Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A few words about the money.

A few words about the money.

Traditionally, people standing on the spiritual path of development, make the distinction between material and spiritual goals, but such a view assumes a crack between matter and spirit. If all the current has the spark of creative sources, the pumpkin is as spiritual as a priest, and credit card is as spiritual as a candle. Each dream is a dream of spiritual-God (Goddess) the essence of everything!

Money is just energy, which reflects our beliefs about the abundance of the universe, and defines how "earned" we believe ourselves. The world does not exist a strictly limited amount of money. As any economist can attest, the money magically expanded in accordance with the level of confidence of people.

When we collectively feel that abides in abundance, the economy is well kept afloat. When we collectively feel the fear and limitations, the economy begins to catastrophically sink.

Does this mean that to be rich - more spiritual than being poor? Of course not. But if you are poor, it does not add to your spirituality. If poor people were spiritual, why would we then troubled world poverty? On the contrary, poverty is blocking our spiritual growth because it means that we must focus on basic survival.

Of course, money is not a panacea. They do not guarantee we neither love nor security, but, nevertheless, are some form of authority. If we decide to end his days living in the monastery, we must have money. Moreover, a sufficient number of them, if we want to change, grow and bring light to our world.

Although infected batyvanie money - this is one of the ways how to obtain them, however, is the most common method of collecting, to which we are accustomed. It is also a symbol of how we value ourselves, how much, in our opinion, "stand" ourselves to what extent we take responsibility for their lives and how much strength and energy we can afford to spend.

The best is that the more money we earn, the more we can give. Every time I spend money, I remind myself that this contribution to introduce someone else's prosperity, and then imagine what would be great pleasure to sign the checks to charity or to make gifts to his surprise his friends, or helping someone carry out him a Sword!

By themselves, the money - a meaningless goal, but when we earn them, in order to create a personal or a global dream, to carry out the work of their lives, money, becoming the essence of the ultimate goal.

We must discard the idea of Old Age that money - the evil, and that much more puritanical vseotritsayuschim be a martyr. When entering a new era, we must open up to infinity and abundance. It's time to live in accordance with their dreams and help others to implement their dream. Money, like joy, love and courage - are also a form of energy. We can discover this boundless energy. It is free to run for our lives, and can be locked. The choice is up to us.

We bless those who live in wealth, rather than condemn them, and do not envy them, we are attracted by the prosperity in their own lives so that we were also able to create their dream, to fulfill its ultimate goal and to live easy and happy in this world.