Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sixth Sense.

Sixth Sense.

Several of the recommendations.

You can print out a memo, and address them during the day. Be prepared for what in the main part of daily exercises and training methods will be more.

To make your intuitive discovery, interesting points are not erased from memory, I recommend you make bloknotik where you will record everything that happens.

The teacher said: "Burn! Regardless of the fact that it is - a letter, diary, or just some notes that you do, when talking on the phone - write! In the letter, we are closer to God and others. If you want to better understand its role in world record. Try to put his life in line, even if no one read - or worse, if someone reads what you do not want it to be read. The mere letter helps us to organize their thoughts and see more clearly that our environment. The paper and pen work their magic - they help the pain, make dreams are achievable and lost hope. I call on the force. " (Paulo Coelho)

Some exercises may seem you are not very smart, but try to implement most of the proposed methods. Indeed, the most uninteresting or wrong type of exercise may subsequently become the most popular. Some techniques and exercises require a detailed description of the long, others are so clear that you have a couple of lines to explain their meaning.

We start with some simple exercises, they will gradually thicken, but not much. I wish you luck and success in training!

So, begin!

Daily training: a job in the morning, during the evening.

Not be an exaggeration to say that at any time, in any environment, we can make a check of validity of their intuition. Let's start with phone calls at work and at home, when the distributed call, try to quickly answer the following questions: call a man or a woman? This is a normal call or a call from a person with whom you have not talked, or maybe it is a call from a stranger to you man?

Write down your intuitive expectations of the weather for several days in advance.

Write down all the nuances of your expectations. Check with your predictions and actual events.

Before leaving the porch ask yourself the question: who first meet, male or female? Give the answer and go out into the street.

At a stop of transport need to ask yourself: what bus (trolley bus, taxi) will come next? What about a flight number and wait for the bus.

At work: if you are at work involved in the negotiations, if a conversation with the Chief, Tax, etc. Ask yourself the question: how climate change, which will be an emotional situation, what would be the outcome. Expectations from the negotiations, pre-write in your notebook. Try to write down all the user as detailed as possible, and then check that out in reality.

Evening setting.

Before we consciously seek to intuition, we must move to a state when we are calm and able to capture the most subtle signs of our surroundings and inner peace. Exercise with a candle to achieve inner calm and prepare to receive intuitive information.

Create a quiet pleasant atmosphere: light the incense and candle. 3-5 minutes of quiet steady eyes looking at a candle. In the future, to receive intuitive information is better begin after meditating on a candle. Observation of flame candle soothes and prepares to work with intuition.

This simple exercise with the mind is very important in many esoteric practices. Give it enough attention. During the main part of the course you will learn what is useful to carry out the practice of breathing during the night setting. In addition, you will be given to methods of working with mezhbrovnym center.

Little homework:

Think for a minimum of one drill, similar to the above, for the daily training of intuition. Start using it in the near future. Results Record in bloknotik.

How does it work?

Even in the case of introductory exercises noticeable that the proposed exercises are easy enough to implement. Sometimes such simplicity confusing skeptics somebody. I even noticed that many people tend to complicate the expectations of the work on intuition, thinking that the development could lead only to sophisticated techniques. These techniques will also be in our training, but are not in the level of complexity or simplicity.

So how does it work?

First, the most important - is the practice. Secondly, during the course each day you will receive a large number of exercises. There is the so-called "pumping" of new knowledge and - more importantly - the skills.

I read that one company to train people who want to go further along the path of psychological counseling, but do not exactly know what specialty to choose. Within a few weeks of training cadets gave information which, in principle, be completely been almost impossible. In the process of teaching students filtered the fact that he was not interested, and this happens automatically, because all the information learned has been very difficult. As a result, after learning students leaving with a precise understanding of what it needs.

In this sense, intuition training "Sixth Sense" is similar to the above method of learning. The material from the training exercises is provided in a surplus, and as a result, you choose those activities that are close to your nature. A constant work, daily skills leads to a breakthrough. Such a breakthrough may come in a few days or even weeks of daily lessons. But he will sooner or later is required.HYPNOSIS