Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It is important to reflect on the work.

It is important to reflect on the work.

Whatever your work - whether you homoeopath, a systems analyst, mail address or username Gardens - the most important time in your working week is (or should be) that you devote your ideas. If you are eligible to work in creative and innovative ideas, it is fascinating and helps us grow spiritually through joy rather than through struggle.

When I worked in health care, I put in my diary page "council ideas", which writes the following: I had the time, what aspects of work interested me most of all, how can I improve my work or use time more effectively, as well as how to change the health care system to improve mental health.

Depending on your profession, you can also keep a diary of his "board ideas", in considering new ways of marketing, new services, which you can propose to restructure their working day, time to reorganize, making the work more fun, or as a new resolve problem, which is "eats" you have long days.

You can also come to the conclusion that it is time to begin a new career or to do the courses to enhance skills. Constant maintenance of such pages to help you reach your "left" side, as well as learn to listen to the whisper of the Spirit.

To create a "council of ideas", you should take a notebook, pen and go, for example, to the nearest park, to church, garden or any other place where you will not be disturbed. Pay attention to where and when you feel the most inspiration.

(If the most clever ideas coming to you in the bathroom or during long walks in nature, this means that the hours you have The main value. Make sure that at this time you have at hand a notebook and pen). Tune in unison with the Spirit, then ask for inspiration about what you should change in their work (for example), or what you have projects and ideas for the future, or that you need to make your work more efficient or more fun .

Write down all the thoughts that come to you in the head, even if some of them seem scandalous and outrageous about a hundred. Such "crazy" sometimes the best ideas! (I once met with a torn woman who worked the city solicitor who agreed to become an artist, landscape, and this despite the fact that it was not for the hand was taken from school! Two years later, she had to earn a living pictures, and soon moved to live in an idyllic village in Wales).

After the first "Board Ideas" review their records, decide which ideas should be given special attention, and prepare for action.

Many of us grew up with the already prevailing puritanical and short-sighted notion that work - work that is, not razgibayas, to wear. According to my experience I can say that personally I work best when I was in the balance and make long walks in nature. If I fully immersed in their case, the rare use the time efficiently, and these days I am almost there is no fresh ideas. Our susceptive listening "left" side is no less important than the active and productive "right".

Brenda Uland said that inspiration comes slowly and gradually. It is required that it calls the "idle discourse": the long hours of idleness and lodyrnichanya. "Those people who are constantly busy with something and stay in the eternal, and vanity cases, resemble valsiruyuschih myshat. All their ideas are small, short, both in pace "staccato", - she said. - They are not big and slow ideas ". When we constantly somewhere rvemsya, trying to implement something, we are limited to the "right" side.

Mahatma Gandhi himself tkal myself clothes. I am confident that this class (which is not reflected in its political significance), providing him an opportunity to "idly speculate about the work". Your time for such reflection can be used as follows: just lie in bed, go on walks, decorate his house, playing croquet, to travel, do gardening, watching "soap" soap operas on television, of course, only you can determine at the time of of the classes you will "idly ponder", thus providing opportunities to engage its "left" side. Maybe someone is engaging, in contrast, cause restlessness, anxiety, for the time spent in vain, and yet so much has been done!
Workaholic scornfully refer to this kind of thinking. For such a "luxury" they do not have time. Workaholic - timid, poor people, full of despair, which proglyadyvaetsya even when the surface communicating with them. They work - this is care, rather than joy. Those who truly loves his work, by contrast, is very joyful, open, playful, they seem slow, but at the same time, even passionate. They can stop and rest at any time - and they adore "lazily and idly ponder"!