Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Psychotherapeutic intervention with the use of submodalnostey. I. Exercise to study submodalnostey

Psychotherapeutic intervention with the use of submodalnostey


I. Exercise to study submodalnostey

(performed in a group of three people)

Take one submodalnosti from the above list and use them to change the experience (experience principal level) as a joint study. Before we move on to another submodalnosti briefly share their feelings with each other. I advise you to choose the visual submodalnost, such as position, size and / or brightness. If you are going to work with metaurovnevymi experiences, the process can not work. If it works, pay particular attention to what the quality submodalnosti work. Then explore it using metaurovnevogo analysis. What is the idea of a higher resource level (metasostoyanie) causes a shift emotions?

Change only one submodalnost at a time, to discover how its changes affect the experience. It should be for the environment! This activity is arranged in such a way that leads you only to the study submodalnostey. We move to intervene at a later date for additional exercises. If the shift is the unpleasant sensation or lead to the protest have been attributed to it with respect and explore some other submodalnost. Please note the following:

Environment - caring about the harmony in itself, as well as the relationship between themselves and the environment or system.

1. Moved there, along with the submodalnostyu any others?

2. Does that intensity or quality of your senses?

3. Ask yourself: "In what context this shift submodalnosti could lead to more productive behavior?" "How can I use it to make their lives better?"

4. In addition to visual, try some audialnye and kinesteticheskie (tactile [external] and proprioceptive [internal]) features.HYPNOSIS