Friday, April 17, 2009

Then the NLP improvement model and created TOTE "strategy"

Then the NLP improvement model and created TOTE "strategy"

The creators of NLP strategies developed their model based on the model TOTE (Test-Operate-Test-Exi-Check-Action-Test-Exit), proposed by cognitive psychologists Miller, pointer and Pribramom as a better and improved version of the old model "stimulus - response" . TOTE model provided the basic format of the description of specific sequences of behaviors as sequences of actions, which are combined in a functional unit of behavior, usually not reaching the threshold of awareness.

In developing a model of mental strategies, Dilts, Bendler, Grinder and Deloze tied it with a template TOTE. In doing so, they have improved and expanded TOTE so that it included the discovery of the elements of subjective experience: sensory representation system submodalnosti keys visual access linguistic predicates, etc. Using these elements, people can learn to unpack unconscious strategy to implement the elements yakorenie friend themselves, perform refreyming their values and, therefore, to develop and build strategy. They thought that it would be a clearly articulated model simulation skill.

The developers of NLP have improved TOTE model, defining how we carry out checks and action in terms of a representative system and submodalnostey. Another improvement was the assertion that the verification conditions and the stage of action being implemented with the participation of a representative system. It is possible to develop better ways to work with TOTE.

In this model may be stored within the verification of two or created representations. It can include screening intensity, size, color representation, etc. To exit the program may require that certain feeling, sound or image reached a certain threshold.

Moreover, usually a representative system, we prefer more than others and can use their preferred representative system in carrying out inspections and actions, even if it does not work very well and creates difficulties and limitations. This improved model shows that the efficiency is often linked to bring a representative to the education system in compliance with the assignment (ie, visual representative system - teaching spelling, audialnoy - music assignment). In fact, the purpose of TOTE and analysis of representative systems initially involves finding the most appropriate representative system for implementing the steps that lead to the desired result. So we can learn to use all of our representative system as a learning resource and action.

The purpose of TOTE and analysis of representative systems initially involves finding the most appropriate representative system for implementing the steps that lead to the desired result.