they are present, they can forget about the next meeting. Diaries and lists of cases are of little importance to the people "Time". They can use them in your life, but do not expect that they will enjoy them. Upon understanding the perceptual-oriented type, they act oppositely oriented judgments people. Man "time" does not want immediate solutions to all problems, he wants the options were open. People "time" prisposabl ivayutsya to a life that is.

Can anyone act, combining the characteristics and rights "through time", and the man "time"? Yes, most definitely can. In different contexts, you can take both forms of behavior. The purpose of NLP is to increase choice. Some people benefit from operating in both modes of time.

Sometimes you will encounter people who have difficulty with access to single memory. This may be due to the fact that similar memories are grouped together. Although I can not justify this research, psychotherapy, my experience shows me that the phenomenon exists. Ill-treatment, suffering, misfortune, etc. create a human form of undesirable behavior, such as depression, panic attacks, anxiety disorder, etc.

For example, the case, that someone reminded you meaningful to you and thus you start changing, leading to an undesirable state? This happened even though you know that this is not the person who initially affect your condition. The fact that the stranger resembled meaningful to you the other person, run Gestalt memories of this man. This association of memories and makes the work on the time of its force. Memories are the result of personal stories.