Wednesday, April 29, 2009



Under the suggestion implicit transfer of information with the introduction of the prisoners in the ideas without any critical evaluation and logical processing of the proposed. That suggestion worked, and not a conscious choice speaks purely emotional reaction to the slightest attempt to discuss the "cherished truth, all contrary to it is rejected with the sill, and the more compelling arguments, the more resentment.

Methods used suggestion:

- To block an undesirable behavior or thinking;

- To bring the individual to the desired action;

for the rapid dissemination of useful information and relevant news.

Good suggestion vulnerable, those who:

- Show a weak personality (shy, shy, shy);

- Uncritically accept the other (naive, trusting);

tend to depend on others (looking for a host, only Complaisant).

Easily suggestible those who:

- Have business activity (vigorous and proactive);

- A strong personality (as well as proud and arrogant);

- A contrast to other (closed and sullen);

- Only to show their feelings (eccentric and frank);

does not depend on others, but rather have someone in their addiction.

Contribute to a suggestion:

- Lack of or inconsistency of the current emergency information;

- Very authoritative (as a living, and hardcopy) and in doing so "the" source;

- Internal feeling of dependence;

- Strong psychophysical exhaustion and overwork the facility;

- A sort of psychological stress (anger, ecstasy, fear, find a solution to the difficult situation);

- Clear the desirability or pleasantness inspires;

- Rigid categorical statements and claims;

- Shock unexpected message;

- Frequency of plant on the information;

- The absolute consistency and a very special emotion reported;

- Some diseases, and especially personality (psychopathic, impotence, weakness of logical thinking, superstitious, drug addiction).

A suggestion has been sometimes hampered by the specific internal barriers, such as:

- Critical-logical (otverganie all, it seems logically unfounded);

- User-affective (otmetanie anything that does not cause subconscious trust or confidence);

- Ethics (the rejection of what is contrary to moral and ethic identity).

Overcoming barriers meant only able podstraivanie under them.

Thus, for exposure to persons with low intelligence, the right suggestion to combine better with stronger negative emotions, as if he quite intelligently or knowingly suggestibility - the use of positive emotions.

In the case where the object is suppressed, or too uncertain of himself, to perform emotional suggestion imperious tone with facial expressions and gestures, process repeated several times sharp, short, like "ram" phrase.

If the object is too excited and greatly concerned about, then give soothing tone, repeated several times with the use of soft, lulling, long phrases.

Main - did not cause the slightest caution, but the charm and seemed to zavorozhit person.

When a person redundant vanity, then it makes sense to "attack" his love, unrestrainedly rashvalivaya and giving compliments to facilitate the presentation of an object on its significance, in parallel, indirectly, able to inspire the necessary ideas.

Since the effective instillation due to sub promising is the attempt to awaken the human imagination, which, however, immersed in himself, so that the line between consciousness and sub blurred. Psyche in such a case becomes pliable to all the changes and to accept any risk. On entry into this state of relaxation a person speaks with fully discharged and stood eye.

Best practices skilful suggestion offers a neurolinguistic programming (NLP).

In some situations, using Behind the surrounding subliminal suggestion, which is whisper quiet, nevosprinimaemym consciousness of the object.

Excellent channel of the desired serving suggestion carefully selected rumors about which can be obtained in the section is about getting information. Here is the fact that podslushannye or incidentally captured ideas often stronger than those that are imposed directly.